What goes around comes around.
Karma.: What goes around comes around. - Anxiety and Depre...

YES ma'am 😁 I think past Life regression and karma is an ongoing cycle. I feel I've always been, and have been told, I'm an Old Soul. I feel like we're going through a progression of life forms over MANY different species on earth. Our soul is continually evolving from one lifetime to the next. Hopefully we're ascending in our consciousness to reach higher levels based on the lessons we're learning in our current life form. This meat suit we're wearing is just a temporary outfit. Everything is in a constant state of Change. We, in our little brains, 🤔 think we can keep everything "the same", when I'm reality, NOTHING is the same. Every day is it's own gift and no 2 days repeat themselves.
Be kind and do no harm. Help those around you to the best of your ability and heal yourself in the process 💟🙏 that's my goal.
You really nailed a trifecta today... definitely hit 🎯 the bullseye. Thank you...I needed this 😊
Um what is a trifecta please? Haven’t heard this expression before…
hi Primrose how are you?
Is it a plant or a flower? Thanks Charlotte for asking, I’m reasonably okay and hope you are as well?
No it’s just an expression of “winning” or beating the odds, although now that you mention it, it sounds like a plant! 😀 I’m doing good thank you!
Help, don’t know how to ..
Hi gerrerd I hope you are as fine as possible,
This is interesting to read, as I never saw karma as a positive thing. From my past idea, karma was only a "revenge" life took over what we did wrong, a sort of punition if you see what I mean.
You have made my mind think differently, congratulations, and I will have to think again a bit more to understand where and when karma act in my day to day activities.
Take care
Love from France
I like your karma poster. It really expands on the meaning of karma from the usual understanding of the word. I don't know I believe in karma per se or reincarnation, but I will say that behavior has its consequences
Hello Darling, I believe we are spirit in a body, we are not the body. We are here to evolve, unless we come back to teach or for a purpose. We have lessons to learn each time but if we dont learn and evolve we come back to do it again. We dont come into some one else,s body we are reborn. The trick is realising we are writing the script and have more power than we are told. If we get brain washed by the media Tv etc, we cant evolve. We have to program our own minds and contact our being ie spirit ! xxx This my thinking on the subject.
The lesson in life is to enjoy it. now go do it.🤗🤗