...and I don't know what to do because I'm on 8 different medications. I got a letter in the mail saying that they "didn't receive confirmation of your ongoing medically frail condition from your health plan", that there was a "failure to provide all required information" and that we failed to cooperate in "verifying income."
I don't know what happened because I had my son fill out the forms for me. He said he gave them everything they asked for. I don't have any faith in Family and Social Services because they don't really give a damn about truly helping people. They're just another heartless bureaucratic entity, as far as I'm concerned.
I'm so sick of the American health care system. The doctors and nurses are great, but the insurance companies and politicians who take donations from them, which are really legalized bribes, don't give a damn about the average person with health issues.
It's not my fault I have complex PTSD, agoraphobia, and claustrophobia. I hate American society, now. It feels like the people in charge just don't give a damn about anyone but themselves. I am in pain every day and all I do is work to manage it. I'm so tired of the heartlessness of it all.