A couple months back I got offered to do the beginning steps of employment in making passports for the government. I did the the extensive background check and interview.
I was told this would take months to do the background check and even longer for a position to be open.
I am currently working on accounts payable with a company that has brought a lot of stress to me.
In the new job I would get $5 more an hour. The hours would be 3pm-11pm Monday-Friday. I would be working not far from home and save so much on gas.
My problem is that I was comfortable at my current job.
I was stressed from work and then I got the call.
My anxiety got really bad when I was talking to my recruiter. I asked if I could call her back with my answer.
I called one of my family to calm me down and talk me through the good about the new job. I called my recruiter and accepted my new job.
Tomorrow I have to talk to my boss and see if he will give me a raise so that I will stay at my current job.
I hate this...my family member said that I would have nervous stomach from the stress and I do.
I just need the strength to get through the anxiety.