I am trying to get into web development as a career. I feel like I am too easily deterred sometimes. Sometimes, I'll struggle with something that "should" be "easy". At least, that's how I think of it. I end up comparing myself to other hypothetical people and then I'll look for stuff like "good jobs without programming" or I'll look for resources to try and determine if it is even a good career or if it is stressful. I was wondering if anyone had any tips for not getting deterred despite these things. They are very distressing thoughts.
How do people deal with self doubt? - Anxiety and Depre...
How do people deal with self doubt?

Hi WaterMyMind,
Have you ever considered going to a temporary employment agency? They have short-term jobs they can place you at where you’re not obligated for a long time. It would give you some experience and confidence in your skills.
Also, check online for technical headhunters. They have many temp-permanent opportunities at a level you’re comfortable with.
Try not to compare yourself and your skills to others. Everyone brings different value/skills to a company.
You can do this. 👍
Good advice Charlie-mg...that's what I did many years ago. Working for a temp agency
didn't put the pressure on me as a full time job would have. I could basically pick and
choose the number of days I wanted to work. The only drawback was no benefits
provided. It helped me tremendously build my confidence. xx
Thank you Agora1, one of these agencies helped me out after school when I was unsure what direction I wanted to go. Oddly enough, they eventually ended up hiring me to work for them doing programmer recruiting. WaterMyMind, I’m not sure if you’re in the US, but something I’ll never forget was how few resumes we got from inside the US for programmer positions we advertised. More than 50% of our placements came from out of country applicants. We were thrilled to get a qualified resume from anywhere inside the US, as less expense for the company on sponsorship or visa. Most agencies offer full benefits after 90-days so at least they are offering them after a probationary period.
Thx again Agora1, and WaterMyMind: let us know what you decide to do. You have a much needed skill so be proud of that and take that leap of faith!
hi there! Sorry just now seeing this. What temp agency did you go to/work at? I would be interested in seeing if they are hiring web developers! Is that a US agency you work for? I just started a part time job at a university so I can’t just hop right into one of those programs. But I could take some time to do some research!
Hey sorry just now seeing this! I’m starting a part time job at a university tomorrow. It’s mainly for students, so it won’t be that many hours a week. What temp agency did you use? Somehow that didn’t even occur to me! Where would I find some of these technical headhunters?
Hi, I haven’t worked in the recruiting industry in over seven years. The company I worked for sold their technical division to a company called i-recruit.com. (I think it’s okay to give you that info here as I’m not promoting them merely giving you their name.) I’m aware that they have locations all over the US (and possibly abroad now too.) Check out their website. Any fees that they state they have can be negotiated or often paid by the hiring employer if the fit is right. You can email them your resume and see what they come up with for you. They’ll search for whatever types of opportunities you’d like based on your skill level, location, and schedule you’re looking for. I’m sure some programming jobs may be done remotely now if that’s something that would interest you.
There are other high-tech headhunters you can find online. Do a google search of “technical headhunters” and you’ll find local ones in your area. Trust me, they are all happy to receive resumes from US residents searching for programming jobs.
Since you’re a graduate I was going to suggest a local university but figured you had already thought of that. So happy to hear you’re starting a job. That’s great news. Let me know if you need any further help or info. Once you get going and gain a little experience, more doors with start to open for you. Again, you’re in a great field with endless opportunities out there. Be patient, one step at a time. 👍
I don't want this to sound like I'm implying anything, but have you considered talking to a councilor or therapist about this? I mention it simply because I was "programmed" to always compare myself to others and to doubt myself. It took a long time to solidify the idea that I was in the right as I was being treated badly/unfairly by being gaslit, shamed, decried, etc... and it now negatively affects how I engage with my work and my career(s) 30 years later. It's something to consider if you feel there may be more to it than the normal, healthy self-doubt everyone feels when working at something. Good luck, and don't be hard on yourself. Everybody starts somewhere.
You need to keep going and not give up. Follow your dream and don't let your self doubt win u can do this 💪