Mental and physical well being interr... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Mental and physical well being interrelated

4 Replies

I think for many of us mental and physical well being is very much interrelated , I have found out anytime I undergo any physical trauma or illness my mental well-being also takes a hit, While young I had 4 spontaneous miscarriages and during which time I got no support from anyone, all my mother and sisters said was so what, this happens.I had no one to share my trauma with , many people even laughed at me and shamed me like my in laws, they said maybe I should sleep less with my husband, disgusting comments , they gave.I was very sad and so I joined a online support for women who have miscarriages, it was these women and not my mother, or my sister or my husband who gave me hope and helped me heal

4 Replies
Turnipgirl profile image

Yes physical and mental well being is extremely interrelated!

May last year I got evicted from a place I wasn't happy at and I personally feel it's too much of a happy accident that my ibs has gone into remission since that happened!

fauxartist profile image

It's unconscionable why anyone, especially a family member, would be so cruel about such a traumatic thing to have happened to you... I'm so sorry. I am glad you found a support group, and you know that wasn't a normal response from your family...and you were very hurt, again I'm speechless they would have said something like that to you...but sadly, many of us here can relate to that kind of cruelty and emotional abandonment... I'm glad your sharing.

JDinFL profile image

Super Bowl Sunday I had a fall thru the 2nd story balcony, to the roof below it, of which i skidded down and took about another 8 foot drop to the ground below. I shattered and dislocated my ankle, fractured 2 vertebrae in my back.

2 surgeries and 10 weeks of no weight, no driving, no working and not being able to do practically anything at home alone definitely took a mental toll - 6 weeks of that time my fiance's 8 yr old special needs was with me. I went back into therapy just to not lose the little I had left.

Went back to an anti-depressant, seriously considering going back to a mood stabilizer.

I've also had sever stress bring the shingles out - they are very much entwined in both directions.

Pastafox profile image

Hi Blueberry07 am sorry for your losses and mental pain u suffered as a result we may think alike it doesn't mean we feel the same Being male I would have never been through what you in that way but I know alot about loss am glad you found that group they are sisters beautiful flowers stay safe sister Bright blessings...

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