I have been having mild panic attacks again worried about the future for my children. I have been dealing with panic attacks for 8 years on and off. I know they feed off fear, especially fear about the future. I know the key is accept that fact that I will NEVER be 100%certain about the future. That is the nature of life. By being so concerned about the future, I am robbing myself of enjoying the present. I need to let go and let God. I should be grateful that at least attacks are the most mild I have had. I used to get really bad ones. Just sharing, because this community is so. loving and accepting.
panic attacks again: I have been having... - Anxiety and Depre...
panic attacks again

I'm the same way. I fear the future every passing day. I trust God with my life. But my fear still creeps in. I guess I don't really have an answer because I'm still struggling pretty badly. But just know I understand perfectly. I hope we both can let go of fear and just press forward with trusting God. I'm still trying.
It is has been 2 years without a panic attack. I need to grateful that it has been so long and that these panic attacks will disappear just like the last ones and then I will laught at myself for worrying in the first. God grant me the courage to change the things I can, the serenity to accepts the things I cannot change, and the wisdom to know the difference
hi how did you stop the panic attack I’m going through episodes thank u
This is how I "stopped". There were a number of things that I did. One thing alone did not fix the problem, but together they were enough.
1. I went to therapy with someone who understood panic attacks
2. I completed the workbook on my own An End to Panic by Elke Zuercher-White
3. I used the Calm App on my cell phone everynight and meditated and or prayed for about 20 minutes
4. I exercised for about 20-30 minutes a day--a brisk walk outside if weather permitted or lifting light weights
5. I would read or make posts regularly to health unlocked for support
6. I would tell myself that although 1-5 is work, I am worth it and deserve to be panic free.
It took a good 2-3 years of working the program. I still work it although I am not as strick about it now adays.