I don't know who needs to hear this but at one time me n my son did not see eye to eye he was do bad and be mean to me for a year straight. Fast forward 2 years now we are virtually b3st friends.
Better relationship w my son now - Anxiety and Depre...
Better relationship w my son now

glad to hear that good news is always welcome here hopefully the relationship with your son goes from strength to strength.
Hi Atthepark, it's always nice to hear followups to people's issues.
As you both grow closer, may the bond between you grow stronger. xx
Hi at the park its good to hear you have both repaired hour differences ! I sadly lost my father recently and im glad to say we were on good terms its tragic to her of people that leave it to late to make amends ! Theres a old saying dont go to sleep on a arguement as you wont no when it may leave one of you regretting nor making up soon ! Take care stay well !
You mentioned in an earlier post that your son is a teen ager. Boys of that age often have a very rocky period with their mothers. It can last for anywhere from a year to several years, and then the relationship improves dramatically. I went through this, as did all of my friends who have sons. Glad it has improved!
Hello, Atthepark
This is a great news, and I am happy to read it. You have been able, after a needed period of time, to recreate a situation that seemed lost.
Just one word : Congratualtion to you both, as this has probably needed efforts from both sides !
Love from France
I needed to hear this..thankyou.