Started February and not working made worse and now having bipolar episode and aware of all mania and triggers of signs am unwell. My insight into my illness is that now I know what am doing daily is bad sign and crying out daily for support. I can’t have children as feel unsafe as sleeping so much which is destroying me every minute I hate my days
lamotragine? : Started February and not... - Anxiety and Depre...

((((((((((((((hug)))))))))))))) ❤️ ⭐️
Lamictal right? useless rat poison. find a new quack asap!

any suggestions and I know that my dosage can be increased as been on lots of different medications over 12 years and don’t feel this mood stabiliser is working it seems worse but want a better way of life and need to feel improvement is starting to be achieved by someone listening to me crying out for help. I’ve been on sertraline for years and been fine.
Zoloft was working fine for you? I don't know what helps from one person to the next, including myself. but if Zoloft was working, I have to wonder why the doc switched you to Lamictal. I was on Zoloft for a long time. I honestly cannot remember why it was changed or which nitwit doctor changed it. it worked fine for me too. I am taking Lexapro now. it doesn't have any bad side effects, or any GOOD side effects. it seems like a sugar pill. it doesn't seem to do anything.
Can you talk to your doctor and tell him or her that Lamictal is effecting you negatively and switch back to Zoloft?

I’m still on sertraline and others which have been for years but in February put me back on mood stabiliser and currently now having episode of mania and low for weeks they just aren’t listening or taking action quick enough as speaking to crisis team daily. As have great insight in illness but something is not right
isn't there ONE particular physician who prescribed the Lamictal? and this physician told you it would help? Is it difficult to contact or communicate with that same doctor? Can you tell this physician you're just going to stop taking the Lamictal? and what would he or she say? I'm sure it';s different in the UK than here in the US. but you don't HAVE to take any medication you don't want to take. what's the worst that can happen?

have had contact and dose increased by 25mg is not touching sides. Had previously been on aripriprazole and did nothing so I stopped it then contacted them. In Feb lamattogine started but I know I can increase dose a lot more. Am kinda self medicating as know I need help. As currently in episode of mania and low and told them everyday I am unwell and doing all bad signs in action plan. They have told me I Am spiralling and chaotic and manic.
Polarbear 44, you said "As currently in episode of mania and low and told them everyday I am unwell and doing all bad signs in action plan" what exactly do you mean by that? and then you said "They have told me I Am spiralling and chaotic and manic" That is pretty vague. exactly what do "they" mean by all that, and WHO are "They?"

Am under mental health team and have Careworker and psychiatrist but can feel am getting worse mania every evening and am unsafe and can’t look after my kids as either sleeping or manic or crying. Lamotrogine new mood stabiliser isn’t working. Tried increasing but need a more faster impact or as before hospitalised which I’ve told all professionals and 24 helpline as third time hearing voices and songs. Am trying to find any information to support me. I feel unless I go totally crazy they aren’t listening to my urgent cry daily is destroying me not having kids. It will and is triggering me to be very unwell

really helpful words thank you for understanding x
are you going to be alright tonight polarbear?
I have Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy I was on Lamictal, I had bad side effects from it, just my experience, mood stabiliser definitely not recommended whilst taking it, I had "night terrors" another side effect while trying to get to sleep, long term effect rotted my teeth [I was on it with other epilepsy medication for at least seven years]🤐
Keep in touch with your doctor prescribing this, don’t be afraid to speak up and keep calling them about this reaction your having. Years ago I was on Lamictal, I developed this big rash that is known as Stevens Johnson syndrome and I had to stop taking it. Try to stay calm.

so psychiatric who never met me said stop taking sertraline which has been the best meds I’ve had keeping me stable for years. So I refused and want another option. Have been referred to home treatment team(crisis team). Last time I ended up voluntarily admitting myself. I’m still really aware of everything that I am doing and able to function. But they are worried am manic. I know it will take time to get the right balance but unless you do something bad they don’t have the support. When I am crying out for help as in serious bad episode and am drained as using all my tools in my toolbox to help me get better. Everyday without my kids is destroying me.
I’m so sorry. That’s tough to deal with. I don’t know what more to say to be helpful.