I’m the type to just fervently hop from one hobby to another trying to occupy my brain, too many to list here, but I’m interested in hearing what others find calming or soothing or just fun and enjoyable.
calming hobbies?: I’m the type to just... - Anxiety and Depre...
calming hobbies?

i like writing and drawing and anything art related 😄
My hobby is playing PC video games.
If you don’t mind me asking, what do you play?
I mostly play open-world-type games, especially those of the survival/crafting/building variety and RPGs -- everything from Red Dead Redemption 2 (and Red Dead Online) to No Man's Sky. I also enjoy stealth-based games, like the Hitman and Assassin's Creed series.
I love to play co-op. Recently, I've been playing Conan Exiles and 7 Days to Die, cooperatively. Also enjoying the heck out of the co-op mod for Skyrim, Skyrim Together. Really looking forward to the forthcoming game, Enshrouded.
I generally don't play competitively because I suck. 😹
I made a post some years ago about gaming as a hobby and as a kind of therapy, which lists some more games that I play:
Do you play video games on PC, also?
This is something that I'd really like to start doing again, diamond painting. I loved it. It was calming and relaxing. I really enjoyed how pretty they are when finished.
Oh I’ve never tried it myself but I’ve gotten them as gifts a couple times and they’re so satisfying to look at!
I enjoy watching a good movie and also I found I like swimming when I feel anxious
I love a good jigsaw puzzle. It’s a nice break from screen related activities, and just enough of a challenge to keep me interested. We just discovered the in-progress puzzle that my husband saved for me when I had to be out of town for 2 months. Can’t wait to get back to it. It was a 2000 piece of Van Gogh’s ‘Starry Night’.
I love studying maths and physics does not mean I'm good at it though just enjoy it especially when I get stuck on a problems and takes a while to work out the solution.
I like reading, drawing, colouring, cross stitch, puzzle books, crafting. Anything that takes my mind off things.
Recently remembered that I used to enjoy puzzles/brain teasers, so I bought two puzzle books. Grid type puzzles. I find them very satisfying to work out. Also read a lot and color.
Hi Sarge27 and hi everyone reading here. I have found a hobby that helps my anxiety and racing thought. I took 2 years of Ceramics at my local Community College where I got basic and graduated skills and plus, I made a few friends on my journey. Since, then I purchased an electric wheel for home where I make kinda nice candle holders and insense holders. I only work with air dry clay at this time but I'd love to invest in a medium sized kiln. Maybe, start out small by making some small animals or cars? Something you care about. Then a little bigger like a chess set and board. Then you'll be ready for a wheel! Heck, sky's the limit from here! Just remember 3 things. Air dry clay can not get wet after the drying/painting process. Next, don't try to make perfection. Give your pieces character as the Nations Americans do. They purposely make a miss or flaw that proves its homemade. And lastly, you can find the air dry clay an many arts and crafts stores, Like Joanne's, Hobby Lobby or Michael's. Make sure that it's air dry clay if you don't have a kiln. I've heard there's a way to turn your oven until one... check Google. Hope you try it and love it like I do. Just put on your favorite music, any genre will do, and let your thoughts have a vacation! Good Luck!
I’m the same way. I can’t stick to a hobby. It fizzles out and becomes a burden and I quit and look for something new. My husband is a big hobby person, he has so many things he enjoys and works at until he masters. I’m so jealous lol.
I started gardening a few years back. It helps me a lot in managing my anxiety.
Take a long slow walk and stop every 10 minutes to stop and look at the clouds.
Start collecting and archiving calming types of music,I got rid my record collection and have nothing but regrets,music's very important to me.its very comforting..
I write fiction, but sometimes my anxiety is too high to be able to focus. So then I will often listen to an audiobook or podcast while doing adult coloring books. (I know, it sounds silly, but I find the repetitive motion of coloring, plus the focus on creatively choosing colors is calming -- I can't do my own art to save my life, but this is mildly creative and at least relaxing.) I used to do bird-watching, until some health issues and a broiling planet put a damper on that, but even just using my binoculars to see who's out there from my window (and I feed birds, so seeing who shows up at the feeders) is fun.
I lost internet just as was sending my reply so it shows up forgive me. I make miniature dollhouse rooms. I design the room, then make the furnishings for the room. It’s not professional by any stretch of the imagination but it helps me forget my troubles for a while. I got started when I saw a poem about an empty chair. I wanted to do something to remind us of our grandbabies we lost. I made a den like room and every Christmas I add a Christmas tree and an empty cradle. I find my ideas on Pinterest. 1:12 scale. I’ve since made a library room and now I’m working on a farmhouse kitchen. I also read and sew. I used to knit and crochet for charities I found online.
Hi Sarge. I like to read. It takes my mind off of the struggles I have with mental health
I build miniature doll houses and other crafty things.
Gardening and yoga are my top two for calming and enjoyment!
I got back to crocheting --Very relaxing --currently making a scarf. Almost finished with the scarf, then will be making an afghan. Don't watch movies now as can't concentrate since All the Stress I've had & have!