My anxiety is acting up again. It does this constantly with all my worries and fears and the future. I know I ranted on before about being very lonely, it's a struggle every day and the anxiety is always attacking me, always trying so hard to break me. I'm tired of fighting it all the time. I've tried my best. I always feel the odd one out in this world. What is my purpose? Just to be a ghost? Passing through everybody?? I'm just existing. I'm scared,I'm tired and I'm burnt out. My anxiety keeps me down but I keep trying, I keep failing God,my family and myself. Why do I exist???????? I don't get it. I'm just mentally tired. Things could be worse for me, I know. I feel selfish feeling this way, another thing I hold onto guilt, because things could be worse for me yet here I am complaining. Sorry for my yet again another stupid rant. I'm just tired.
Feeling very uneasy: My anxiety is... - Anxiety and Depre...
Feeling very uneasy

It’s not a stupid rant, you are not stupid. It’s good to talk about how you are feeling this is why we all come on here. We all need help at times. When you get depressed you are blinded to reality in lots of ways because it takes over your life. I agree something needs to change in your life for you to have hope but you have to try very hard to do that. Little by little, small steps. Write down how you want to be. You have to face your fears to overcome them. Do you have a trusted family member or friend that you could tell your fears too and ask them to help. You need to start going out if only for 5 minutes at a time then build it up. You have had good advice on here but you have to try. It takes great courage but you can do it if you really want too. Love and prayers.
Yeah my brother, my mother, my 1 only best friend and my brothers girlfriend. Those people listen to me and support me but I know I become to much and I feel like a burden to them, I'm a alot to deal with I know but I can't stand being a burden to others. I can't control my anxiety, even with meds they barely help. I'm trying. Thanks for replying to me. 🙏
I completely understand, I feel the exact same way sometimes. I do believe that you'll be ok though. I've had these very thoughts myself and, when I say it or write it out, it helps. You're not selfish or stupid btw. It helps to just get it out so, rant away.
I wish you peace ✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️
*Don't be so hard on yourself.*

Thank you, everyone here being so understanding, really goes along way and helps me. Thank you. 🙏
I tried other anxiety helpful sites, not much success. No one was mean or anything just not much responses from others at other sites about my issues.It was worth trying I know. I appreciate you being thoughtful and reaching out. 🙏
Yeah I know, but therapists never could help me over so many years, seeing different ones. And yet here I am, still like this. I'm not saying therapy doesn't work for people. It just doesn't help me. We all are different, I guess I'm the odd one idk. Thank you for listening I appreciate it. 🙏
Thank you for understanding me. It helps a lot honestly. 🙏