I haven’t posted since a year ago but I figured I would post on here since I’m really not sure what to do. I have bad anxiety with new places I’ve never been to cause I don’t have a safe space or a plan B. My boyfriend is going to Portland on Monday morning and really wants me to go. We’re from west coast California so it’ll be like a 12 hour drive. I noticed specifically this month that I have really bad separation anxiety from my parents because I’ve always done everything with them. Since it’ll be just me and my boyfriend going for a week, I feel really anxious that I’ll ruin the trip for him because I’m in an unknown area with no safety areas and have extreme anxiety. He wants me to tell him if I can go or not by 5pm today, and I’m split between going or not. Going to Oregon would give me that chance to experience something new and see beautiful things with my partner, but I fear that my anxiety will dictate what I do and will ruin the trip for him. Help please?