I have had four episodes of depression in my life. This is the lastest one. I have a phsyciatrist and a therapist. I am taking Buproprion and sertraline. The buproprion was started about 6 weeks ago. The sertraline was added 2 weeks ago. I was feeling better with my anxiety about 5 days ago. But now am experiencing more anxiety yesterday and today. Do People have some ups and downs with their anxiety in the beginning weeks? Is that normal?
Dealing with Depression and Anxiety - Anxiety and Depre...
Dealing with Depression and Anxiety

yes, I just increased my sertraline to 250mg two weeks ago and it is horrible still. I have more anxiety in the morning after taking my pills. I started on 50mg in December and have moved up. I think too fast as I haven’t really been stable on it. I had a few good days last week and then it hit again…
I've been on a long list of different meds and in my experience, if it's bad in the beginning, it has never gotten better. My body usually knows within 2 weeks if it's going to work or not. Have you had a GeneSight test done? That helps the dr know which drugs work good with your metabolism.
I had one or two issues when I started on sertraline , upped the dosage and things are a bit more stable. It's an on going process so discuss how you feel on a.regular basis. I still have bad days but I feel more in control