Went out with a church family friend. Went well, paid attention to her despite the background sounds, but was still focused on the people that were sitting in the seats behind me and in front of me. Do you think they noticed my body movements responding to their own?
Went out to Dairy Queen with Church F... - Anxiety and Depre...
Went out to Dairy Queen with Church Family Member.
Did they say something because if they didn’t it’s okay. They probably didn’t notice x
No one said anything, but then again would they really? Probably not.
I agree with Vonus I bet no one noticed anything off. Do you mirror their movements, like do the same movements as you see they are doing? I’m just trying to understand. Even if you do, they wouldn’t notice I don’t think.
I love that you got out! I would be looking to see what kind of icecream you ordered. I do admit to doing that. I always want to see if someone got something better.
I like a blizzard, chocolate ice cream and reeces cups. What did you get
OMG - I'm so proud of you!!! Well done - it must have taken a lot of courage, and I'm so glad it went well. Hopefully this experience will give you the courage to take more chances. No, I don't think anyone noticed anything about you - they would have been too concerned with themselves. To be quite honest, they were all probably worried about what other people were thinking of them!!! Well done, again!!!
Well done for getting out Eric, keep it up.
People probably didn't notice, I've said before that folk have very short memories when they are among friends, and even if they did notice, it would only be for a fraction of a moment, and they would be distracted by what their friend was talking about.
When they are with friends people get 'Oooh, Shiny!' and go off at a tangent.
Cheers, Midori