My psychiatrist has referred me to a partial hospitalization treatment about 45 minutes away to treat my paralyzing panic attacks. I’m very fortunate that my insurance company will pay. I’m really grateful for this opportunity as medication and counseling have not been enough to help.
My problem is that I’m afraid I will get a panic attack while driving there. I would be there for 5 hours daily M -F, so I don’t have anyone that could drive me due to their working hours.
My panic attacks begin with shaking and double vision. I quickly have to get to the floor or a couch because I can’t stand or even crawl. My body becomes too tense to move, I can barely speak, and also end up vomiting. The attacks are starting to come nearly everyday. Taking a Xanax in the a.m. is the only way I have been able to prevent them thus far.
Of course, because I’m afraid I might get one, I know I am more likely too. Ugh! I may be able to if I take a Xanax, but not even sure if I should be driving then.
I may have to try to take an Uber although I get nervous thinking of that.
Is anyone else dealing with this fear of driving? It keeps me home most of the time, which only makes it more difficult to get better.