keep missing out on things I really enjoy and it f’ing sucks, Everytime I have a panic attack everything comes back really bad existinal dread feeling like I’m going crazy thinking about how we are all going to die one day what if I’m feeling like this because I’m going to die, therapist suggest medication to help with the thoughts can’t even take that without getting extreme panic attacks because my mind doesn’t like something in my body that’s changing it. All at the same time when I challenge it and the panic comes on I just get this overwhelming feeling I’m not going to make it back home and don’t have the energy in my body to make it back even when I walk outside abit I have to turn back because my minds like you are not going to be able to walk back, really weird feeling.
feel so tired : keep missing out on... - Anxiety and Depre...
feel so tired

Sorry you're going through this. I hope you can find some comfort and peace. I've never had panic attacks but they sound awful. I have a lesser variation of it where I do worry about dying and leaving behind my family. But I tell myself if that happens, it's really beyond my control. But I heard panick attacks are physical so it sounds like they are very difficult to just think away.
I’ve been struggling lately too. Mine started with starting citalopram to manage my stress levels because of some recent struggles. Well the meds made me feel horrible! I tried for 2 weeks anyway in hopes I would feel better when it was in my system. I should not have, because I felt so terrified of everything, and had physical symptoms too and now it’s been almost a month since taking them and I am still struggling to calm my nerves. I do feel better than I did but I am ready to get rid of the anxiety completely. It’s a struggle and I wish I knew some helpful advice for you. I am planning to go to church today and get prayer myself with hopes of getting back to feeling good again. I have struggled to even go places that I would normally not think twice about.
Hello sounds so similar to me my previous post was about citalopram, it’s taken me back to square one again, but this time it more comes in waves! I tried it for one day and a few hours later I was having intense panic attacks and the day after that very hypervigelent and jumping to every sensation and stuff in my body, I refuse to take medication, I hate it I’d rather try get a hormonal balance and take the right bits along side working on changing my thought patterns. Yeh I can’t really get anywhere I’ll start having a panic attack even at the shop round the corner it’s the worst I’ve ever had it this year. Do you have OCD? If so I recommend you following the ocd and anxiety recovery page on Facebook.
I hope you are doing better I experience the same thing
Hi Danzdanz123, the anxious mind has a way of sabotaging us. We heed the words that
our mind is telling us. Lies at that. It puts us in a state of "fight or flight" response which
then allows the Adrenaline to flood our body. It is a very tiring process both to the body
and the mind. Even though you may feel as if you can't move when experiencing these
symptoms, the best thing you can do is to start walking, moving. Don't run to bed to
re-cooperate it will only prolong the adrenaline because it has no where to go.
It may feel as if this is the end coming but it is not. The more you accept this as a lie
the easier it will be to overcome the feelings in the future.
I use my Breathing technique to calm the adrenaline rush which in turn allows me to
rid myself of the feeling within moments. Yes moments. Faster than any pill could work.
If you don't like medication, this method could be practiced and be a lifesaver. xx
I actually find breathing techniques very helpful however if the ocd attacks the breath as in I’m getting an intrusive thought that I’m not breathing right or I’m going to forget how to breath then start manual breathing like now, it’s hard to get a controlled steady breath,
Thank you for this very nicely worded
Hi DD123.
Can I ask how U distract ur mind when U need to do things ?
It reads that's ur brain is overthinking everything at a few thousand miles per hour & in turn U end up with the Google Syndrome ( it's something I made up but we can all relate )
It's where U look things up on Google & 3 clicks later ur supposed to be dead & it's amazing how people do the same thing over & over & they repeat the same processes, when in fact we need to change our thinking & what we think about. The old saying is if U keep thinking in the negative U will only get negativity.
So U need to learn to change ur way of thinking & like with any change, it comes from within. We should only change if we want to.
Ur already half way there as U've noticed what is happening repeatedly & Ur the only 1 to change things & make U deal with issues better, I was like that with my brain racing & one day I sat myself down & wrote what I keep doing & why I keep doing it & the biggest light bulb question was How am I gonna change things to help me & unfortunately there is no easy way of learning & changing how U see & do things & in this group I can say with hand on a stack of regions books & the universe that this is a safe place where U can ask questions & hopefully as others tell U their story U may find things to try out & if they help U then BINGO !!
I wish U love & light on ur journey.