escalopram and diazepam: I was on 10mg... - Anxiety and Depre...

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escalopram and diazepam

basten profile image
27 Replies

I was on 10mg but i got up and could barely walk arms legs all weak. i reduced ti 5 and it isnt as bad but somedays im still weak and have ti lie down a couple of hours . i am also on diazepam for sleeep 10mg at night ive tried reducing 3 times upped dose ti same because the pain eating is horrendous . all in my back to bottom . i have gastritis eosphagitis too and the back is where my pain is if in a flare . The escaloptam has stopped some of the things i was getting on diazepam one being legs kicking arms everywhere and hyper arousal which ive read diaz can cause now also im emotionally blunted except to cry waking up. my gp says lets stick to the escal as ive been on so many nany a.ds all my life (74 now ),. I missed one dose and back to hyper arousal and legs arms everywhere waking . Im stuck. i cant take ppis as make me worse just famotidine and Gavison at night . She gave me the a d as i was getting depressed which i now know benzoes can cause. been in them for sleep 6 years. I cant face tapering off them as after my 4th cut it felt i wasnt digesting my food till pm . It was messing my stomach badly. and eating anything was horrific

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basten profile image
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27 Replies
012703060610 profile image

I just did a full transition to one benzo, diazepam. I can't take any pain meds due to allergies so I had a Lorazepam script for physical flares and the Klonopin for night time. I am also on Remeron for depression and weight gain. I didn't realize that valium actually has anti inflammatory properties so it really could be helping with body spasms etc. I worked with my Rheumatologist and Psychiatrist to agree on the treatment plan. I am prescribed 60 mgs a day. I don't take them all, but have them as needed. The remeron really can knock me out at times. I don't have experience with the other med, but the switch to the one benzo is working. I'm not getting a lot of flack just due to my personal circumstances.

Regarding your acid issues, any particular reason you can only take certain things? Gaviscon does work, but I take it before a meal. There is also something called gourmet reflux that you can get on amazon (like gaviscon) but the mechanism to control the acid works much better for me. It's a paste you put on a spoon before eating. I love the Carmel flavor! Just thought I'd share!

basten profile image
basten in reply to012703060610

thank you. I'll check that out . i was on Remeron 2 half years . im opposite tapered off due to constant cravings made me pre diabetic . then off it i got histamine intolerance as it blocks histamine . it gradually went . Gastritis no chocolate spices fatty foods cake dairy milk certain fruits toms. garlic Anything above ph of 5 to 6 ok . i soon know if i eaten something i shouldnt 🙄 i always been told Gaviscon after food but if in a flare it doesn't help . thankyou . i hope someone will see my post re escalopram

012703060610 profile image
012703060610 in reply tobasten

I'm the very same diet but with further restriction to soft and liquid food. Very hard to keep weight on. I have microscopic colitis but the real issue issue is that I have a paralyzed gut (gastroparesis). What a nutty concept. But my stomach can't contract without a med I hate. The next step would be to put in a device to stimulate the gut....that sounds no good!

basten profile image
basten in reply to012703060610

im so sorry. thats happened. .i have read they can put in an electrical device must be painful no woner you need meds acid etc..are you diabetic ? would turn your life around if theyd do it. bless you. i live alone 2 grown kids lovely and care but uts only them that keeps me here. i earely see anyone no friends..if i get up its 11 ish.. my days consist if feeling bit strngerto get food and back . its awful to say but ive told mt gp i am very s.i and wish i didnt didnt wake up . Sshe doesnt jnow what to di.thats nithing compared to you . i could hardly walk again tijs morning. a lot of the time i stay in bed dont wash plates in the sink ironing lefr weeks . I wish you better days .thankyou

basten profile image
basten in reply to012703060610

im so sorry. thats happened. .i have read they can put in an electrical device must be painful no woner you need meds acid etc..are you diabetic ? would turn your life around if theyd do it. bless you. i live alone 2 grown kids lovely and care but uts only them that keeps me here. i earely see anyone no friends..if i get up its 11 ish.. my days consist if feeling bit strngerto get food and back . its awful to say but ive told mt gp i am very s.i and wish i didnt didnt wake up . Sshe doesnt jnow what to di.thats nithing compared to you . i could hardly walk again tijs morning. a lot of the time i stay in bed dont wash plates in the sink ironing lefr weeks . I wish you better days .thankyou

012703060610 profile image
012703060610 in reply tobasten

We all have our moments on SI. I was supposed to be in a surgery yesterday. I spent the night contemplating ending all. Made it to surgery, but in pre op, my vitals were off including 102 fever so I got sent home. I've been miserable and haven't slept much in days. Than you for your care and concern. The gut issues actually aren't the worst of my situation. I have four autoimmune diseases and have been told to get my affairs in order. Three little kids. I am in a lot of pain everyday which leads to no sleep which leads to crazy thinking. If we could get some things under control, the prognosis would be better. All the meds for autoimmune really mess up your body. My liver is starting to go from meds as well as bone loss from prednisone (steroids). I wish I could be pain free for at least a day and to have the energy to be able to run around and get muddy and play with my kiddos. Just one day. Instead I'm always just a watcher or have to stay home. Today my husband took off work and is taking the kids out and about swimming and for some golf......I am nothing but jealous and I can't really say that to anyone. Sadly, most people have forgotten about me since I had to quit my job in 2021. I even sent holiday cards with a write up about all of us and literally no one responded with....oh my goodness, are you ok? It's all very cruel. The only comfort I find is in statistics. 40% of adults are reported to be lonely over the globe. What the heck does that say about humanity?!?

basten profile image
basten in reply to012703060610

i know the feeling about wanting to end it all. i often stay in bed all day cos think whats the point in getting up. i have to admit after years of not smoking i was so down i went anf bought some. smoked for a week and got breathless still am but saw gp yesterday and my.oxyygene lrvels and heart stats were ok . im also very constipated despite laxatives and i.go.just small blobs and sometimes they wont flush away just float..I told gp but not bothered. whats the point . im so sorry you were sent home . i had a ges study last year . all normal . but after that i started to reduce the benzo and the pain eating back. i reduced once more before xmas and jt food was still in my stomach until pm. None one seems to understand or care.. its only my 2 children who keep me here . if not id wouldnt be hear. tryiing to come off benzos they say js worse than coming of heroine.. they affect every part of our nervous stystem from brain eyes digfestion bowels bladder muscles . msny are bed ridden for months..burning.all through histamine intolerance cant eat cant walk . gps haven't a clue anf my gp says maybe stay on them but they can turn on you. no sleep is awful anf msny havd insomnja months . an old lady taperrd slowly but once off sent me s message just said i am.sufferjng God help mr. she had to use her walker. nkw 11 months off getting some sleep but still in pain..this js what phychs and gps have done to us ..I asked once on my group does smoking make things worse. they all said yes. noone sees what goes on behind closed doors..we feel.abandoned ..your.situation is worse....I've given. up whats the point . you had a fever yet they sent you home . how awful. Ive been labelled with somatisation disorder one told msnic depression.anothrr said no , FND and lasttly.a personality disorder..all.from meds i feel.degraded . i do.hsave anxiety and too..can you blame me..I had an abusive marriage and started tk binge drink . got depressed and the roller coaster started from there on meds..on and off ..I was hospitalised 3 x time i was given clonazepam for restless legs . i stopped it and had body arching and sexual urges wave after wave in.the night id end up walking the streets in the night trying tl stop them..then i got what gp said was fibromyalga and depressed so he slung me jn s phych ward for 3 months. an old cpn saw me in there and said you shouldnt be in here Ljnda. i was gjven venlofazine.aftrr a week felt.better and was let i.went high brought back bags of charity shop clothes which my kids took.home..i got home and couldn't remember what id bought ..I put on a lot of weight and camr off them then got worse depression so given more meds sometimes up to 5. its awful as my gp doesnt have the answers anymore ..i see people if i sm able to go out chatting and laughing while i sit alone in a cafe and i think arent you lucky . old ladies in a group and there i am sitting alone . if i reduce the benzo i.also get aggressive and my son.said shouting im.goimg home . i say this isnt me..he said i know mum.but you keep saying its the drugs.. . i thought you wete off them ..i said im trying too but im in so much pain eating i had to go back up again ..I told my gp thjs is what youve all donr to me all for insomnia and i took. prescribed..all.she can say im.sorry thjd has happened if something in a test would show be able to help . ..Thr only thing. i have after seeing a cardiologist is s heart murmur and onr valves isn't opening enough. but he said its old age and we will check you again in 3 years ..i said ok that's if im.still here ..

012703060610 profile image
012703060610 in reply tobasten

Same here with three kiddos. Try not to beat yourself up on meds. I know I need meds, period. Benzos are unfortunately a distraction from pain only for me, but works. It's why my valium script is so high, it's kind of like comfort care. Feeding tube is def too dangerous. One of my diseases attacks all of my cartilage in my entire body. I can't wear shoes due to horrible pain in heels. I wear backless shoes I guess. The cartilage issues vary and mine have presented in the worse ways....which is in my throat. It narrows and I have issues breathing. We have to check size every month. I don't mind eating the slop as I've figured a few good things out that I don't mind, but it's a lot of apple sauce! then I have Behcet's vasculitis and the fear there is stroke as I've already had one. I did get all my affairs in order and then it dawned on me...what happens to social media?!? I can relate to constipation issues. Most is due to lack of mobility and a few meds. I really try to walk some but my lungs are pretty much shot. One thing I make is with a protein shake, ice and berries blended together. Tastes almost like a milkshake and packs a ton of good fiber. On days I have those, my bathroom days the next day are much better. Sometimes the fiber backfires though and I ended up bloated as all can be!

basten profile image
basten in reply to012703060610

no wonder you with 3 children too.. It sounds that your poor body is attacking every thing yes immune system . I guess they have to stretch your eosphagus every minth then..? I know people with gastroparesis are in pain and can only eat certain easy to.digest foods..thats bad enough but to have everything else as well. so unfair. What started 1st then ? is the muscle wasting as cant eat much ? How on earth do you cope with 3 young children !!! yes benzoes are to relaxing and pain.. . can you walk.out at all ? sometimes i really wonder if there is a god..Life and people can be so cruel and ...I used to go to church but then covid and i couldnt even do their zoom as i was zonked on clonazepam zopiclone (now off which wasnt nice) and mirtazapine. They were nice after my accident abd woukd stand at the door and chat. then that stopped..I have seen a couple about and they good to see you out and walking . thats it . sometimes i think Christians arent that Christian. im very sensitive person.. You must be in pain if the remeron doesn't knock you out plus benzoes at night ? My son is gay but very caring . His partner has a married couple his friends She had a mastectomy . sadly the c returned ans its everywhere . she has 3 children youngest is 2. They dont know how long shes got ..she is still working but her wages pay the billls abd her husband's all.go on child sad. My son phoned at 5pm . His partner said dont go home come to the pub 1st..they live a cul de sac and appperently the man oppsite came out of his house and dropped dead they think from heart attack..about 55. The air ambulance landed in a nearby field and police and ambulance galore . And theres me wishing i could go . But we cant help how we feel especially if you have to struggle and suffer each day. most of my friends i loved have passed..I just miss them.all the time. i dont drive anymore and neighbours dont care . i rely on my son or Neighbour Care for appts . they are all lovely volunteers and cost £10 back . a taxi which where i live are few and would cost about 26 ... Its 1 am now ive just sat here all evening no tv, just googling and browsing fb . and ordering cat food. my son 45 had tongue cancer 2 years ago. The doctor kept saying uts acid and nurse couldn't see anything. But mums being mums i told him your breath is awful thats not acid. of course i was nagging . after 3 months they finally agreed to refer him ent. it was right down the back of his tongue and the smell was the cancer . He had to travel to further afield hospital 1st to be fitted wuth a face mask where when chemo etc hed have to wear it and be strapped down . I couldnt see him . But his neck was burnt raw. He had to be tube fed into tummy. He could onky sleep up right and had thrush and mouthful of ulcers ..He couldnt talk much..hes had the all clear so im praying it stays that way. he can eat but has some trouble swallowing as it destroyed his saliva glands..If he stays here i hear him in the bathroom coughing up gunge still . He never complains and always tries to cheer me up . My daughter had a tumour on her liver which they thought was a hormone one but it was bigger than they liked so she had that removed plus her gallbladder. single no partner 48. gets niggles still and some acid . She had ocd bless and we think adult autism but a clever hairdresser. works on her own in a small room at the school leisure centre and pays rent. Her back hands and knees hurt now . She flew to Athens 4 times for fertility treatment. 2 ivfs and 2 failed embryo implants . She didnt want to talk or see anyone for ages but accepted it now.. The love of her life is a horse shes tamed but cant ride him. She is hoping to find a better place for him as where he is the people dont look after their animals very well. But its all up a country lane and noone else goes there to see it all . as all hidden away.Well sorry for the long post . i get a bit carried away!!! now 1.15 am so must take meds and hope to sleep ..I do hope your fever has gone and theyll get you back in again soon..

012703060610 profile image
012703060610 in reply tobasten

It's just midnight where I am and this is when my bowels wake me up. Any time between midnight and 2am. I never know what I'm going to get by way of the bathroom, but I spend 4-8 hours a day around the toilet. It's insanity. Yes gastroparesis can be super painful. I've eliminated all triggers. There is one drug called Metocleopromide that makes the stomach move. I am to use is sparingly as the main side effects are Parkinsons's symptoms. So if I have any solid, take one. Regarding the throat, there isn't much they can do but measure the size. It all turns into scar tissue.....I feel like it's an add on to adhesion issues I have all inside after three C sections.

Coping is probably the right word...for three kids. They are only 11, 10 and 6. I clearly have a high tolerance to benzos but no one seems to care now given the state of my health. You nailed it on the head, even with Remeron and Valium, I can't sleep when in pain.

I started Church again in 2019. Then did virtual during COVID. Then by 2022, I was angry. Prayer request after prayer request. Where is God helping me through this? I haven't lost full faith but I have lost a lot of energy around it.

Now you have a whole lot going on in you life! You sound like a great parent though. Caring no matter the circumstances. That cancer sounds awful. I get a ton of yeast infection in my throat from meds. I have to always try to keep on top of it. I am back on an antibiotic again....they are trying a different one that is supposedly stronger. I just hate taking them all of the time. I have become resistant to some of the very common antibiotics. So sorry for the struggles with your daughter. Going for IVF is a huge process and I know so many people that it worked and so many that it didn't. Plus it breaks the bank! How do you cope with all of this?

basten profile image
basten in reply to012703060610

I just listen to her .. She cant now want to hear anything about how I feel . shes got her own issues.. btw the tumour was benign ..shes had an mri scan about 2 months ago . all they sent was some sort of.document but she doesn't understand the terminology . she's text the hospital and left a message at surgery ti kindly.explain but noone has replied . i said its the way things are but keep pestering as you have the right for an explanation what it means.

trips in the night to the bathroom isnt nice for you .

i dropped a letter off yesterday for my gp.explaining my bowel issues. i doubt if she will call..i have slow bowel transit but on holiday with my son (i wasnt keen on going but he said its booked ) i ate icecream cake capppachinoes sweet pastries my nuts and the only veg meal was white fish courgette and leak ..but i was going everyday not much colour but then by pm felt full and bloated . (i can hear you saying lucky you !). but since home and fed up been buying crap ready meals..i hate cooking . odd times fish leaks and courgette. I was told via a gp phone call and a pic I sent of my tongue it looks like.thrush so.ive been on.flucanzole about 6 weeks..ive taken laxatives senna and magnesiuum hydroxide but nothing much.comes out.. i have no gallbladder.. my mum died of bowel cancer and mt nan she was about 76 im 74. so i wrote to gp..maybe the flucanzole has affected them i asked ... or the smoking which i havent done for years. i just si fed up i found myself buying them. what an idiot .

thats smoothie sounds nice. one day i can eat something byt same next day and pain from gastritis . yet on holiday i had no pain. I was nearly prediabetic so after all the eating on hols and ready meals ive just paid private for a nurse to do a Hab1c test at home a private stool test to check elastaise and all sorts..I did one before and it showed high calproclatin meaning inflammation in bowel but gastro said not high enough to warrant a colonoscopy.. it seema si many are being overlooked with symptoms and gps just want to dish out meds.. Im.sorry you're back on antiobiotics . can you take a probotic or drink kefir milk to replace good bacferia antibiotics also destroy?? I cant take painkillers either especially oral morph. ( i was in agony on just 5ml ages and later i ate some porridge drank water but by 10.30 pm my bladder was full but couldn't pee so son.took me to a and e where i was promptly sick and had to have a catheter . same happened when i had pancreatitis ..paramedics gave me cocodomol and ibruprofen . got stomach paina and again couldnt pee..i had a heart incidence once and give cloppydogrel. same happened. paracetemol are ok but dont do much. noone ever told me why this happened ...thats life..then thrombocyopenia as my gums bled and i cut my finger and jt wouldnt stop bleeding. a abs e again and told blood not clotting . bone marrow biopsy was ok. sge said some meds can cause but steroids a year . its let me with what they call MAGUS. i had to ask what sge meant. oh its nothing to worry about but it can turn to blood cancer in 1% of people. im checked every year now .

you say you think a lot of your probs are from 3 c sections could be right as everything is invasive . You don't have Elos Danlos then which affects tissues and a lady said her friend has it abs now gastroparesis and bad bowels etc..

yesterday my dinner was 4 lettuce leaves cucumber and few prawns ..same tonight..usually.followed by too many nuts which used to make go but dont work.anymore..I had another SHapes capsule study last year no laxatives allowed . i craved fat so ate loads of nuts and gastro sajd all good. i told

re nuts. he said fat stimulates the bowels but maybe not too many . !!

you are struggling i am sure but we can only take one day at a time.. i hear what you say about church minute i dont believe then i change my mind...tbo noone has ever come back and told us lol..

im seeing gynaecology lady wednesday ...another hospital visit .. have the electrical.implant if offered?

i had metaclopramide before when they.gave way too much oxyodone my gp.after my.leg.op ..luckily my daughter was here just 2.5ml.liquid if sweated that much my clothes were soaked and i kept feeling faint and in agony in my again and wad sick 3 x..and all night my leg was agony but scan ok..but i had low b12 folate vit sodium and aneamjc so given a blood transfusion and was only allowed low fluids cos of low sodium ... My discharge notes said please repeat in a month..I heard nothing 2 months later so.i had to chase them up..luckily all normal after supplements.. what a mess it!!

012703060610 profile image
012703060610 in reply tobasten

So much truly wrecks our guts, and anxiety is one of them! Wonder if the excitement of a trip just got out of an anxiety cycle shortly so you could enjoy. I am sitting here thinking about all the food I WANT to eat but can't! Given too much oxycodone is a huge problem and never really thought how metoclopromide could help there I guess. I hate all the reliance on meds all day everyday.

There are two implants, one for the belly or one for Vegas nerve. Surgeons are very reluctant to do anything due to how much scar tissues (adhesions) are left behind from all the other surgeries. It basically has become a cover my butt situation for these surgeons. I do take both pre and probiotics, several times with all meals. Some with digestive enzymes added have helped with the constipation. I also take something called IBguard which is simply peppermint capsules. These controlled standard IBS for me for about a decade. My pill case is HUGE, now!

You have certainly been through a horrific medical journey yourself too. My Dad just turned 77 and he is the first man in his family to live past 60 with heart diseases issues on his side. You can make it much longer, I just know it. I love your little mention of cucumber. I am constantly trying to find the right foods. Nuts have been a NO GO since gastroparesis. Total bummer. Protein is my hardest category as I don't eat fish, can't eat red meat, am SO tired of boiled down shredded chicken and I can only deal with so many protein shakes. But I am working on weight again as when I drop to a real low weight I start passing out in stores. I had to not drive for almost a year!

OK, MGUS, how do you control all of that? I just read about it, and holy moly! Sure seems like a family genetic thing! I am so sorry.

From a diagnosis standpoint, other than gastroparesis, I have Behçet's disease, relapsing polychondritis, mixed connective tissue disorder and hypermobilty (trending towards Elhos Dalhers syndrome). My Rheumatologist can explain very well how these all fit together and why. On top of this I have microscopic colitis and tore my rotator cuff. Relapsing Polychondritis is the bad bad one. I do have Lupus as a ddx. Essentially, RP attacks cartilage all over your body and anywhere. The hallmark symptom is the outer ear lobe being inflamed and red. My issues is it is attacking my airway constantly and it erodes and becomes scar tissue too. A lot of folks with RP die by loss of breathe or get to the hospital and have to get a trach put in. We truly needed a plan in both states on who to call and where to go if I ever have a spell again I can't manage. I take very special voice therapy that costs an arm and a leg, but the work helps keep symptoms calm. I also lost most of my inner nose. It will eventually collapse to something called saddle nose. I would be more positive but the meds at the right dose are causing organ issues so everyone is just super anxious as the treatment plan isn't working. The nature of RP is progressive and degenerative like Parkinsons. It almost feels the same to some degree.

basten profile image
basten in reply to012703060610

oh my no wonder you are so down..anyone would be if same. And theres me moaning about my few issues and telling you morbid stories so sorry. you need positivity not negativity.. to not sleep even on Remoron or benzoes and be in pain i cant imagine ..what was your pre op for and wouldnt do due to fever? i pray the stroke was not a bad one. I am at a loss for words and knowing you have 3 young children too.. . You are amazing how you've held it together wonder you contemplated ending it . you must have I hope a wonderful husband. I don't know how you cope . Theres nothing they can do re MAGUS just check me with blood test now once a year I think meds caused it...meds are necessary but yes liver has ti cope with them all. do digestive enzymes help a bit then..I know they break down food like pancreas..What ones do you take and how often that have pre and probiotics in? can you drive again? i havent driven for 3 years since accident .

012703060610 profile image
012703060610 in reply tobasten

So my morning pill case includes a pre/probiotic focused on urinary health. I have awful bladder issues. Not sure it helps. Then I use Digestive Advantage probiotic.....I think it says for intense bowel support (box is blue/white). I think the max dose per day is 3 pills. I take one with each meal and they include enzymes too. I honestly did the best on Creon script even though my pancreas is totally fine. But they wouldn't continue a script for me. Making me think to ask again though, so thank you. The stroke wasn't too too bad. I notice it more than others I think. It's really weird random left side malfunctions. Sometimes it's even taking a step forward. But mostly it shows on my face slightly. Just a left over droopy thing. This happened and then I got pregnant with my third.....and then no one wants to help a pregnant woman pursue anything but a healthy pregnancy! Turns out it was truly all Behcet's related years ago and did nothing about it. Yes the RP diagnosis is brutal. I am in direct contact with the NIH here and a woman who leads research has RP. They have agreed to take on my records and review. I'm hoping it's all a misdiagnosis to some degree. If we could get it all under control it would be fine....but it just gets worse. Given early airway involvement......that's the biggest issue. To make matters worse I have one phobia and it's about not breathing. Like drowning or something is my worst case scenario. We've made it once to the ER when I was have heavy difficulty with breathing. It was then we realized we need a care plan for those flares. I just wish the meds would work. They have too many side effects. I was in a better place a year ago on the highest dose of an immunosuppressive med.....and then my liver started to get issues. Blah, sorry for the long rant! I really appreciate you taking the time to look it up. My family didn't even look it up after we found it all out!

basten profile image
basten in reply to012703060610

just read re Relapsing Polychondritis.. oh my my heart goes out😢

basten profile image
basten in reply to012703060610

get your affairs in order . you are in a bad way..sooo sorry sad to hear this ..Why arent they tube feeding you or too dangerous ?

b1b1b1 profile image

10 mg of diazepam seems to be a lot. Doublecheck with your doctor.

basten profile image
basten in reply tob1b1b1

i was originally on 0.5 clonazepam the equiv dose

b1b1b1 profile image
b1b1b1 in reply tobasten

Perhaps you mean 1 mg of diazepam, not 10 mgs.

basten profile image
basten in reply tob1b1b1

no 10mg im.on fb group all say 10mg diaz is equive to 0.5 clon . so did Heather Ashton who ran a clinic for10 years helping people and knew so much about z drugs and benzoes . The Heather Ashton Manual . i think she is on utube still when alive . not sure

basten profile image
basten in reply tob1b1b1

as mentioned i only have ti reduce either a wee bit and im in such pain eating anything all day.

012703060610 profile image

10 mgs is standard dose of Valium. Not like other benzos w lower mgs.

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to012703060610

2mg white ….5 mg yellow….10 mg blue here in uk but seldom prescribed now ,

basten profile image
basten in reply toSillysausage234

too late for me. i never knew what they were only that they gave me for insomnia old school gps did . the new ones not as much only maybe for a week or like my friend who has one if the dentist .

basten profile image
basten in reply to012703060610

The Ashton Manual and everyone ive asked say 10ng diaz is equiv to 0.5 clon . I am mainly here re escalipram question but had to mention diaz too... hoping someone will respond re Escalopram or i will repost and miss out the diazepam bit. thankyou anyway

012703060610 profile image

Do you mean Escitalopram not Escalipram? I'm not exactly sure what your question would be on the med. However, there wouldn't be no conversion per se as it is a SSRI for depression. I haven't ever heard of it before, but just read more on it and it seems like it covers off everything including trauma. Just taking a guess at the actual question. You may just be looking for someone else and their experience on the med.

basten profile image
basten in reply to012703060610

yes escalopram experience . my post asks that but i will repost and not mention diazepam as i thought maybeescalopram has affected the diazepam brain thats why i included it.

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