I am severely agoraphobic which lead to not going to the dentist or doctor for a few years. I’m now needing to get some teeth extracted asap. Im terrified of the dentist. I also have a phobia of the side effects of medications so I am scared of the medication they use to numb my mouth. Im so upset because I need these teeth out they are hurting me. Im so scared and I am way too scared to be sedated. Can anyone give me any tips on how to cope with this? I do have a therapist but she only tells me to take deep breaths and that doesn’t always work for me especially in a dentist office. 😔😔
dentist: I am severely agoraphobic... - Anxiety and Depre...
hi can you pop along to the dentist before you go and let them know about your anxieties I`m sure they can put your mind at ease by going through the procedure.
Have you a dental hospital nearby as they are more than used to anxious patients and will put you at ease.
If you don't tell them you are frightened and they don't know there's nothing they can do for you.
Do you have a doctor that can prescribe medication? You might try a benzodiazepine for this one particular situation. I had a doctor offer that once. They are not recommended for long term treatment due to dependency, but it might be worth trying to get your teeth taken care of. With your phobia of medications it may not work for you, but thought I would mention it. I have social anxiety and have a terrible time going to any kind of medical or dental appointments. I hope you feel better and can get your dental work done. Take care. 🙂
Hi Sierramist. you and I aren't the only 2 in the world who have trouble with
dentists. When it came time for me to have some teeth removed, I proceeded
slowly by seeing an Oral surgeon who does hundreds of extractions a year.
I made a consult appointment before setting up the appt for the extraction.
Because they have the expertise in dealing with all kinds of patients and all
kinds of surgery, they are usually in and out before you even know it.
My Oral Surgeon suggested Plain Carbo for me which didn't give me the jolt
of Epinephrine. Knowing that he understood my circumstances with Agoraphobia
helped me come in on the day of the appt more comfortable . I did bring my
headphones with a Meditation tape as well as did my deep breathing exercises.
Honestly, once you are prepped and wait for the numbing to take effect, the rest
goes faster. I wish you Good Luck. It's going to be okay. You're going to be okay :)xx
I was going to respond but Agora1 said everything I was going to say except I would ask for medication. Good for you for taking care of yourself 😚
I too am about to have all of my front teeth extracted Monday. I've had years of issues so I had to get over my anxiety fast. First, I would expect you will just get local anesthesia to numb. You won't feel a thing. They even put numbing ointment before the tiny shot. These dentists do this everyday and are very good at administering the numbing compound. If, however, you have elected for a sedated procedure, it is simply a combo of a few benzos. It doesn't put you fully to sleep but in enough of a fog to still follow commands....like open your mouth. Having done dental work both ways, I actually prefer the good old standard method. It may be numb for awhile afterwards, but you then don't have any restrictions. Sedation though is an option but is normally out of pocket. I totally get it and empathize with you. I let a decade go by only making my oral issues worse. I have needed to deal with these teeth for quite some time. I know that once they are out, I will at least get rid of some daily very annoying pain. Just try to remember the outcome is going to be less pain....which is a win on quality of life! Will all be thinking of you! As others have suggested you could call ahead. Dental offices have limited ability to prescribe a benzo but they can if needed. If so though, they will likely want you to have someone there to drive to and from!