Feeling alone: Between my anxiety and... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Feeling alone

24 Replies

Between my anxiety and social phobia. I'm always stuck in my room, I have been tired of this for years. I hate that I got comfortable staying in my room for so long. It's not healthy but I can't break the habit. I'm just feeling vulnerable at the moment. I'm pathetic sorry. I'm trying to be better or get better, but it's super hard since I've been like this for years. I've never felt good about myself. I just try to be hopeful. But I'm lonely. Again sorry...

24 Replies
Agora1 profile image

Hi FaithWarrior, unfortunately you are not alone feeling alone.

It's okay to reach out to others who understand and care.

I would think that staying in your room doesn't help the loneliness.

You are certainly not pathetic by any means. When I was Agoraphobic

for 5 years, I never left my house. It became a habit. First I felt a security

with staying in but then it turned into years and I knew I had to break away

from this fear cycle.

It's not easy but it needs to be done in order to live and not just exist.

I did it slowly in steps. That in itself took time but eventually I was ready

to leave the property. First around the block and then to one of my favorite

stores, The Dollar Tree. I hoped that I wouldn't meet anyone I knew because

I wasn't ready to chit chat. I told myself I would be happy just to go into the

store and leave as soon as I might feel uncomfortable.

An hour and a half later, with bags in my hand and a smile on my face, I knew

I had taken a giant step that day. It felt amazing. Life was Good once again.

Oh sure, there will be those days that you just can't do it again, but never allow

the pattern of a chronic habit take over your life. Start slowly...you will feel

better for it. I believe in you, now believe in yourself. :) xx

in reply to Agora1

I appreciate you sharing your story and your right! I'm just way to scared to even do baby steps and I feel not worty of a normal life anyway so I think at times I should just stay in my room, but I don't want to for the rest of my life. It's a bizarre cycle I go through.

SongAndSoul profile image

I’m sorry you are feeling this way.

Can you take some “baby steps?”

- walk out to the mailbox

- walk around the block?

in reply to SongAndSoul

I can't walk around the block it's to much. But I take the trash out down by the curve and I seem ok at that. But going places, even for walks is to much. I feel safer at home, because I feel to attached to my safe spot there. So I hardly ever leave the house. Not a good thing I know. Idk what to do.

SongAndSoul profile image
SongAndSoul in reply to

Well, firstly, be proud of yourself for walking to the curb!!

Some people cannot do that.

Can you work with a Therapist?

There is so much LIFE waiting fir you.

You took a great step joining this forum. 🌻

I have a lot of social anxiety!

So you have already taken a baby step on here.


It is the little things that will add up.

Do some self love and self care!

Make your room smell nice or make the bed or open up the curtains....

☆☆ I am working out these days. I have never been an in shape person but now a days I walk out my anxiety and run out the stress!

in reply to

So glad you are finding ways to destress🙂. Social anxiety sucks so much. Belieeeeeve me i know.

in reply to

It's more like little tricks to get by.

This pandemic isolation is crazy.... so I appreciate the connections on this forum ♡

in reply to

I'm so used to isolation at this point, but at the same time you never get used to it. I'm longing for a real connection. I do feel sorry for those who arent used to isolation though

in reply to

I know. Every little thing I can do to take away the anxiety helps break it down. Thank you! It's hard. I'm trying though.

You are doing it by being on here.

Tomorrow brings new opportunities: )

What do you like to do? Music? vids? Hobbies?

in reply to

Your right, I was scared when I first came on here like a year ago,but everyone just seemed like awesome people and helped me break out of my shell a little. 🙂

I like listening to the rock band skillet alot, I also sometimes like to play some video games. I enjoy watching the walking dead , that 70s show and the office. Those things are fun to do 🙂

Awesome! Build on those things!

I will put Skillet on tomorrow's workout play list.

Ladybug9 profile image

You are hardly pathetic and many of us are vulnerable. I suffer from Agoraphobia so I much of the time I have to wear ear phones and bring my CD player so I can drown out the noise of the world. and I can't get out of stores fast enough. The world's fastest g rocery shopper!! You are looking at her!

pandaeyes1 profile image

It’s not pathetic. It’s a real struggle you’re going through. And all that stress adds up over the years. Do you have close friends or doctors/therapist you can work through these difficulties?

in reply to pandaeyes1

I tried therapy in the past it never really worked for me. But my meds seem to help a little so that's good!

Hi faithwarrior I’m sorry to here you feel this way. I too suffer but the best thing you could do is to come out your room and close the door and just stand there for 1 minuet that’s all, and then go back in your room. Make sure you give yourself good praise for doing that minute. That’s all you need to do. In about a hour or two do it again keep doing that. I’m sure you could do this. You can do it tell your self.💐

in reply to

Thank you and I'm trying. I appreciate your encouragement and the kind words!

in reply to

Your very welcome 💐

Want2BHappy3 profile image

Please you don’t need to Apologize, you are Not Alone. I retired about 4 years ago and have spent 90% of it in my room also. This past week I’ve been making myself get out of my bedroom to the living room (baby steps). I started therapy AGAIN about a month ago. Don’t be So hard on Yourself, look into therapy? 🙏😷

Sillysausage234 profile image

Good to see you again

Blu7 profile image

Whenever you work up to leaving the house, maybe try going to a library. I've never been bothered there, its quiet and pretty peaceful, plus theres all kinds of books to read and just escape into. I dont know if they are open these days due to Corona.

dazedandconfuzed profile image

I fall into pattern of this as well, but then when I do finally do something, it feels great! The earlier suggestion of going to the library is a great idea. I pick a park or preserve and do some exploring. Sometimes it’s just nice to pick a park with benches and just sit and people watch.

Frankie24 profile image

Hi, I was agoraphobic for a period in my life. I could not even leave the chair I was sitting in or be alone. I think you really need professional intervention but in the meantime as hard as it is, baby steps are definitely the way to go. Remember your body and mind are telling you things that are not true. Unfortunately you really do have to walk through the fear to see that you will be okay. I wish you peace.

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