Mirtazapine diaz and zopiclone - Anxiety and Depre...

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Mirtazapine diaz and zopiclone

basten profile image
11 Replies

Hello I'm on 15 mg Mirtazapine 16 months. Weight gain bad ate awful bad food due to cravings. Now want off. Psych says just stop. !!! I dont think that's good idea. I know I wont sleep. Been on zop 2 half years a benzo clonaz 3 yrs which she switched to diaz 4mg . Since then so drugged am and weak. Reduced diaz by 1mg. Then diarrhoea a week and agrophobic depressed aggressive still drugged but on top since diaz awful hyper sexual urges hours on end in night and legs everywhere. Psych says diaz would not do this but it has worse since reduced. . I have told her repeatedly she just says reduced diaz still by 1mg month but I feel awful already. I have repeatedly said I'm suicidal. I ring out of hours but still never get help. I am 71. They have no idea about benzo withdrawals but to tell me just stop 15 of mirtaz after 16 months or take half every other night doesnt feel good. Many on FB say use water titration but I dont get that stuff . Or switch beg GP to give you liquid to taper better but I know my GP wont as too expensive. Was cutting quarter if Zopiclone 9 weeks then went into hisoital and they just gave me the dose on box so fucked me up yet again

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11 Replies
Sprinkle1 profile image

Hello you poor soul, sounds like you have a lousy Dr. I am to be 79 next month. I was put on mirtazapine by a Dr. I hated it, it did help me sleep, but the food cravings and weight gain pissed me off. I also have a wonderful therapist, she helped me wean of the Mirt. I cut it to one less a week, after a couple of weeks to two less a week, took my time slowly reducing it and was off of it in 9 weeks, no side affects. Another Dr. put me on Trazadone for sleep, it works very well and is also a mild antidepressant. I also take 50 mg a day of Cymbalta, it holds my depression and anxiety. Take 300 mg 3 times a day of Gabapentin, it is great helps to keep pain in check and smooths me out, so I only take 3 med's a day plus thyroid. I am familiar with suicidal thoughts, they are Awful. There is a suicide hot line you can call 24/7 #988.....they will give you support and help. Can you find another Dr.? Write to us we will give you love and support, you are Not Alone, we are with you.

Sending Love, Peace and strength.....xxx and Hugs....

basten profile image
basten in reply to Sprinkle1

Its ME LINDA !!!! I am in a right mess . Feel so bad. And that was before bad accident . Drugs have fucked me up and something not right with digestion waiting tests but taking months due to c19. Saw another psych he says diaz wouldnt make you hyper..s but they have he said dont think we can help this lady but will discuss with my other psych. I send her emails cries fir help phone the out of hours mental health team but still she wont get back not till appt may!! My whole insides burn on eating. I havent written as too depressed. I have noone Rose I can see cannot afford private and cant go out housebound c ant drive walk unaided due to hip knee so bad from accident. I walked just fine before no pains now had xrays on bad leg...say I have artheritis knee hip in it hence. Referred back to bone man but NHS waiting is months and thousands back logged waiting ops due to c19. Thousands. Its ME LINDA XXX

basten profile image
basten in reply to Sprinkle1

I missed one night mirtaz awake all night. I think your Traz and I know melatonin you told me helps you sleep. Call or mail me. I feel fucking dreadful and now saying I have personality disorder so somatisation and anxiety too. I beg write they just say reduce diaz 1mg month....its bloody awful withdrawals reducing .and just stop mirtaz or take half every other night.My cholesterol is way high since I started mirtaz and ate crap due to its side effect and now prediabetic. I am housebound now x


Sprinkle1 profile image
Sprinkle1 in reply to basten

Hello Linda, I have been thinking about you, and have planned on trying to get thru on the phone. I had a nice talk with your son Oliver. I am So Sorry you have had all this misfortune. I do hope the new Dr.s will be of help to you. I am doing OK, had my operation in Jan. not real effective, still wetting myself, am now on a pill that is supposed to help, it dries my mouth out and I get So thirsty. This getting older sucks, I'll be 79 next month. I wish I could be of more help to you, I think I know how you must feel.We had a bad turn, Craig one of my Brothers got Covid, was in ICU for 10 days, he thought he was going to die, he said he got really angry and said I will fight this with all my strength and will. Thankfully he came out of it and is home, gaining back weight and strength, does not know where he got it, they left London last year and went out to their house in Norfolk, in a remote area!!! His twin brother Mark is OK, had his first covid shot recently. I finally went and got mine almost 3 weeks ago, had no side affects. Weather here crazy, global warming is in full force. I can tell I am getting older, I am more tired, slow and forgetful?!!! I managed to plant some bulbs in Dec. had a nice show of crocus, daffs and tulips. Have Swiss chard coming up, some broccoli & cabbage. Need to get out there and plant some cat nip and cat grass, herbs and flowers. Can you come off the mirtz and switch to the traz, I sleep a good 8 or 9 hours no groggy side affects. Once in a while I wake up and cannot get back to sleep so I take 5 mg of Melatonin that puts me back to sleep. How are your cats, mine are well Zebra turned 16 this month and Sprinkle will be 7 next month. I keep So Busy, I hate it, my computer bombards me, I delete as many as I can I have almost 11,000 mails I have to do something with, I get at least 100 a day?!!! Please be good to Linda, do not eat the wrong foods, you do not want to become diabetic. Can you read some good books, I shut down at 7 pm, I watch TV or read, I am reading 2 books now it takes me away from this world for a while.

Keep pushing the Dr.s for help, I am so sorry covid has messed up so many things in England. It is not quite so bad here, we are flooded with the B.1.1.7 from England now, it is in all 50 states and people are dying. We have the Nay Sayers who deny it, won't wear their masks etc.,, I get sick of people. Will try not to end on a down note. Spring is here, the trees have bloomed and the leaves are popping out with that fresh apple green, I love it. Love you....take good care please.......Andria.....

basten profile image
basten in reply to Sprinkle1

Ps cant shower only strip wash. Son cuts to nails. Washed back. Had carers at first now finished. Have a bath with shower over. So having to apply for a grant via council for walk in shower. Could take up to 6 months she said. Dear Sam cant BEAR touching skin wash cut nails. Cant help it makes her cringe!! Gonna sit down again. Just fed cats have to sort of drop bowls on floor. Jessie had a bit of poop hanging the other day there was I holding onto Zimmer one hand trying to keep her still to get it off. What a sight we were!!! Xx

basten profile image
basten in reply to basten

Hi I dont like writing personal on here really. I sorry op not 100%. Its sucks. Your poor brother what a worry.

Yes I hate hate hate this old age and all it brings I think you have are doing well still.

Had to go have xrays on leg that was fractured and pinned. Said.looks ok but....you look like you have artheritis knee hip. I said WHAT!!! BUT I had no pain anywhere legs knees hips before this horrendous accident. So now being referred back again could take ages. Cant walk unaided drive etc.

No cant take Trazadone. That's what out in in mental hospital Octoberb19 five weeks hell with horrendous panicks never had in life. No its cos of the Diazepam benzos and Zopiclone I know interacts.

No saw 2nd psych. He just said same reduced 1mg diaz each month. I have awful things going on since diaz. Cant sit lay still as getvvery hypersexual. Its awful. If I get sleep so drugged a.n. weak. Told toks told told them both. 2nd psych said diaz wouldnt cause hypersexual urges...I was fuming. Have since found benzo buddies and yes it does!!! Since cut to 3 diaz I am agroohobic very depressed apathy suicidal thoughts. Mirtaz does nothing. Gp says we can increase mirtaz...no thankyou!! Second psych says dont think medications are answer and he is for older peoples services and says dont know how I can help this lady with personality disorder as shes been on stacks of meds years on off stop started etc but he happy to discuss me with anyone.

You were lucky no issues stopping mirtaz like that. I think cos you were on traz and cymbalta which helped.

Cats ok. Jessie stares into space a lot and vet thinks may have artheritis back legs...she news if I touch them.

Sam gone back hairdressingbthisvweek. She stayed a long time with me then Oliver. But he goes home Weds then on own and wont see either of them for weeks then.

I know I have to get off these z and bs. Its fear that stops me. I dont know what to reduce first. I was cutting quarter Zopiclone then hospital just gave me full dose and the anaesthetic has messed me up. I do exercises. I have taken my case further but heard nothing. It's the benzos and zop that's caused bad issues. And my upper body on eating gets all inflamed burns .waiting fir 2 tests .

I dont know due to covidbhow long will take to see consultant and even then if they say you need nee hip knee will take months to year or more so if I am like I am now unable to walk unaided I will be stuck in other than if kids take me out one day. I thank God for them.

Sorry...just realised I've already told you half this!!!

Try call me on your birthday!!?? What date is it...ghee I didnt know you 78.

I also have vit d deficiency despite years of sun garden out etc. On my chart it started declining 2vmonths after my gallbladder out. I know you get from sunshine but it's a fat soluble vit and have read no gallbladder can cause. After my op I had low potassium. Then liver played up with drip fed paracetemol. I cant take anything for pain.

My Sprinkke has done well for age bless. Mine are 14.

No I cant concentrate to read. I think I've become tolerant now to the drugs especially b and z. Mirtaz doesnt helo. I can only sometimes get up at 11.

I have had to arrange find a cleaner once week. I have trouble finding gardener but have found 2 £20 hour .

My garage is full of stuff waiting to go skip. Have to prebook.

Before accident Sam refreshes paintedcmy kitchen and front bedroom filling in all cracks. Then when in hosoital she did my lounge and got me a new tv unit. And painted half my fence. Now I do miss her as when in lockdown I saw a lot of her out to seaside or picnics. That was before I reducedcbenzo and made me ill. They are horrific drugs.

No it's the mirtaz that made me as I told you crave bad food etc. You can see on my chart since I started it how sugar levels keep rising. Same with my cholesterol gone higher she said since January this year.

There is nothing you can really suggest or say you have to take care of self. I am afraid I have felt very suicidal for months and now just sit think oh well arteries are clogging up. So if lucky I'll just go in instant with heart attack I cant help it. This is what neds have done to me and you managed to not eat biscuits etc but mirtaz drives me insane craving despite trying not too. I just don't want fruit. I cant eat certain fruits fats cheese spices onion garlic grapes strawbs etc anyway.

Well I'll close. I only ever get half dozen emails at once. Your amount is crazy. I just sit here or watch tv all day. Have stopped zoom with church. Cant be doing with it. Had some nice cards flowers from old friends cousins.

I am tired Andria quite honestly. Have driven my kids crazy but they love me thank God but there lives will be less stressful when I'm gone. Sorry if this is depressing but that's how I feel and now cant walk drive its added to it.

My brother in law after his prostate cancer op and radio cant stop.peeingbdribbling. he wears pads. He was given meds to help stop but they caused him to be so constipated he stopped but says now worse.

Take care. Hopefully you can call or mail me on your birthday as on here too personal really not private xxxxxx

basten profile image
basten in reply to Sprinkle1

Andria tell me again. What dose of mirtaz tabs were you on? You say you just missed one less couple weeks then 2 less took 9 weeks. But I think you didbt get bad withdrawals as on traz and cymbalta.My gp said take 7.5.half every other night 15 every other 3 weeks then 7.5 2 weeks then stop.me thinks too fast.

I we can speak soon as I am very poorly and leg not healing cant walk unaided and in pain all inflamed inside my back on eating and very very weak lethargic in mornings. Have to stay in bed till 2 or 3 most days. Have just reduced diaz by 1mg again 9 days ago. I gone right down hill and just wish I knew now what's going on inside my guts. I've lost a 14lb weight

Hi Basten I'm also on 15 mg I was going to come off it a month back so I split the pill in half, I did it for almost 2 weeks then decided to give it another try so back on it again.i can't say I had any bad side effects if you want to try that, for sleeping cut the ends of a banana put in 3/4 water with 1/4 tea/s powdered cardamom and 1/4 tea/s cinnamon let boil for around 10 mins till it reduces a bit then drink it before bedtime,it does work not straight away but it will

basten profile image
basten in reply to

Oh ok thats weird concoction. I've been on 16months and gotta get off as caused too much cravings weight gain coukdnt cant stoo eating bad food now prediabetic slowly gone up and since started my cholesterol got higher. If it wasnt for weight cravings continually idcmaybe stay on cos I know insomnia will be bad . I wonder why you went back on and how long you been on

in reply to basten

Was on Propanalol for a short time and as it kept me quite calm I started to come of the Mirtarzapine then because I have asthma the doc took me of the propanalol as it interferes with breathing,Ihave only been on it 6mths I to have put on 1stone been stuffing everything, the banana thingy I found on youtube but it does work.The mirtazapine gave me a good sleep at first but it doesn't now , I find the mirtazapine makes me pee lots

basten profile image
basten in reply to

Yes for 16 months I ate crazy. Now prediabetic and high cholesterol. I liked the sleep. I only wanted ooff due to the constant horrendous cravings.Trying to find someone UK or anyone who has come off reducing tablet and how.

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