My schizophrenic big sister was in and out of Assisted Living places for many years, after she could not take care of herself anymore. Several years ago, the R.N./OWNER of one I moved my sister to, began making serious mistakes with the medication. I called the pharmacy and was told my sister had not had anti-psychotic meds delivered for close to 4 months. I was her POA. I called her doctor, who sent in a prescription right away. I called the owner of the facility and told her what I did. She lied and said my sister had been getting it. The prescription was called in on March 5th, 2016. At the end of March/early April, my sister told me she had not gotten her insulin shots for 2-3 days. The place was out of needles. I then reported the R.N. to APS. Shortly after that, she took my sister to sign a form revoking me as her POA. The RN took over taking my sister to all her Doctors appointments and I could no longer speak with her doctors. Bit by bit, I was cut out of my sister's life, and the RN had my sister call me and tell me not to come see her, anymore. I couldn't afford an attorney. I went through NAMI and several places to find a place for my sister that would understand schizophrenia. No one could help.
I had not seen my sister in several years. I have a phone recording from my sister calling me and in the background I can hear the RN say "your sister is ruining your life."
On 9/11/23 a lady from another Assisted living facility called my daughter, leaving a message to call her concerning my sister. When called back this woman said she was sending an email and certified letter to my daughter. End of call. On 9/14/23 the email arrived and said my sister died on 9/6/23. We did not know the RN had moved her someplace else. The RN had all our contact info. I called the lady at the new place demanding to know where my sister was. She said we had to wait for the certified letter to name the "facility." It arrived at my daughter's, in another city, a few minutes before 4pm on Friday 9/15/23.
I started calling the city morgue and police early Friday morning the 15th to find my sister. A detective got a hospital name, and I called them. My sister died suddenly from cardiac arrest due to edema with heavy bleeding going on. The assisted living lady did not tell them my sister had family (just my daughter and me) so my sister went to a contracted funeral home as "unclaimed" on the 7th.
I called the funeral home on the 15th about noon when I learned they had my sister. The assisted living lady had told us on the 14th, when we called after getting the email, that the "facility" would keep my sister 20-21 days so there was no rush to contact the place. When I reached the funeral home early on the 15th, I was told they only keep the "unclaimed" 10 days. They were transporting her the next morning the 16th for a pauper burial with 2 other bodies. The assisted living lady NEVER told the funeral home my sister had family. They had asked her ×2 about family and she told them my sister didn't have family. I had begun at 8 a.m. looking for my sister on the 15th, and by 2:30 pm I had arranged for her transport out of there so she can be buried next to mom, who had gotten her a plot 20 years ago.
So far, I've learned my sister had been started on a medication that is high risk for kidney patients and it can lead to "internal bleeding and rarely death". The RN at the old place took over taking my sister to her kidney specialist after she revoked me, after not giving my sister her schizophrenia med for several months. My sister had kidney disease for YEARS. She had moved my sister to the new assisted living place in May 2023. I got that info from my sister's adult daycare she went to while at the 1st place. By 9/5/23, my sister had been taken to the hospital for "a bad reaction to Eliquis" according to the 2cd assisted living place she had been moved to. She said they couldn't save her. And, I find out the 15th where my sister is. I was barely able to get forms signed and get witnesses, then emailed them to the place I was moving her to, at 2:30pm., on the 15th. My daughter got the certified letter at 3:53 pm on the 15th stating the funeral home name. I had been able to reach them already and the funeral home was closing at 4pm that day. I got my sister picked up Saturday morning the 16th by who I had chosen instead of her being sent that morning for a pauper funeral. She had not been embalmed because they didn't have her family's permission. The funeral home wouldn't let me see her due to her face had started to decompose. I did get a picture of her face from the place I had her sent to after I asked for it and they got it approved. She looks like a boxer that lost a really big fight. I'm still trying to put the whole picture together and I'm waiting on her death certificate. The assisted living place tried to get her buried before we would be able to contact the funeral home. Just going to throw us all away. In Texas, I cannot sue for my sister's wrongful death. Siblings aren't allowed. She had no kids and our parents are dead. APS is a nightmare. They never took my complaints about my sister's care over the years seriously. I'm not contacting them for now. I am not dropping this matter, though. I'm still battling people over my sister's care. I'm in shock. I'm lost and alone. My daughter is angry and told me she doesn't want me trying to force her to help take care of my sister now. I used to make her help me years ago. She has stopped talking to me.
Has anyone ever dealt with anything like this? I need pointers as to where to go for help. I want all these people held accountable. For my sister.