Looking for anyone who's a fulltime caregiver of loved one,I suffer w health issues and bipolar w severe anxiety,looking for others maybe in same boat,holidays are hellish and depression is king w my mom and myself,I been having terrible panic attacks on top of bad chronic untreated pain,anyone in same boat I'd love to hear your side of things and struggles you may have...lol and thanks for reading my frantic post...
Anyone else full time caregiver of pa... - Anxiety and Depre...
Anyone else full time caregiver of parent?

My father was bedridden for a very long-time. It was stressful.
Same boat here. I take care of my dad. He has had a few seizures on my watch that I had to call 911 for. And I have an anxiety disorder.
Taking care of him was very hard during the pandemic because I always thought I was going to get him sick.
Also, he has bipolar but his meds work well in managing it. Also he hasn't had any seizures in a few years now which has been a relief.
I understand how difficult this is! You are a great person for being a caregiver, it is harder work than most would think.
Hi there David I hope the best for you and your pop,it's a very hard role to play being caregiver,I hope your dad listens to you,I have a very stubborn mother n makes it much more difficult then need be,she acts out like it's my fault she is old,then my lil brother 56 killed himself n complicated things and added more sorrow to already sad sitchuation...I got no family or family here,and it makes it very difficult...hope your holidays are good ones...
Hi there.
Know that scenario, but from the other side, My son is my carer, but lately the rules are changing, as he has become diabetic, so our roles are becoming mixed.
Confused? I am!🥴
Cheers, Midori
Hope you both can talk n make a care plan for both of you,my sitchuations alot different,I care for a very stubborn n angry mom,as it's my fault she's old n can't function way she needs to,my brother went n killed himself to farther complicate things more then already are,this holiday time year is brutal,she just sits and crystal constant,there's no more family and I'm it,it's been rough no break in 9 long years, but I ask God for strength and Patience. Most of all..I hope he helps me through these most difficult times..
Difficult, I can see. Is there any way to get a respite carer to give you a break? it's a private nurse who can give you a regular break to do your own stuff, knowing your mum will be taken care of while you are out.
I'm lucky, in that my son and I get on well, and we aren't in each other's way all the time, because he has his Man Cave and I have my Lady Lair, where we can each do our own things without getting in each others' way. Music for instance, he plays his and I can play my classical stuff; The only place we meet musically is Queen!
Also long, involved groanworthy Jokes!
Cheers, Midori