Rly im just lying in bed all day all the time. I have a lot of things i should do. But i dont have the energy to do them. I cant get myself to do them. I dont know what to do. I wouldnt even enjoy those things. There is nothing i enjoy. Espcially not about my life. Bc its horrible
What do i do if i dont have energy to... - Anxiety and Depre...
What do i do if i dont have energy to do anything?

Are you working? Are you studying? Perhaps gardening or drawing or music or something will keep your interest? Boxing or football or sports? Anything at all?
Welcome to the community
I think there has to come a time when we start to pick ourselves up. It doesn't have to be anything huge but it has to be something.
Make a short list and see if you can get some things done. Depression takes the joy out of so many things.
Write down what's wrong with your life. Take a look at what you wrote and see of somethings can be easily changed
Keep your hope
I have the same problem when depressed and am sure it’s very common with most people who suffer with it
These are five things coping skills i learned while attending group therapy:
1. Get out of the house every single day, even if just outside for a while.
2. Physical exercise (I started slowly)
3. Relaxation
4. Productivity (can start with any little thing)
5. Socialization.
Hope this helps. It gives me small goals every day that help with motivation.
You are worth it!
I totally get this and hate that feeling. One thing that helps me is taking the tiniest baby step to do something. Maybe it's washing your face, brushing your teeth, etc... If it feels too big, make it smaller. I'm sorry you are going through this.
My advice: get up and get moving, no matter how hard it may be. Take your tasks and responsibilities a step at a time. Once this happens, you should start to feel better. It works for me. Best of luck.
Good advice here. Good suggestions. Good techniques. However, you must know that you are facing Depression and could consider professional help which may even include medication.A good check up could also pick up on an issue that can present as Depression. For example, thyroid issues.
You are in a very rough patch which is real. You can get through this. You have a caring community. Many of us have made it through and we are rooting for you.
I'm so sorry to hear you are suffering so much. I've recently been where you are and it is so painful. I agree with what has been said here. For me seeing a psychiatrist for medication management and a therapist were first. Next was just focusing on the next right thing to do. If I I thought of everything I was overwhelmed and couldn't move. Each thing was tiny because that was all I could face - just sitting up in bed. Taking a drink of water. Putting on my glasses. Getting out of bed. Going to the bathroom. Taking my meds. Going to the kitchen and getting something to eat. Just each next thing. Nothing beyond that. Once I got through the simple tasks that had to be done. I had a list of things that I knew were an important part of my wellness plan - short walk, going to one store, calling one person, watering the plants, online support group etc. No matter how I felt, I pushed myself to do one of these things. Eventually I started to have a little more energy to do a little more and added other things to the wellness plan that I could do. I would tell myself that the normal things I did would help me feel normal. I'm still working on it, but I'm starting to have more periods of time where I feel like myself.
Please be kind to yourself and don't expect too much. Just do the next right thing, however small. My thoughts are with you 💕
I have been where you are. It's a nasty feeling. Know things will get better. Yes,you have to start small and slow. I make a list of things I want to do each day. I cross them off as I succeed at them. Boost a my morale knowing and seeing what I have done. You will have good days and bad days. You have to learn to be good to yourself too. I thank God every day for the blessing he has given me. Remember that there is someone else who has worst than you. God is in control. Nice to talk with you. Take care.
You get up and go and do these things anyway. Because if you don't, this state of mind will get worse. Guaranteed. Take it from one who learned it the hard way.