My first post, what do I say - Anxiety and Depre...

Anxiety and Depression Support

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My first post, what do I say

40 Replies

Im new to this site. Over the last couple days, Ive just read some peoples posts and responses were comforting. Im 66, a retired nurse of many decades. I believe Ive always had some anxiety/ depression but camouflaged it in focusing on everyone elses needs. So now I have time to figure out who I am. I have a great life, loving family, hubby, grandkids, animals. I feel guilty for feeling more depressed as I should be happy. I know thats twisted thinking. I do have an appointment to see a psychologist on 7/10. I need to exercise, eat right and get a grip but all I can do is think about it. I made an appointment to join a gym and the morning of the appointment, I cancelled. I was supposed to get a knee replacement in april, I cancelled. I just dont want to do it. But I did reschedule for sept, going to do it as the pain is worse. Doc increased my zoloft from 50mg to 75mg, made go up more. Im hopeful about the therapy appointment. Glad you guys are here.

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40 Replies

Hi and welcome fellow nurse. 😜

in reply to


Missy_D profile image

Welcome to our crazy family x

in reply to Missy_D

I do feel welcome!

Sunnidayz1 profile image
Sunnidayz1 in reply to Missy_D

That's not funny. Society wants to label people with mental illness crazy. You are just perpetuating that theory. Not funny.

Just bc one has anxiety, depression, PTSD, panic does not mean they are crazy. And if u were joking then that was not welcome and inappropriate.

Desertgigi profile image
Desertgigi in reply to Sunnidayz1

That was unnecessary and unkind. Part of getting through all of the things we all deal is having some levity and humor. There is a way to say something about how you feel without being harsh or mean.

Sunnidayz1 profile image
Sunnidayz1 in reply to Desertgigi

I disagree with you. Move on.

ge99 profile image
ge99 in reply to Sunnidayz1

I think you should try to imagine other people in this world who do not think in the same way as you. Everyone is different and so are you, and we can't all be politically correct all the time, that would mean that we are all perfect and we are not. Flexibility of thought is one of the main targets to achieve when you are feeling low or anxious. Rigid thinking about people, places or ways of expressing thought is going to hold anyone back from feeling better. Relax dont take things so personally, you are one of many here on this forum who wants to get better, so take from this what will help you most.

Sunnidayz1 profile image
Sunnidayz1 in reply to ge99

Thats my point!

Missy_D profile image
Missy_D in reply to Sunnidayz1

Perhaps you should move on! It was meant lightheartedly and it seems that you are the only one that has a problem with it.

Sunnidayz1 profile image
Sunnidayz1 in reply to Missy_D

My point was that it's not taken lighthearted on a site like this. This is a support group site not Facebook.

People dont want to get involved.

Missy_D profile image
Missy_D in reply to Sunnidayz1

If people (and I take it to mean you) don't want to get involved then don't reply. My comment got liked and you are the only one who has a problem. There are plenty of light hearted comments on many of the posts as well as serious ones depending on the original post. Humour is part of everyday life, and sometimes it's what is needed to get through. I notice you are not picking on the response that used the "crazy" emoji - why not?

Lighten up - life will seem so much better 💚

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to Sunnidayz1

Haha...oops there’s a right ding dong going on here Sunni to say yeah but no but ...and get out of the post before you get linched 😂....more robin posts please before they fly the nest

Sunnidayz1 profile image
Sunnidayz1 in reply to Sillysausage234



Thank u A!

Back to the birds! lol


in reply to Sunnidayz1


ladydoot profile image

Therapy will help I’m sure of it. Just be honest with them and yourself. Keep us updated.

in reply to ladydoot


Sunnidayz1 profile image

Hi again! Welcome! I hate the word "should".

What does it actually mean? It's an ideal. We "should" live this way or that?

Noooooooo. The truth is life stinks sometimes and crap happens and in order to get passed an adversity, we gotta look at the problem dead in it's face, heal, solve, learn and move on.

in reply to Sunnidayz1

I agree with you about the word should. The truth is my life doesnt stink, crap does happen. The thing is that I am not aware if any reason or cause for me to have this dark cloud, it just is. Thankful I do like my life, looking for some insight with therapy.

Sunnidayz1 profile image
Sunnidayz1 in reply to

Good luck on your journey. I wish u the best. We'll be here supporting u!

in reply to Sunnidayz1

Thankyou so much!

Desertgigi profile image

Hi, welcome! Other health issues so seem to make all of this stuff worse don't they? Being a nurse you will understand, I have a Factor V clotting disorder and am literally allergic to or they do not work with most blood thinners. Dozens of DVT's and 7 PE's has not been fun and it just kicked anxiety and depression into overdrive. Pain doesn't help that is for sure! You have spent your life caring for you have to focus on yourself. I would have been lost during all of my hospital stays and medical issues without the incredible nurses that helped care for me. I cannot imagine the responsibility and commitment it entails but they have been some incredible people. Glad you are here!

in reply to Desertgigi

Thankyou so much! You are a walking miracle, wow. Focusing on myself is something I will learn to do.

Hi and welcome hope you find comfort and understanding on this forum. Your not alone.

in reply to

That is good to know Im not alone and people understand.


Im 42 and dealing with chronic depression anxiety on 100mg of sertraline..... you are elder to me n nurse have seen more life.....first plz stop feeling guilty that u feel depressed, with this u wont get any benefit...instead try to retrain, refocus urself....dont hesitate to take help. First step n most important is that admit u r in trouble, u need help n final n most important YOU CAN OVERCOME ALL THIS DEPRESSION......

Keep trying just keep trying to break this circle. You ll be fine.

Sending you good vibes

in reply to

Thankyou so much. I do know that guilt is wrong thinking, hopeful therapist can lead me out of this. It is comforting to hear hopeful thoughts from you. I wont quit trying as I know this isnt the real me, it is like someone threw a gallon of black paint on me, I need help removing it.

in reply to

U ll surely come out of all this...... we all here dealing with onebor other things but i think sharing with each other give us hope that we r not just hold on.....n keep breathing🙂🙂 im always here if u want to talk anytime...

Warm regards

in reply to


Anxout profile image

Hi there - I have only posted a few times to this site. When my anxiety was really bad I joined the site, but typical of my anxiety it comes in waves.

I’m my opinion any transitional stage of life can invoke or increase higher levels of a current mental health symptoms. Once you adjust to your new norm things will balance out.

Distraction always works for me as well. Sounds like you have a very good support system. Lean on your family to help you get through this. Mental illness is not something you can “get a grip” on. It takes time and treatment, but the good news is, it gets better!

Hang in there. You seem to be on the right road to getting the help you need.

Congrats on your retirement!

in reply to Anxout

Thankyou so much! I think you are right as it feels like I need to define the new me.

akablonded profile image

Hi, Hoski. You'll find lots of useful "ears" here. Come and talk when you need to. Some of us have been where you are, and could give you pointers on coping and moving forward. I've been in that "great days/bad days/blah days" category for most of my life. Burning the candles at both ends, or dousing the candle and doing nothing. I'll give you a pat on the back for rescheduling the appointments you cancelled. You'll have time to get comfortable with your decisions. In the meantime, the two things I've found that help me are 1) walking the dog to get out of the house (good for you and the woof) and 2) watching or listening to something funny. In a pinch, remember the punch line to the funniest joke you know. The laugh you get will help. Honest. Take care.

in reply to akablonded

Thankyou! Yesterday I did enroll my 5 month old german shepherd pup and I in a 6 week obedience class, doesnt start til mid july but at least Im looking forward to it. We live in a rural area, Im in love with nature and our animals. I hope I can eventually get myself to work on my physical fitness as my knee surgery in sept will go better. One day at a time. Im already feeling more positive.

marheart profile image

What remarkable progress you have made. Keep up the good work.

As part of the elderly community, I can relate to the health issues overwhelming us. Yesterday the talk therapist said I'm too resistant to the changes. In other words take the anxiety and walk right into and thru it. Easy to say. Torture to do. Avoidance is a krappy way to live life. Every baby step will help.

Going to see her weekly definitely helps to talk it out. Going other places compounds the daily and weekly anxiety. I want to be the me I was before the anxiety monster took over.

There are many people on this site who will tell their helpful stories so we can know what others are doing to make progress. Everyone is different. Every bit of change can and will be different for different people.

What have you done recently that works for you?

in reply to marheart

Thankyou! Today Im eating healthier and spent 30 min sitting in the sun with my barefeet in the dirt, with all 4 dogs sitting in the shade wondering if Ive lost my marbles, lol. I love being outside

marheart profile image
marheart in reply to

Good going to be out in the sun with your loving animals.

I just started to take Liquid Vit. D because I 'm uncomfortable out in the sun.

Walking barefoot in the green grass is also healthy.

Optimists profile image

Welcome Hoski, it takes a strong person of 66 years to hold it, or mask it for so long while those around us are cared for. I'm 55 and have given my all so that I would not have to think about myself. Now I'm asking what's wrong with me, why don't I fit in. Why do I spend time alone. I now meet with a therapist weekly and try to attend social events. Trying to love and heal myself. You'll get there with the support you have.

in reply to Optimists

Yes, yes, yes! I look back and realize I gave too much in my career. I got lots of awards for being such a great nurse. Now I realize what it cost me. I agree, I will get there and do have good support. It is really nice to have this site and share with those that walked and are walking that walk.

foxglove_pnw profile image

Welcome !! ;) Hope to see you around here !

in reply to foxglove_pnw


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