just a quick question from a very distressed anxiety veteran, can anxiety cause physical symptoms of feeling utterly awful. I’m grasping at straws trying to find answers. My anxiety is so bad and I’m turn it makes me feel unwell, is it possible for anxiety to cause physical symptoms?. Has anybody else experienced this, I feel like I’m going crazy, I just can’t carry on like this. I have good days but they are far and few between. Can anybody share their experiences with me, I just feel so scared and alone in this. My family don’t understand and why should they. They don’t suffer from it so it’s pull yourself together scenario. Thanks for reading and any feedback would be so comforting x
anxiety symptoms : just a quick... - Anxiety and Depre...
anxiety symptoms

Yes, indeed anxiety and panic attacks often cause physical symptoms. Mine are often in the form of chest pains. Either way, you should go to get thoroughly checked out at the doctor. If they find that you are physically healthy, you might go to a psychiatrist, as they might be able to help you deal with it. Best of luck to you. Sending prayers. 🙏🙏🙏
hi and thank you for your kind reply, I do have health issues and have had quite a serious health issue 5 weeks ago so I think that’s what had brought it all on, I’m going to phone the gp on Monday and demand an appointment, I think a good check over will be beneficial to my physical and mental health. Mind you I don’t hold out much hope of getting an appointment any time soon but I’m going to try. I need some peace and answers. Take care
Health Anxiety is a major set of symptoms for Anxiety Disorder and over sensitised nerves can mimic all and every symptom of physical illness from irritable bowel syndrome to visual disturbances.When you resolve your anxiety issues the bad feelings will resolve. I hope this may bring some reassurance but do insist on a face-to-face with your doctor.
Friend, I share these comments with you, at times I have felt abandoned, but I turn to my inner strength and I realize that it is possible, that life is beautiful and that there are wonderful reasons to fight for every day. A hug
Hi CimmyI'm so sorry you suffer from anxiety. It can be so debilitating, and yes, it is well documented that it can cause physical symptoms. Stomach upset, headaches, backache, headache, nausea, dizziness, breathlessness,chest pain, etc etc etc. All of these can of course add to your anxiety be abuse tou begin to focus I these symptoms and wonder if there is something wrong with you!!?? Have you been to your GP? If so what did they say? Also, it depends why you suffer from anxiety? thete are so many reasons why people suffer from anxiety, and yes, others who don't suffer will find it very difficult to understand how you feel, which in turn exacerbates your anxiety!! Have you considered talking to a therapist? That might help you don't have to live your life suffering from anxiety. There are so many things you can try that would help you. Your GP will be able to advise you and perhaps refer you. Or you can reach out to a private therapist? I know it costs money but it might just be what you need.
hi and thank you for your kind reply, I was so bad yesterday that I ended up in A&E. I had a lot of test and they came back ok which was reassuring, I’m going to ring my GP tomorrow and insist on a face to face appointment as I can’t go on like this. Every pain , every heart flutter were very real and the pain I was in was awful. I have had a few quite serious health issues which include a blood clot on the lung for which I’m on medication for, my anxiety is so overwhelming and I can’t seem to control it. I did have cbt last year which helped but the coping techniques are not working right now, so I’m going to see my gp and hopefully get some help which in turn will give me confidence and peace to deal with it all. Thanks again, take care
Oh my friend...anxiety is an ugly monster that raises it's head daily in my world...it can definitely cause physical symptoms...in my case.....high blood pressure.....one of many reasons for my obesity....and the sad thing is is that I've got to rethink my trauma every day because my anxiety is definitely in part work related.
Hello. I'm so sorry you're feeling this way. As the previous poster said, anxiety is an ugly monster. Sometimes it rears it's ugly head for no reason. My anxiety has affected my sleep (insommnia in the form of waking up in the middle of the night). It has also affected my stomach, and I have had to take rounds of Omeprazole (Prilosec) to help alleviate my symptoms. If you're having severe anxiety a psychiatrist can probably help you with meds. Best of luck to you!
First, thank you for your service. Secondly, as the previous friends mentioned, there are physical symptoms that arise out of anxiety and panic attacks.
You're not alone as I too struggle with physical symptoms from anxiety that drive me insane. I get nausea, rapid heart rate, sweating, lower gastrointestinal upset, jitters, shaking, and more. Maybe, just try to remember-nourish your body with healthy foods (I know a lot of people say that but, it really does help) and plenty of water and, it will hopefully help to regulate your mind. Sending light ✨️ 🙏