HI everyone just wondering what meds have worked best for yous for racing thoughts. My brain can't seem to switch off. I know we are all different but I'd like to see if there's similarities in the recommendations. Thanks.
Anxiety Meds : HI everyone just... - Anxiety and Depre...
Anxiety Meds

In my personal experience Paxil was the medication that helped me the most. I was on it for several years and did very, very well in handling anxiety. It really did help me a great deal. Fortunately after several years I hit the shelf life of that medication and needed to be taken off of it. For me, getting off paxil was extremely difficult and it took nearly a full year before I was able to completely wean off. .
The withdrawal symptoms were horrible to the point that I actually became afraid of taking medication for my mental health. Due to my withdrawal issue with Paxil I've gained a fear of complying with medication management. It's too bad because it was the only thing that really helped me and I would love to go back on it but I'm afraid to.

Sorry to hear you've had a bad time since coming off your meds. I will have a read about paxil. Thank you.

Hi! I have been on escatilopram for a few years now. It has helped me in managing my anxiety. There haven't been any major side effects so far.
For me I noticed Paxil helped with my social anxiety but that was at least a couple of years ago when I began and I think the effect is wearing off. I find Buspar helps with anxiety and racing thoughts too.
Thank you buspar is an option for me did you have any side effects from it and was you on it long?
sure. Buspar is a class c med which means as far as I know it is a mild med and can be taken when pregnant. I’ve been on it for over 10 years also in previous years off and on and it helps me a great degree each day I feel it working.
best to talk to your doctor and come up with the best thing for you I’ve tried multiples of meds and had different to reactions to them all paxil was hell for me ativan didn’t work some get lucky with finding the right med others it’s like impossible
Thanks so much I will have a look into those 😃
Wellbutrin did not work for me. Slowly built up to 20 mg lexipro a day, take at midnight. I would say it helped me quite a bit. But now that it looks like hopefully I will be returning to work I am cutting back to 10 mg a day as it made me sometimes sleepy and lethargic. But I would say definitely slows down the racing thoughts. Of course, you should only follow your doctors advice and promptly discuss any side effects you are having whatever meds he may prescribe.
Hi Scouser
The game changer for me was Pregabalin you must try it. It worked straight away for me.
oh yes I will ask about pregablin today thanks 😊
I've been on so many pills over the years, and most recent was Sertraline,which actually did very little, and now i am anti-depressant free, instead i now buy herbal KSM-66 Ashwagandha and feel so much better for it.The problem with most prescribed medicines they have terrible side effects, such as hair loss and stomach problems and brain fog.
Fact is we get good days and bad days ,and its learning how to manage those bad days and i pray i never have to resort to prescribed anti-depressants again.?
I was on prozac and got off them years ago I've been using passionflower for the last few days as over the last week I've felt awful. My whole body is shaking as we speak and I just know the doc will say I' depressed when I go later. That's their answer to everything. I will have a look at the ashwagandha thank you 😊
Gosh yes,i have been on Prozac and it worked for a while, but i will take a look at passionflower too. Thank you.
Doctors are far to happy to dole out pills to keep us quiet and shut us up, but pills are not always the answer.
Ashwagandha does take a few weeks to kick in but i find it excellent, but it must be KSM-66.....I buy mine from bulk.com and they do get some amazing offers.
I've just been reading about ksm66 and they sound very promising. I really don't want to take any antidepressants again but I need something for this mood. The hard part is having no answers as to why I'm feeling this way. All meds take weeks to kick in properly too so it's going to be a lengthy process figuring out what actually works but hopefully I will get there 🤞 thanks for your messages I appreciate it 🙏
I've been on Paroxetine or Seroxat for 10 years. Some people think I should have come off them. I lost my packet of tablets a week ago and haven't taken any. Since then, my tinnitus has come back and I've been suffering from 'What's the point?' thoughts and I've been crying a lot. I have put in a request for more tablets and should pick them up in the next few days. Hopefully, I'll feel better then
oh no they work for you then if you've come off them and feel that way. Don't listen to anyone else if your meds are working. I hope you feel better soon 💕
I recently had lamictal added to my list of psych medications. It is a mood stabilizer but I have found it has lifted my mood and quieted my racing thoughts.
It doesn't really matter what meds work for others in a similar situation to yourself. Because we are all different - all unique - different methods work differently for each of us. Sounds to me like you need to find your way of coping and excelling by facing your demons head on, discover which way is best for you,- might be, counselling, talking, meditating, a hobby that gives a passion for life, something very simple. Once you have found it, GO FOR IT! You can do it.
i do understand we are all different but no harm in asking for recommendations. I don't think it's quite as easy as facing your demons head on either when you don't understand why you feel the way you do. I am try though 😄 thank you 😃
You feel the way you do because your demons - by that I mean the things that are holding you back from the fulness of a happy and fulfilling life, these things could be problems in childhood (as I had) abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse, abuse by neglect, bad parenting, alcoholic parents, being poor, feeling unloved.... the list of possibilities that are holding you is endless. Recognising these stumbling blocks - then facing them by tackling head on by counselling, talking about them, coming to a point of forgiveness to those who have hurt you, and learning to love yourself - When we hurt and are in mental pain, we as humans have a tendency to put a shield over our hearts, this is to stop any more hurt getting in, BUT, in doing this we stop the hurt inside breaking out. Catch 21! Break the barrier down, and only YOU can do this, and release the years of hurt and you will find freedom. Medication is NOT always the answer and can and does to many bring other issues - examples such as addiction, or dependency - I know this I have been there, and lost more than half my life in the process. I shall be 75 in January, for at least 30 years I was in your situation, I am thankful that an Anglican priest saw my pain, and counselled me, this was about 15 years ago, I only look forward now. Simple question, 'Do you want to be a prisoner tied to the things that are holding you back?' OR 'Do you want to be free to choose to be happy and content?' You don't say how old/young you are, but today is the first day of the rest or your life. LIVE IT!
the best way to deal with racing thoughts is to put them on the paper. Write everything that comes to mind. Don’t bother with grammatical just write. Hope this help
Escitalopram has worked fairly well for me in managing my anxiety without any major side effects so far.
Here is my answer to a similar previous question about meds. I live in the US and don't know if this test is available elsewhere but there probably are similar brand available:
I've posted this on this site before but incase you missed it, I went through a half-dozen different meds without any success and then did a psychopharmacological test that used my dna to help determine which meds were best suited for me. It showed that none of the meds I had tried were a fit for me, I started on one it recommended (Pristiq) and it has worked well for me. My test was from Genesight and paid for by my insurance.
I've worked with a number of different med prescribers and my current one and the best, is a functional medicine doctor and takes a more holistic approach and is a lot more knowledgeable than any of the previous ones.
Ditto on paxil working best BUT being hell to get off of. Everyone really is different in terms of brain and biochemistry, but you have some good suggestions here. In fact, I'm going to take another look at buspirone for myself as my current lexapro is working great for my depression, but not doing much for my anxiety. Unfortunately, there is usually a lot of trial and error to find the right med for you. Don't give up!
At different times in my life I’ve had success with Effexor, Seroquel or Valium. The latter is hard to get of course. Klonopin, also a benzo, was very helpful but really messed with my memory.
Have you tried mindfulness and meditation? I was told my medications weren’t working because there were too many outside things going on for me but to try mindfulness and meditation. Plus relying on medication gave me anxiety in itself. Focusing in the moment and concentrating on your breathing really helps even for a short while to calm things down. There’s a great app called the Balance app and it’s free for a year. They have amazing mindfulness exercises on there and they talk you through it.
It would be definitely worth a try. Good luck with it