Just wondering how many people here are in the anxiety state as Claire weeks says meaning anxious 24/7 with symptoms sensitized are there any of you like me where it just stays until your body heald
Anxiety state : Just wondering how many... - Anxiety and Depre...
Anxiety state

Hi moggie8, Dr Claire Weeks was a brilliant doctor as well as a patient of Anxiety herself.
It's probably just one of the reasons that her words mean so much to us because we
know she experienced our emotional pain. Like you and many others, my anxiety was
so overwhelming that I was in a continuous state of sensitivity. A doorbell, a phone ring,
a knock at the door would put me into a state of fear as if someone were holding a gun
over me. How many times I told the doctors but it was never explained like Dr. Weekes
could in her book and videos. Something so simple as Acceptance became the "key" to
my success in going forward and regaining control of my life. moggie, you certainly are
not alone in how you feel. But know that with consistent work in retraining your
subconscious mind with acceptance as well as positivity, you can and will overcome
these sensations. Life is Amazing, once you reach that point. xx
Yes Agora1 ! Perfect response. 🙏
With acceptance u can get worse at first and it's hard to implement the acceptance method are you recovered
Hi moggie8, It is not an overnight success by any means. It took years of training as
well as using other modalities to get where I'm at today. Acceptance was a retraining of
my mind. The other methods to reduce anxiety/fear were a controlling of my physical
symptoms. Biofeedback, Reiki, Self-Hypnosis, Meditation/Breathing, Mindfulness,
Acupuncture, Tai-Chi, Aquacise, Affirmational Meditation, Imagery as well as
practicing both forms of Western and Eastern Meditation. Dr. Weekes theory laid
the foundation for me but then it became up to me to build from there. xx
Ok did u read at last a life it's about getting on with your life whilst anxious beevee had a post on here and she recovered with in months
Hi moggie, unfortunately I did not see that post. However, when I first got on this
forum, I knew I was in the right place when both beevee and Jeff1943 reached out
to this community with the same train of thought that I also had.
Everyone recovers within their own time. I am a believer in not allowing Anxiety
to stop you living your life. I am grateful for all the things I did while struggling
with Anxiety. It made me get back control of my life. xx
I have got all of her books, she was a brilliant Doctor and understood very well what we are all going through, I do practice her good information but my Anxiety and panic are to overwhelming to master them at the moment but I am trying very hard.
xx With time, patience, fortitude and confidence that you will master your
thoughts, you will reach a plateau never before imagined. Believe in tht xx