I feel so tired all the time. Forcing myself to do things is a task. Caring for my 90 yr old mother and mentally ill son has really taken a toll on me. I'm struggling every day. I love my family very much and try to do all I can but my mental health is getting bad. I tell myself I should seek professional help but lack energy to do so. How can I pull myself out of this?
Burnt out : I feel so tired all the... - Anxiety and Depre...
Burnt out

Hi Tiktak1, it is necessary at any age to find some time for ourselves. More so when
we are caregivers. The amount of energy physically and mentally each day is wearing.
Before long, as you are finding, we get burned out. It's more work than working in
a hospital setting where you get breaks (if lucky) go home at night to regenerate and
can take a sick day or vacation day because you are covered.
I commend you for taking on the 24/7 care of both your mother and your son.
Please remember that you need to take care of you as well since there is no one
else who will. Finding the "me time" each day is imperative to your own health.
You can't help anyone if you don't help yourself first. My best to you xx
Lately I've been easily overwhelmed if I think too far into the future. So I've been narrowing my focus down to just my next step. Not the next 10 steps, or the next few steps. Just the next step. It doesn't even have to be a big step. Just the next thing that I know in my heart is what's right.
I'm sorry you are having such a hard time. It sounds like you really need some self-care. Is there a way you can start small - like take a bath or take time to read a book or journal?
Thank you for the kind reply.