I’m new to this group and I’ve only joined because of how much worse things are getting. I’ve been battling depression and suicidal thoughts for years. Childhood trauma from the age of 8 has really diminished my self image, trust, and much more.
My insecurities are through the roof and it’s damaging my relationship with my boyfriend especially. I love him unconditionally and he feels the same for me. But I’ve been putting all my problems and struggles on him, it’s been too much for him. I don’t know what to do to get better. I’m going to therapy and it’s not enough. I’m not honest about these thoughts I have from fear of what may happen to my future if I share them.
I need to do something to get better. I need to stretch my support group larger than just him. I’m breaking in so many places over and over again. It’s making me lash out in assumptions and pure insecure thoughts. I need to get better. I don’t know what to do..