Time and my personal belief: we are as we are, with no beginning and no end, life as we know it began 14 million earth years ago, and individually we are just the tiniest spec in a vast universe, and we live many lifetimes before we reach the plateau of Nirvana. Some people will take bitterness to the grave, and those people have no saving grace and will remain in the lower echelons until they are prepared to learn a state of grace, and you will do well to distance yourself from them. There is no coincidence, those whom we meet that enrich our lives are meant to be. and those that are detrimental to our lives cross our paths to teach us who not to be. I have learnt that kindness is the key, even though kindness is often misplaced, we learn from it. We are just are.
My beliefs have helped me with my dep... - Anxiety and Depre...
My beliefs have helped me with my depression.

Very well said and no point worrying about things so much what will be will be we have to accept our destiny everything happens for a reason we're good people and mean well 🤗💚🐼
So true, life is a journey not a destination, and whatever happens happens, I believe in fate , we just have to accept this , I believe acceptance plays a major part in finding happiness, instead of fighting against fate all the time, you will never be happy
I.love.this!🥰a true 🎗️ reminder that all experiences are learning opportunities. There's no good or bad... those are restrictive and unnecessary labels used to subjectively define something.
It just"IS"
what do you mean kindness is misplaced? Like people take advantage of it or assume you want something that you don’t?