I didnt realize on how Panic attacks can be debilitating this is so scary ....i use to enjoy driving and now im afraid due to panic attacks ....anybody out there struggle the same
PANIC ATTACKS : I didnt realize on how... - Anxiety and Depre...

I have panic attacks and anxiety attacks every day.
Treated with xanax, from.my dr, until didnt worked anymore.
I was taking it for 10 years...
I got in to detox from benzodiazepens.
Dr prescribed something light, unadicttive.
Yes, I haven't been able to drive far away from home without someone with me. Even with someone with me, it sometimes doesn't help. Driving around my home town doesn't bother me unless I'm traveling farther away. The thoughts of possibly breaking down somewhere with no cell phone signals gets me every time! & there's not many people willing to stop to ask if help is needed, because of too much bad stuff going on.
yeah i really wasnt like this lastyear but around October something hapoened i been through crazy things in my family losing loved ones during the pandemic and friends trying to be there for everybody i must admit i had a mental breakdown i been dealing with this almost a year but i couldnt go no longer i needed help 💔 😔 im out on Short term disability now due to allthis
I went from driving all over my state enjoying life then bam anxiety and panic attacks ruined it all barely can even leave my house have tried different meds none really help it’s frustrating last one I was on was Zoloft made anxiety worse and also gave me some weird things
yes me taking zoloft had me going to bed and waking up heart racing crying fear of dying making my life and everybody around me miserable i cant keep living like this im on klonopin that help a little bit but i still have anxiety attack i walk make it a little better
I use to love driving it was therapy for me but now i cant even back out my yard or if i go to store i be rushing and avoid long lines and traffic jams make it worse
honestly the exact same and I’m not just saying that to say that you could check out some of my posts if you were interested this all has been traumatic to me I’ve went from living in a vast word to feeling like I only know a space the size of a cardboard box driving was my therapy too
And it doesn’t help the horrible sensations and feelings I get especially feeling like you’re gonna pass out like no one wants that while driving
here.im missing out on games with my kids and taking them out i miss it all bro. GOD KNOWS I NEED TO GET BETTER
i felt that way last friday was on my way to pickup my boys and bam!!! Panic attack everything start spinning and dark i was breathing hard and tryna sing to keep from passing out Thank God for my Father inlaw got my boys for me im under so much pressure seeing the look on my kids face ...smh
I don’t have kids but I can fully relate. I’ve been told maybe you have to hit Rock bottom to be able to build yourself back up and I’m learning how hard it really it is mental illness is one of the toughest things but we are strong we live in the hell everyday
I suggest you check out the DARE Anxiety book and youtube videos, there are even videos specifically about dealing with driving panic/anxiety. Once you know what panic really is and how to deal with it the easier it will be to heal and get on with your life.