Hi everyone! I'm Jason from San Diego, CA. I just recently lost my job and since last week have developed depression and anxiety, pretty fast! Every day gets worse and I want to get better. I will be happy to provide support here. Thank you!
Good Morning!: Hi everyone! I'm Jason... - Anxiety and Depre...
Good Morning!

Welcome Jason
I'm sorry about the loss of your job. That can certainly cause symptoms.
We are here to support you.
Hey JBird2001, its completely okay to feel bad when something like this happens. Its a lot to process but take this time to think about what you wanna do and focus on the positives. Im in the same sutuation and have been feeling better. Stay strong!
Welcome 🙂
You'll find plenty of support here. Sorry about the job. It can trigger depression and anxiety.
Especially filling out job applications, not hearing back from anyone and then worrying that you may have to lower your standards and take any job because you got bills.
I watched my mom go through this when I was young. So I can understand the anxiety. And even brain fog because you just get so tired. Can't really focus. Cause your mind is off in all different ways.
Anyways you'll find some ways here on how to cope. Or to help you cope.
Anyways wishing you well 🫂❤️
Thanks CL3V3R-G1RL! This is exactly what I'm experiencing right now and it's difficult to focus through the brain fog. I wish it would just go away! I still can't figure out how it crept up on me and escalated so quickly to where it became almost debilitating yesterday. Fortunately I found that an early morning run/hike, then just talking to supporters like yourself makes everything more manageable today.
Sometimes that's really all it takes. Keeping things bottled up can allow anxiety and depression to sneak up on you. Trying to make yourself focus on things you dislike doing but you know you should which causes stress 😬
Sometimes you have to take some time and do some self care. Like you did which I'm proud of you for. Took a break went for a run and talked to other folks about how you were feeling.
Another reason why anxiety can sneak up is because when you had a job, you had a routine. After you lost your job, it through off your routine. Now you have to come up with something new to occupy time that used to be full. Exercise sounds like a good time filler. It seems like running helps you. I wish I could say the same. I can't run to save my life 😂 flat feet and asthma. I wouldn't last long in a zombie apocalypse. Unless they are really slow like in Night of the Living Dead. Then maybe I have a shot, cause I can walk pretty fast 😂
Hahaha! Just like Walking Dead, too. You could easily outwalk those zombies. Might have a little trouble with those sprinting zombies in World War Z (with Brad Pitt) 😆. In any case, walking helps give me my morning routine. Do you have any routines that keep you occupied? Have a great day!
Well let's see my routine is waking up at around 5am sometimes. Take my pill that I have to take on an empty tummy. Fall asleep again. Wake up at a decent hour 😂 so 8:30- 9am. Eat breakfast. Spend a little time with my partner before he go to sleep. Catch up on emails and notifications. Then in the afternoons I go walk to my mom's house. Check in on her and my dog. My dog doesn't live with me because my house has a broken back fence and she's an old gal. Don't want to cause my doggy stress. So she's with my mom. I feed her and give her her vitamins. Chat with her(yes, I talk to my dog) . Chat with my mom until my sister calls her. Then I walk back home. I do that everyday. Let's see it's Tuesday, which means I fold laundry. My laundry day is Monday. It always takes me the next day to fold. Wednesday is clean up day for the bathroom. I know, how exciting lol Thursday is calling my bestie. Friday is whatever I want.
Hmm 🤔 if it's WWZ zombies wouldn't they leave me alone because I have asthma? They don't infect people who have something medically wrong with them. Does mild asthma count? This is something I will ponder at night 😂
Ooh and I try to make time for video games.
Well, that’s quite a routine you have there! I love that you have structure in your life. Maybe I should get a doggie and start playing video games as well. 🐶 oh, and WWZ zombies don’t discriminate against asthmatics, if I remember correctly 😂 so make sure you’re with someone slower than you 😝
Ooh dogs and cats are great companions. My husky which is my profile pic is 15yrs old. Can't walk the block like she used to (arthritis in her hip) but she's my buddy. Animals are great companions. They make you do stuff 😂
Yes, routine is big for me but also can be a little bit of a hindrance as well. Because as you know life is unpredictable. You have to learn how to go with the flow. Which is something I'm slowly learning.
📝 * in case of zombie apocalypse, trip the slowest person next to you.*
I like that perspective! For me, I haven't been out of work in over 20 years and now I don't always know what to do with my day. My support group has always been my coworkers, since I spent a significant part of my workdays with them. I mean, 8 to 9 hours a day / 5 days a week! Right now I'm trying to go with the flow, and taking it one day at a time, but it's a tremendous adjustment and can feel overwhelming at times.
I hope you're having a great holiday weekend. Love your husky! 🐾
Thank you catloverforlife50! I only hope I can return the favor to everyone who has lended support so far. Have a wonderful day!
JBird, just by you posting here, the community also gets a lot from replying to you. It takes us out of our selves for even just a minute. This forum is the best support group I’ve ever been to for depression. Good luck with your job hunting or if your getting EDD use that time to work on yourself. Be kind to yourself.