I have been waking up with panic attacks every morning. I take .5mg of Klonopin twice a day. I'm really trying to ween off of the Klonopin but haven't had any success. Any suggestions?
Waking up with panic attacks. - Anxiety and Depre...
Waking up with panic attacks.

You have described me, and I have the same routine. I understand not wanting to need that, but I am also grateful when it works. You are taking 1 gram a day and that is a reasonable amount. Wish we could call each when we awaken.
You could give yourself a minute to see if the post-sleep panic passes. You could develop the habit if leaving the house soon after waking and walk to the nearest place for getting coffee (or something you like) . Exercise and getting out of the house will help.
First and foremost, welcome to this website.
Second, I think the obvious/helpful question to ask is who prescribes you your meds? (Is it your doc or psych?)
For me, I know what it's like to be on benzos. I've been on them for 22+ years.
I know that coming off of meds isn't the easiest thing in the world, (especially benzos) but it can be done.
First and foremost, whatever you do - please do not try stopping them cold turkey. Unlike other things to stop in life, cold turkey is not the way to go with benzos.
Before I go on, please keep in mind that everybody reacts differently to meds, and this includes coming off of them.
With all that said, there's usually 3 ways of coming off benzos that are the safest.
1 - Tapering. (I'll get to this in a sec)
2 - Substituting. (This is why I asked you earlier about who prescribes your meds, and he/she will know what to possibly substitute with - which might be a different med for a while, and then you come off of that)
3 - A combo of both above.
The most common way is tapering, but that needs to be done under your advice supervision of your doc/psych.
If you can't properly taper, then hopefully your doc/psych will be able to substitute with something that you are comfortable doing.
But (again) please do not do it cold turkey, and please follow your doc/psych's advice.
& I wish you nothing but the best.
"I have been waking up with panic attacks every morning. I take .5mg of Klonopin twice a day. I'm really trying to ween off of the Klonopin but haven't had any success. Any suggestions?"
*Purposely splitting this into 2 posts*
On a side note.
Is there any particular reason why you want to come off of the Klonopin?
Because, (without knowing your medical history background) it sounds like you were given it for anxiety in the first place.
This might be a reason to "substitute" like I said above to a different med, if you come off of the Klonopin, and onto a different med. (if needed)
Either way, I hope that whatever I typed up in either post was helpful, and that you and your doc/psych can come up with a plan that you are comfortable with.
*Again* I know that this isn't easy thing in the world to do, but we are here.
I just do not want to become addicted to Klonopin. I've read the effects of long term use. And, I feel weak having to take anything. I've also been prescribed Proponolol up to 3 times a day as needed but it doesn't seem to do anything. I also take Lexapro at night before bed. A lot going on. All of this started when I started having back issues. And I know not to go cold turkey. I've experienced that.
And your replies have been very helpful. Anything you could add about being on them for 22 years? Effects/ addiction/ building up a tolerance?
"Anything you could add about being on them for 22 years? Effects/ addiction/ building up a tolerance?"
Everybody reacts differently to medications. Benzos being the same.
Some people can take benzos just fine, some people have issues - or get hooked on them, and some people abuse them.
A lot of this comes down to what your doc/psych and you are comfortable with doing.
A lot of people usually start benzos with an antidepressant at the same time.
Usually their anxiety is very high, and what happens is that they are on a benzo for apx 2 weeks while the Antidepressant is kicking in.
"The goal" is to hopefully get people calm (with the benzo) and then after apx 2 weeks you can possibly taper off the benzo and go with the antidepressant.
^ Most docs/psychs like doing that, and that is the preferred way for most insurance companies as well.
But then there's people like me that have a certain "ceiling dosage" with meds, and need to combo with something else (benzo - and in this case Klonopin).
The perfect scenario (when it comes to meds) is a benzo for a short window, and an antidepressant for as long as that's needed too.
I would recommend The (Heather?) Ashton Manual, my psychiatrist told me to stop taking Lorazapam immediately but after careful consideration I decided on gentle tapering the Ashton way and I am really glad I did. Good luck with what you decide to do.
i have been on it for 25 years. now i take 2mg twice a day. Recently i thought is wasn't working that well so my new psychiatrist switched me to xanax-what a horrible mistake. i also have ibs-c besides post traumatic stress. for over four months have been having the worse ibs flareup even though quickly went back to klonopin. i will stay on it until i die. i never had any side effects. when my former psychiatrist went off medicare, tried two others who would only give antihistamines-what a very sick joke. anxiety went through the roof. I LOVE KLONOPIN.
i had no problem getting off it. i am on zanix now. not as good
they have been trying long term drugs for anxiety but have had too many side affects. I am 78 so i just want to be comfortable and not shake so much. I am going to ask to go back on kloipin. went off cause i thought it was cause of legs swelling. was not the cause i get panic in morns also. i really try to fight through those. they are short. i get anxious because of my breathing. I have serious COPD. they keep trying to give me crap for depression and anxiety. i just want to stay calmer so i can breathe better. do what you feel best. you make your own decisions in regard to your health. Listen to your body.