I’m having an attack right now and I have been doing kinda good up until now.... I’m feeling super anxious and just keep feeling strange sensations all over my body..... for the last couple days I have been feeling really dizzy at times.... I don’t know if anything is wrong I just hope I can pull through this attack I just feel like crying right now.... I’m so tired of dealing with this..... I deserve peace I deserve to be able to enjoy being a mother..... I just want this anxiety gone
Where does it come from...: I’m having... - Anxiety and Depre...
Where does it come from...

Sorry u going through that I understand what u going through I have five kids and been dealing with anxiety and depression and PTSD since age 8 I been through alot of the ups and downs and I use alcohol to numb my anxiety and now it don't work
Well sometimes I drink alcohol too but idk if it really helps any... I just feel drunk
It helps numb my anxiety and I'm able to do more things
I don’t want to rely on alcohol because I know it’ll become a bad coping skill and could lead to alcoholism. I have a one year old I need to show her that I can overcome this in other ways.
Alcohol actually makes anxiety worst maybe not at the moment but the next day it does smoking cannabis is what relaxes and calms me but it's not for everyone because some suffer from schizophrenia and it can make u paranoid or more anxious maybe u just need a doctor so that he can change ur meds some times ur meds will work for a while but then side effects kick in and can make it worse or just try not to stay at home all day repeating the same routine hope this helps
I know how hard it is to pinpoint the source of an anxiety attack! My former therapist who helped me through a phase of daily panic attacks had me pay really close attention to my heartbeat. She had me start writing down what thoughts I was having any time I noticed that my heart was pounding quickly. It made it a lot easier to track what things triggered these attacks. I still have them occasionally, but doing this helped me to notice when they are starting so that I can try to avert the full on attack. Good luck!
Am sorry you are going through this. Yes indeed you deserve peace you deserve being able to enjoy being a mother you deserve all this and more and I know how much it hurts. Have you seeked professional help?
First Of All "Fighting" Against Your Anxiety Can Make It Worse. You Don't Wanna Get OCD About It Because It Creates A Vicious Cycle. Look, Having A "Anxiety Disorder" Is NO DIFFERENT Than Someone Having Diabetes or/ Asthma. Yours Just Comes From A Different Area Of The Body, The Brain. ALL Of Your Anxiety Symptoms Are Just As Real. You Have "Trigger Points" You Have To Recognize, But You Also Have Something Called "Spillover". [ the ones that come outa no where ]. If I Gave You A Stout Shot Of "Adrenalin" ?... You'd Think It Was A "Anxiety Attack" Because Actually That's What Is Happening. Your Mind Is Dumping Adrenaline Into Your System & THAT Brings Real Physical Symptoms.
Just Like A Diabetic Needs Insulin To Live A Quality Life, & Someone Who Needs To Take A Pill & Even Carry An Emergency Inhaler For Asthma To Have A Quality Life. WE Who Suffer From Anxiety Disorders Need Medications & Education To Control Chemical Imbalances Of The Brain That Causes OUR Symptoms Too. NOBODY Likes Anxiety Attacks. You Are Not Alone. But ? As I Have To Remind Myself Sometimes, " Who Am I To Think I Am Any Better Than A Diabetic or/ Anybody Else With A Situation To Live With ?".
DO NOT Try & Medicate Yourself With Alcohol & ANY Street Drugs. It Makes EVERYTHING Worse. You Have A REAL CONDITION That Should Be Treated By Doctors.
Prayers, Love & Peace Be With You~*