Always worried: Hi everyone. I could... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Always worried

Bug1479 profile image
55 Replies

Hi everyone. I could write a novel for my anxiety problems but I'll keep it short for now I just want to know I'm not alone in how I feel. Doctors only help ease my mind for so long but it takes someone who has been in your shoes to truly understand. I'm constantly fearing I'm dying for little to no reason. Any pain or symptom I have I immediatly think the worst like it's some rare disease. Constantly googling my symptoms (which only makes it worse) and I have severe panic attacks often. I'm always feeling like my brain is foggy, I'm always exhausted, always dizzy, always sick feeling. I have IBS and heart palpitations and constantly short of breath. I just want to feel normal again. Anyone else experiencing these debilitating things?

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Bug1479 profile image
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55 Replies
420dice profile image

Omg I feel that same way hey can we talk more cus I feel like I have 30 more symptoms on top of that

Bug1479 profile image
Bug1479 in reply to420dice

Yea! I feel like I have 30 more too I just tried to keep it short instead of writing a novel for my first post.

420dice profile image

How old are you and how long have you been feeling that way??

Bug1479 profile image
Bug1479 in reply to420dice

25 and I would say about 5 years with panic attacks accompanied by anxiety, ive had anxiety over being sick and feeling like it is some rare disease for as long as I can remember

420dice profile image
420dice in reply toBug1479

Yea I'm 24 I first had it when I was 17 and didint know what it was I thought I was gonna die my hart would beat so so so fast and now it's alway in the back of my Conscience like I feel like at any moment I will got into a Anxiety attack are u taking any meds ?

Bug1479 profile image
Bug1479 in reply to420dice

I haven't taken any meds for anxiety yet because I haven't been to the doctor in a while. Ive been busy with moving and a new job and I had some relief with it when I left the country on vacation to an island where I could relax. I take iron for anemia and I use nasal spray for allergies which I'm sure cause a lot of my headaches and dizziness.

420dice profile image
420dice in reply toBug1479

And I'm not a person that worries about any little thing I'm really calm and handle shit perfectly fine but it's like it's always in my head or even sometimes it just happens out of the blue for no reason hart starts racing but I don't think I've ever really hyperventilated

Bug1479 profile image
Bug1479 in reply to420dice

That's how I am. It happens randomly, and I handle situations really well too. I work a professional job that handles really stressful situations and I have to go to court and stuff for work too and I can do all of that but when it comes to my health I instantly freak out and think the worst

420dice profile image
420dice in reply to420dice

Do you ever have worries about your job or your living situation??

420dice profile image
420dice in reply to420dice

Yes that's exactly how I feel it fucking sucks so bad my friend i'm constantly having different symptoms sometimes I think to myself that has to be something other then just anxiety

Bug1479 profile image
Bug1479 in reply to420dice

I agree I'm always in my own head trapped panicking I got hot all over and feel like I can tell breathe and I try to tell myself it's nothing. I always worry if it's something serious and I'm pushing it off as anxiety.

420dice profile image
420dice in reply toBug1479

Last month I went to the er 5 time cuz I though I was really going to die my hpm went up to 187 shit was so scary it's so hard to calm down from it and I really don't consider me to b weak minded but it's just to much

Bug1479 profile image
Bug1479 in reply to420dice

It's psychological. It really is. Your brain can make you feel physical things. One thing that helps me when I feel the panic attack coming is to close my eyes and deep breathe in through my nose out through my mouth and tell myself it's okay it's in my head. Usually I can stop it

420dice profile image
420dice in reply toBug1479

It's really hard when u get in that mood you just to start to worry even though you know what it is

Bug1479 profile image
Bug1479 in reply to420dice

Trust me I know exactly what you mean. It's hard to convince yourself when your mind is the one doing it to you in the first place

ylobear profile image

Depression and anxiety are real symptoms despite my friends, family, and ex girlfriend telling me to just get out and see people. While, I am active, eat well, and stay clear of drugs and alcohol, I am trapped in my head and now my apartment. It does not help that I attend school online, live far from my family and have been out of work for the past year to finish last year of school and required credential testing. I have become so withdrawn from life and continually believe life is just to hard. I panic just going to my mailbox and food shopping is so I seldom do either.

As a result, my partner of ten years moved out this week. The symptoms have manifested into actual physical ailments. So much so I went to an accupunturist and while it helped, it did not last. Too be honest I cannot even bring myself to go back for follow up visit.

While, I have suffered with anxiety, ADHD, and depression for over thirty years, I have never been this lost and alone with such a desire to give up.

Finding this site is a start.

Bug1479 profile image
Bug1479 in reply toylobear

Hello there friend. I know exactly what you mean. I do work a stressful job so its a little different but I do have the feeling of panic attacks happening constantly at work or like I'll just die here because I have some sort of illness undiscovered. It's crazy and I try to talk to my family about it but they don't understand the level of anxiety I have. They just say stop it's in your head or just go see a doctor. I went to the doctors so many times and have been told I'm fine but I don't feel fine at all.

420dice profile image
420dice in reply toBug1479

Wow bug I feel a little relief I can relate to you I feel sorry for anyone that is dealing with this it can mess your life up cuz you really can't be yourself it's like the negativity takes over

Bug1479 profile image
Bug1479 in reply to420dice

It is a relief to me to know I'm not alone in how I feel. I've always been a strong person always was the one my friends went to for help. But I pushed emotions to the back burner and never really talked about my own problems to anyone. Three years ago my only go to person passed away and I think that's what started my panic attacks and mental breakdown. My grandmother was my rock. I'm so glad I found this site to talk to people who experience what I do

420dice profile image
420dice in reply toBug1479

This is my number 9044368634 we should talk about this sometimes there's other symptoms I would like to discuss with you

Bug1479 profile image
Bug1479 in reply to420dice

Okay! It will be nice to have someone to talk to that understands. I'll text you now

ylobear profile image
ylobear in reply toBug1479

Thank you, for your response and yes it is in your head, your body, and every aspect of your being. I have heard the same thing and unless someone has had to sit in their jeep for 45min. to work up enough courage to enter a department store, they will never understand. Which is why finding this forum has already made a difference today.

I understand some of what you are experiencing, and of course you do not feel fine. However, what I have been doing to deal with the PA, is to visualize myself getting out of my jeep, walking through the entrance, smiling at passersby s, and doing what needs to be done. It helps because it is then familiar. Perhaps doing the same at your place of work and other stressful situations will help abate the attacks.

Bug1479 profile image
Bug1479 in reply toylobear

That's a great idea. I agree it's every part of me. I can't let it over take me. I'm going to try what you said. I have to fly to another state for work in a couple weeks to open a new store and I'll be in a hotel alone in a place I've never been. So that Is great advice.

ylobear profile image
ylobear in reply toBug1479

Bug1479, I hope visualtion helps. Perhaps start on the flight over to your store opening. That way, it feels like you've been there done that, giving you an edge over fear. Remind yourself to breathe, and practice self-love, meaning if you need a no minute longer at the kiosk, or you are hungry or thirsty or plain uncomfortable say so and change it. That's my problem. People pleaser to the point I suffer which aserbates my anxiety and PA. I wish you luck on your trip and project.

Bug1479 profile image
Bug1479 in reply toylobear

Thank you that is great advice! I am the same way. People pleaser instead of myself. I need to focus on myself now and help myself instead

ylobear profile image
ylobear in reply toBug1479

Bug, I have learned that self love is necessary if you are to have a full life. While, our conditions are a part of us they do not define us. So, reaching out as you have and recognizing that you (we) are not alone means that what we feel and suffer is real. We are not week or crazy or any other adjective, but instead exceptional people that happen to need help from time to time.

vanessa3 profile image
vanessa3 in reply toylobear

You need to get a job. Trust me even a part time it helps you can't be disconnected from the world.

menagerie11 profile image
menagerie11 in reply toylobear

Hello ylobear. I am sorry that you are having such a hard time and especially that your partner has left you. That must be extremely hard. First, DO NOT GIVE UP. Anxiety is treatable. It sounds like you are or have developed a degree of agorophobia. I hope that you are or will see a counsellor and or psychiatrist. Agorophobia will certainly isolate you. You may need meds. for a while to help you. There is also Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, which is an evidence-based treatment for anxiety, and support groups, as well as some good websites with self-help tools. ( With anxiety,we need to learn how to face our fears, often step by step. The anxiety is way out of proportion to the's one part of your brain sending danger/emergency signals, and your body reacts to that as if there were a real threat. Going to the mailbox or shopping for food are not threats. So, the only way to overcome those fears is to gradually face them. The more often you go to the mailbox, the smaller the fear will become until it eventually fades away. Same with food shopping and everything else. If you can't go all the way to the mailbox, go part way and keep going part way until you can go a bit further, and then go a bit further, etc. until you get to the mailbox. Then keep going to the mailbox every day. I know that this works because I am doing it myself. Not with mailboxes, but with other things - like going into the basement, driving, going for walks, going into stores, etc. I don't have agoraphobia, but I know that if I wasn't doing these things that I could easily develop it. I am on meds. and seeing both a psychologist and psychiatrist. Plus, I do calm breathing and listen to calming music, walk for exercise, drink lots of water, seek out affirming messages on Youtube and listen to them etc. You can beat this.

Jenmomof3 profile image

Every single day. I have an overwhelming fear of death and my body symptoms tell me I'm dating a thousand deaths a day. You are not alone.

Bug1479 profile image
Bug1479 in reply toJenmomof3

Hello there and thank you. I'm so glad to see so many people experience this. It's so awful to feel like I'm going to die every day.

Jenmomof3 profile image

Yes it is. It makes it hard to live. But you have to take baby steps daily. It's a constant battle if the mind saying your fine, no your not, yes you are... always know you have someone here. You are normal, we are just more I tuned to worry is all.

Bug1479 profile image
Bug1479 in reply toJenmomof3

I agree. I'm so glad I found this site. It's all about baby steps and I know some days will be good and some will be bad. I'm so ready to take my life back and be happy again

420dice profile image
420dice in reply toJenmomof3

Wow I would have never thought there was more people with the same type of Anxiety he is we have

Jenmomof3 profile image

We deserve it!

Bug1479 profile image
Bug1479 in reply toJenmomof3

We do! No on either deserves to suffer every day, we deserve to be happy

jillellen profile image

You just described me to a T! I have an enlarged lymph node and they biopsied it didn't come back anything real bad but I am sure they missed the cancer . One day I have one issue then it's esophageal cancer next day it's uterine cancer then liver and you get the picture ! I understand and feel bad you have to feel like me for one minute . I know others who aren't in our shoes get sick of hearing our fears so I can offer you anytime you are having the fear you can always contact me and I can listen . Yes a drs reassurance only last minutes for me as well

Bug1479 profile image
Bug1479 in reply tojillellen

I know exactly what you mean! That's what I miss going through. It's always some sort of cancer I'm fearing or some crazy disease because google Is my worst enemy. This post has opened my eyes. We all need each other to express what others brush off because in the end knowing we aren't alone truly helps. It's crazy that I know what's wrong with me I atufied psychology in college but I can't fix myself. I know cognitive behavioral therapy is what I need though.

shan527 profile image

I have heart palpitations, heart racing, and horrible ibs in the morning. The palpitations and racing heart are usually off and on all day and the ibs usually only lasts the morning. I too just want to feel normal again

Bug1479 profile image
Bug1479 in reply toshan527

I have constant heart palpitations. It Doesn't help that I have a heart murmur it runs in my family and stress makes it worse. Living like I'm going to die any moment every day sucks so bad

jillellen profile image
jillellen in reply toBug1479

I have heart murmur too . They say those that have one are more prone to anxiety

Wilburbudgirl profile image

Do you get tingling feeling?

Bug1479 profile image
Bug1479 in reply toWilburbudgirl

Yes during a panic attack I do. The other day I had a bad weakness feeling in my whole body and had to leave work I was just so worn down. I think all the anxiety for so long has taken a toll on my body

jillellen profile image

Well today I touched the lymph node they are monitoring 40 times so far . Then I looked in my mouth 10 times to see if a salivary gland is enlarging . I am going back to oral surgeon not sure why I use his reassurance for 10 minutes and then don't trust it like I do with all my drs . I am going thru peri menopause so any change in my cycle I am sure it's cancer . This is such a struggle. Plus the more I poke at things the more things hurt the more the anxiety grows

Bug1479 profile image
Bug1479 in reply tojillellen

You described me to a T with that, I literally poke around and feel my body just knowing I'll find a lump or something. Constantly making it hurt more or thinking something is abnormal that really isn't

jillellen profile image
jillellen in reply toBug1479

I am in severe panic now have a tiny dot of a bruise on my finger next to my nail sure it's cancer and I am struggling not to Google it .

Bug1479 profile image
Bug1479 in reply tojillellen

I have one on my side possibly from where my pants sit too tight. (I'm a size 0 but have bigger thighs so it's really hard to find any that fit right) and i of course immediatly freaked out. The side it's on is numb and so is a lot of my abdomen due to my c section. It's not cancer neither is mine. Let's try to remember that together okay? We can help each other by reminding us that it's just a bruise and everyone gets them. I try to do that

jillellen profile image
jillellen in reply toBug1479

Agreed you can email me anytime too

carrieprice1998 profile image

Me all the time.

vanessa3 profile image

Get a part time job or more then (1) one job workout, cardio ,lift weights go vegan. Surround yourself with positive (people) and ignore the negative. It works just know it's all in your head not really happening to you . :) we tend to think to much it happens to me a lot so I set routines to not let my mind wonder. Pills make everything worse you can heal without it. Anxiety is panic from not being in the present moment ask yourself what is the deep panic all about ? And depression is the cause from the effect of anxiety . It's a cycle and it gets worse if you don't fix it, no one can help you but yourself . Pay attention to your surroundings. What job ? What people ? What activities are you doing ? You have the power to change and make yourself happy :)!! Good luck

Bug1479 profile image
Bug1479 in reply tovanessa3

I have a full time job that keeps me constantly busy and I can make the feelings go away during busy days at work. I know I have to take the steps to change myself and i don't even take pills for headaches let alone want to take one for anxiety. I just need ways to tell myself it's all in my head without second guessing that it's not

vanessa3 profile image
vanessa3 in reply toBug1479

Put a big sign with red letters before you leave the door 🚪 that says it's all in your head. It's hard but if you try these things they will help our mind plays lots of tricks but will believe whatever you tell it, so be wise

tangle69 profile image

My Wife thinks that i am the only person in the world that has the exact same symptoms your right unless someone has been to the dance they don't have a clue what your going through . It sure would be nice to talk to someone when these feelings show up.

Bug1479 profile image
Bug1479 in reply totangle69

I agree. My husband thinks I'm ridiculous and doesn't understand the level of anxiety I have that controls my life. He brushes it off and it only causes tension when I'm literally begging for understanding. This site has already helped me so much. I'm here for anyone who needs someone to talk to during their times of anxiety. I know I need someone who actually understands too. I don't have many friends because I don't usually have time and I moved far from home.

tangle69 profile image
tangle69 in reply toBug1479

It would be great to talk to someone

Berzig profile image

Absolutely...physical symptoms seem to bring on the panic for me. I'm not on medication so I am trying to manage it by meditating,progressive muscle relaxation, cbt,journaling and seeing a psychologist....3 months ago I was a basket I have more good days than bad and try as hard as I can to stay in the present moment since anxiety is all about going to the future...I like to think I'm a work in progress and that this too shall pass as long as I keep doing what I'm doing....

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