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Anxiety help

AnxiousAF profile image
24 Replies

Hello I found this forum today not knowing what to expect. So here goes what my story is. About 10 or 11 years ago I got diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. I was focused on a fear of a heart attack and always panicking myself into going to the hospital. I was like 4 times in a week before a mean nurse says "he's here all the time it's anxiety give him lorazapam and get him out here!!"I was embarrassed. I ended up on lexapro and was fine for about 7 years. In 2019 my doctor gets me off cause I'd been on it long enough he thought.

Fast forward late 2022 I feel I'm having a heart attack. Run to hospital no issue. Weird. January I start feeling just fatigue no reason. Goes on for a few weeks. Then I start feeling the heart racing. Start monitoring my heart rate. April I go to a show and just sitting there I hit 130bpm. Freaks me out. Get out of there slowly walk to train station almost 150bpm. Get home go to hospital now about 4 or 5 hours later, their like no doctor starts checking all heart tests. EKGs, stress test, ecg, 15 day monitor. The works. Says I'm fine. At this point I have a full on obsession with my heart rate, palpitations, fatigue, arms pain all there. I get a left arm pain for 4 days. Make appointment. He says all in my head do crossfit lose weight.I get angry change doctors. New doctor sees the extensive work up. Says it sounds like you have anxiety disorder. Puts me on Celexa because lexapro had made me gain a bit of weight the first time. So at this point I had lost 15 pounds just to spite the previous jerk doctor. I take Celexa about a month. Was ok until I became now obsessive over my blood pressure. Was a 120/80 guy. Now 130s/90s. One night it goes to 143/92. I get anxious goes to 153/94. Start shaking panic go to ER. There it goes to 176/101. I freak. 120bpm on ekg laying down. Arm and chest are burning. I thought I was going to die. I then sit in ER waiting room for 6 hours. All to be told it was a panic attack. I ask my primary to take me off Celexa. Try zoloft 25mg. 4 days later palpations like crazy and weirdly notice my heart rate skyrockets from sitting to standing. For only a few seconds but noticeable and scary. I freak again. I'm in the shower in fetal position crying screaming my wife trying to give me a bath. My kids hear me so they are scared. My sister comes over my parents come up half hour away because I'm just screaming I'm going to die. They call 211. Takes a good hour or 2 to come back to normal. Paralyzed with fear. Hadn't been working regularly for 2 weeks. Just on couch laying barely eating. Doctor says double the zoloft. I said he'll no I'm stopping it. New cardiologist new monitor. After a week I feel better. Still notice my blood pressure is inconsistent. Then last week, the biggest headache ever commences. The heart racing again, the increase when changing positions also returns.(not the zoloft I guess) headache won't stop. Finally decide to meet a psychiatrist. Wild man. Tells me don't check anything smoke weed if you dont want anti depressants. I'm like??!!!

Go today to my doctor for headache. Blood pressure is 139/90. I'm like that's high no? He says it's your anxiety. Now wants me to take NSAID for headache which can raise blood pressure. Down 26 pounds in 3 months. I'm at a loss. Just feel defeated and tired. Don't want to battle anymore. Any thoughts?

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AnxiousAF profile image
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24 Replies
Weatherwoman profile image

Have had for Years many of the symptoms that you described. Yes, anxiety can cause heart racing, sweats, pains in chest, etc. However, I am hoping that you have had blood work done to check for thyroid. After too many years of what you describe, found out I was hyperthyroid! You need to take All the tests for thyroid. It may not be your thyroid, but at least rule that out. I also, have a Mytral Valve Prolapse which may contribute to the Very fast heart rate. Also, am Extremely Anxious. What I am really trying to say is that our physical & mental health go hand in hand. One affects the other. I am much older than you are now, and am dealing with scary health issues & I do think that All the Stress, and Anxiety over the years have contributed A lot! I was put on a Beta Blocker years ago which did calm my heart. They are not the best drugs, but, at least they have helped. I do have high blood pressure & am on blood pressure meds. All your symptoms could be from Anxiety & I am hoping you find the right combination of therapy to help.

AnxiousAF profile image
AnxiousAF in reply toWeatherwoman

Thank you very much. I was tested awhile back and had hypothyroidism. Was put on levothyroxine and have been ever since over a decade. I get checked periodically and this year I think September it was in range. I have a fear of meds so I'm hoping my blood pressure doesn't cause me to need them.

Weatherwoman profile image
Weatherwoman in reply toAnxiousAF

Yes, I hop too that you won't need blood p. meds., or any meds. I Hate that I have to take these meds., but they do help me! Hopefully, you can find the right therapist (not one that says suggests Weed as they will make your heart even go faster)! Yoga, relaxation exercises, meditation --I am sure you know all that. Getting to the bottom of What is causing you to be so anxious helps (some)! Many on this site have recommended Claire Weeks books (Hope & Help for your Nerves being one of them) & I shall recommend her books as well! Lucky you have a family that seems to be helpful! I take the same thyroid med. as you do as I am now hypothyroid due to the Radioactive Iodine I had to have for my hyperthyrodism! Sending All best wishes to you.

AnxiousAF profile image
AnxiousAF in reply toWeatherwoman

My therapist is new to me.seen her 3 times. The psychiatrist was 1st time and last for sure. My father had the same happen to him. Went from hyper to hypo from that. I will look into those books. I appreciate the information. It has been great roaming this site today. I'm glad I did

Weatherwoman profile image
Weatherwoman in reply toAnxiousAF

Yes, HU is a Very helpful site & know that we are NOT alone. My Cousin says that I never should have had that Radioactive Iodine done; but, I did try the meds. offered for my hyperthyroidism and broke out in hives from head to foot. Then, I had a choice either to remove my thyroid via surgery, or Radioactive Iodine. I was VERY scared re. the Radioactive Iodine (could have had a very bad allergy to that), but I did it (was younger then, and more stamina mentally & physically). According to my cousin, my thyroid would have gone into remission, and reset itself! Could have been, but, no one knows. I, too, have a Very difficult time taking new meds. as feel So out of control when a foreign substance goes into my body. Now, I am alone & more scared (my Sig. Other of 27 years passed away last Nov.), and being older & living alone is more Scary. Yes, I have So much more understanding & experience, true, however being Older has it's good side & bad as I guess does more things in life! My Gr. Niece was born without a thyroid & stared taking synthetic thyroid med. since birth. She is a Picture of Health both Physically & Mentally. I do believe that her "sunshine" personality is primarily due to her Mother who is calm & most caring. Well, my Mom was a Very caring & kind person, but a Complete Nervous Wreck as was my Grandmother. It's a matter of Nature & Nuture as we know!

Agora1 profile image

Hi AnxiousAF, I'm glad you are with us as you will see you are not alone with

these symptoms known as Health Anxiety. When I first started anxiety with

symptoms, I had no idea what they were. I too thought I was dying. Test after test,

doctor after doctor telling me my heart was okay, it was "just anxiety". I hated that

word "just" put in front of anxiety. It seemed to minimize my symptoms. Went to ER

and same thing happened..They gave me Ativan, symptoms went away and I was sent home.

But did it go away?? No..Came right back full fledge. From that obsession with my heart,

I then went to focusing on my blood pressure. The more I took my pressure, the higher

the numbers went. One night, it was near 190/134. Went to ER. Monitored and watched

closely by staff. The defibrillator was sitting in the corner of the room. I could hear the

heart monitor beeping and then suddenly it stopped, all was quiet.

My first thought was "I died" but yet coherent enough to know that I didn't. The nurse then

came in, monitor had malfunctioned. Of course pressure went even higher. I finally

told nurse before they might do something more drastic in getting the numbers down,

could I please have a small dose of Xanax. With doctor's approval, I was given one

and within 15 minutes I was back to 120/80 Pulse 66. I suddenly went from being on

my deathbed (or what I thought it was) to being released and sent home.

You see, the Mind/Body Connection is intricately involved. When the mind goes astray,

the body follows right along.

That was many years ago. I am now on Lexapro and do daily Meditation & Breathing

exercises twice a day. I'm back in control of my life and it's an amazing feeling. :) xx

AnxiousAF profile image
AnxiousAF in reply toAgora1

Wow agora that sounds terrifying stroke level blood pressure. I'm glad you're well and thank you it's very relieving. It's just hard in the moment. Like just now I had to grab a cart from outside and roll it in the house. Maybe 100ft and my heart was racing and I got winded. Like I'm some 1000 pound person. Now sure it goes back to normal soon enough but it's so crippling to fear that increase and stress it anytime I do a little more than usual.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply toAnxiousAF

Whether doing exercise and being anxious it is normal for the b/p and pulse to increase.

When you relax it will go down automatically. The body is an amazing machine that

wants to take care of itself. When we fear it, that works against us.

Relax and have a good day. Don't forget to hydrate and Breathe :)xx

AnxiousAF profile image
AnxiousAF in reply toAgora1

Thank you! It does mean a lot to hear this

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply toAnxiousAF

It's going to be okay. Just takes time :) xx

ClassicalBlueKitty profile image
ClassicalBlueKitty in reply toAgora1

Wow Agora thank you so much for sharing. The mind-body connection is so real. I know that one thing that has really been tricky for me with that is my legs bouncing when sitting and twitching when more relaxed/falling asleep. Between that and my hands shaking sometimes I have half convinced myself I am developing some sort of neurologic condition, but sure enough if I can get my anxiety under control it gets a lot better. Thank you for the reminder to keep going and that things will be okay with a little work. I was on lexapro for a while and it worked well, but was switched to sertraline to try and take my condition from manageable to good. I am still struggling some and needed some inspiration that it would get better. I hope your post helps more people too besides myself and AnxiousAF.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply toClassicalBlueKitty

Thanks ClassicalBlueKitty.. The over-sensitized nervous system can cause us

to shake. Once the day comes to an end, things seem to settle down allowing our

body to relax. With Meditation and Breathing, we can fall into a deep regenerate

sleep. :) xx

I'm glad that it sounds like someone on here was able to help relate this to another possible health condition for you. I wanted to say that I have also had my blood pressure vary greatly for periods of time with anxiety. One of the biggest problems I have noticed is that when I worry about my blood pressure and check it more often my anxiety peaks as I check the blood pressure and then of course my blood pressure peaks when I take it. While a bit of an investment they have continuous blood pressure monitors that you can wear on your arm that may help some. That way you have a clear record that something either is constant or that you can relate to specific triggers if it really is your anxiety/panic. Personally I struggle with panic and meditation is great for many people, but breathwork and such can be difficult because I start to worry I can't breathe. But, yoga has been really good for me because it is breathwork and meditation based but gives me an outlet for that anxious energy. It is also one of the few exercises that should lower your BP instead of raise it so it may help give you peace of mind too. Hope this helps I know it can be hard. For my PTSD they wanted to put me on a blood pressure reducer but couldn't because my day to day BP is too low. It can be really scary when BP and HR spike. Also if your wife is open to it one thing that helps me when that happens is for my husband to kind of bury me in his chest and hold me tight while I cry or sob or whatever I need to do. I hope you get the answers and help you need to feel better. You are not alone :)

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply toClassicalBlueKitty

ClassicBlueKitty, the comfort of a hug can be reassuring as well as comforting.

For those who don't have that person around, I've found that throwing a bath towel

in the dryer for a few minutes can help. Take that towel and wrap it around your

neck, shoulders and arms. Both the heat and tightness of the towel can help by

immediately allowing your shoulders to relax. It may not dry your tears but definitely

lower your emotions to a more calming status. :) xx

AnxiousAF profile image
AnxiousAF in reply toAgora1

These suggestions have been very helpful. I actually asked my daughter to do a class with me maybe this weekend. I had small anxiety attack earlier today. Just heart racing while on the phone. No rhyme or reason. Did some meditation and it helped but these headaches are a burden. Going to sleep just to get some relief I hope

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply toAnxiousAF

Hi AnxiousAF, actually there is some rhyme or reason why our anxiety goes up

while on the phone. We can feel trapped as to what we will say next. More

importantly it is the thought in how you will end this conversation. As these

thoughts cross your mind, your breathing changes as well as the grip on the

phone and before long you can go into the "fight or flight" response w/o realizing


When on the phone, it's a good idea to drop your shoulders down when speaking

as well as check your breathing. Inhaling in and slowly letting out a long slow

exhale. This will help keep the adrenaline and heart beat from rising. If things get bad

while talking, making up an excuse that the doorbell just rang, can get you off in

a second so you can re-cooperate.

As for you and your daughter to sign up for a class together, I think that's a great

idea. Happy Friday my friend. Make it a good one :) xx

Existing profile image

Yes, I have thoughts. As I read, my question was: where's the therapist in all this? He hasn't been referred to a therapist? He hasn't sought one out on his own? Then the end explains your negative experience with Psychiatrist, and yeah, that's the last thing you needed.So, what I hear is clearly anxiety.

You absolutely need to find a good therapist you can work with. This is a pretty straightforward issue, so your main concern is how you feel with them, do they listen, do you feel understood, like they realize the importance of some kind of plan to get this under control?

It will take work and practice to develop new ways of thinking, and responding to the fear. Therapy is where you ask questions, request information, and MAKE A TREATMENT PLAN. learn about anxiety, your symptoms, how it unfolds now, practice new techniques, monitor your progress, etc.

Ask about types of medications and treatments, isn't propranolol ? Also prevents migraines.

But, therapists and psychiatrists? Just gotta keep trying till you find one that works. Your goal should be a reduction in ER visits, right? Get a therapist. 😉

Existing profile image

Oh another thing I thought might really help you is Biofeedback. As others have mentioned, as you are able to feel like you can regain some control over your symptoms, well, the more control you feel and then have. You can monitor your heart rate, bp, etc, in response to your practice behavior (ie slow rhythmic breathing, affirmations, etc) and train yourself to control it.

Bermudagal profile image

Try “ Anxiety Guy” on You Tube.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply toBermudagal

He's great..good advice :) xx

AnxiousAF profile image

Watched 2 videos so far awesome advice

KMBW profile image

I have struggled with severe panic attacks for 35 years now. I have done therapy and been on meds for 25 of these. I have been virtually attack free for around 10 years now because I feel I finally have the correct dose of meds. People will always tell you to come off meds when you are feeling better and 'cured'. However, the underlying issue is still present so unfortunately we anxious people may never be meds-free. Taking anxiety meds kinda sucks and the side effects aren't peachy either, but when I weigh a life of not taking them vs the side effects, I always end on taking them. I keep Xanax available for those times an attack slips through, but I generally only need them maybe once or twice a year now.

AnxiousAF profile image
AnxiousAF in reply toKMBW

35 years of it. Sounds exhausting but also motivating to know you can live with it as well

AnxiousAF profile image

Weirdest thing an update I guess. Last Sunday morning wake up no anxiety no headache???? Cool go with my kid to a college tour. About noon I eat lunch hour later. Boom headache. Goes about 5 hours take tylenol. Hour later left side of my face like jaw area and teeth get like numb?? Thought I was stroking. Try to hang on but wouldn't go away. Go to ER. Possible migraine and tmj they say. See a neurologist. I go to neurologist she thinks next nerve inflammation causing the migraines. Get gabapentin. About a week in. No anxiety symptoms??? Just the headache on that side and the numbness. The racing heart stopped. The rapid increase when standing, the fatigue, trembling, the palpations, eating whatever I want again just stops??? I can feel it creeping back, but what is this madness???

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