Does anyone have any panic attack advice? mean I got seriously spooked and feeling major dizziness. I am a bit of afraid if My blood pressure is super high. At the moment I am away from my anxiety medications.
Panic Attack Advice: Does anyone have... - Anxiety and Depre...
Panic Attack Advice

These things might only work if you're in a space you feel comfortable
- Sit on the ground and run your hands through the carpet. Focus on the textures and the movement and the connection between you and the ground. (I find that the more open/relaxed my hands are, the easier it is for the rest of my body to follow.)
- Try talking out loud. Narrate what you see, or what you've eaten today, or whatever words you can get your brain to say. (Similar to the last one, talking helps to pull my focus away from the panic and toward the present.)
- Sometimes different temperatures can help? Hold an ice cube, put a bag of frozen peas on your neck, cuddle a mug of hot tea.
- Count backward from 1000 by 7s.
Dear jwhitleyjr, as long as we stay in that "fight or flight" response, our blood pressure
will become elevated as well as other symptoms taking over. This is not dangerous because
as soon as you are able to relax, the symptoms will go away.
The key to reducing the symptoms is reducing the fear. This can be done through
Breathing exercises. With every single video on YouTube regarding Stress/Anxiety etc
it always starts with Breathe... You would be surprised in what proper breathing can
Reducing b/p is just one aspect of the solution. Dizziness can and does come from
stress but also dehydration can play a part in it. Having too much salt intake w/o
enough water to flush the kidneys can make you feel unsettled.
It is always in your best interest to call your doctor if this continues or is something
new. Sometimes we may need an intervention medication to get you through this.
Please take care of yourself. We care. xx
Hi Jwhitelyjr,
I too suffer from debilitating panic attacks sometimes. I just recently found an app for my phone that has been helpful - it has "help right now" activities that help get me grounded and breathing again. For example, one exercise has me name 5 countries, then 4 slow animals, 3 colors I see around me, etc.. - it sounds ridiculously simple, but it has really helped to get me out of my panicked head and back grounded in reality. They have lots of other exercises too.
I don't usually promote apps, but this one has been a significant help so I thought I'd share. The app is called "What's Up?", and here are the links:
Keep breathing, and hang in there...