What are YOUR physical feelings of an... - Anxiety and Depre...

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What are YOUR physical feelings of anxiety?

Kelkel00 profile image
28 Replies

I find this an interesting topic because it manifests differently for all of us.

For me, it’s this sick feeling in my stomach….almost like knots.

And an overall feeling of discontent. My mind feels like doom and gloom and often races with catastrophic thoughts.

It’s such a strange feeling I would never wish on anyone.

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Kelkel00 profile image
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28 Replies
Chinaadventure profile image

I too think it's a great topic! I get palpitations and get a warm sensation up and down my back and begin to sweat. I can't take a deep cleansing breath. I also have the thoughts of doom and gloom and an overall anxiety of waiting for the next panic attack to happen! Thanks for sharing Hope everybody has a great weekend. Stay strong folks we are here in this together. I have started to refer to my healing as my recovery and I think it is putting it in a better perspective for me....just my own thoughts! 👍❤️💪🙏

Kelkel00 profile image
Kelkel00 in reply to Chinaadventure

Thank you for the positivity! I’m lacking that today.

Kelsey22 profile image
Kelsey22 in reply to Chinaadventure

Same for me! My doom and gloom thoughts all center around health anxiety. I’m immediately in the mindset that I’m having a medical emergency. I’m still trying to work through all this. Happy to know I’m not alone!

Roxylox profile image

Restlessness. Struggling to sit still, even at mealtimes. Eating too fast. Dreading every task. Am really suffering here.

Roxylox profile image

Have repeatedly rung helplines. The texting one which l prefer won't work for me. Am particularly fed up of the morning dread. Putting one foot in front of the other doesn't work for me. I need a quick fix anyone? I'm weary from all this. Sorry for hogging your post Kelkel.

Kelkel00 profile image
Kelkel00 in reply to Roxylox

Hog away….I know the morning dread all too well. It’s awful from about 4am-7am every damn morning!

Bobfacebetty profile image

Really good question, everyone has different feelings, after a particularly disturbing intrusive thought I have a sudden surge of adrenaline filled electricity shooting down into my legs followed by a feeling of utter dread , I am then left with a feeling of utter despondency as I think I will never be rid of this affliction.

Kelkel00 profile image
Kelkel00 in reply to Bobfacebetty

I can definitely relate. Sometimes I wanna just give up and throw in the towel.

CAGgmb profile image

Also have stomach issues, racing heart, uneasiness. It feels frightening.

Kelkel00 profile image
Kelkel00 in reply to CAGgmb

yes indeed it does!

designguy profile image

For me it was tension in my neck and shoulders, difficulty in relaxing, overall muscle tightness, feeling hot and lots of mental ruminating and sometimes digestive/elimination issues.

One of the tings I have found is how much not having our hormones (testosterone for me), thyroid and adrenals not functioning properly can cause or contribute to anxiety/depression so make sure they are.

IceMaiden82 profile image
IceMaiden82 in reply to designguy

I get most of those symptoms, but my main one is head pains. Wriggly, random pains shooting through my head, and stabbing sensations throughout my body. In turn this brings on more anxiety. I am now often feeling I don't want to leave the house. Feeling weak and lethargic seems to go along with all this, plus lots of dreaming in a sort of twilight sleep. Horrible. I weaned off of Fluoxetine about13 months ago, but certain I shall have to go back on. A lifelong sufferer which seems to be genetic, Good luck everyone.

designguy profile image
designguy in reply to IceMaiden82

I made the mistake of getting off meds once and wouldn't do it again, especially if they were working. I do agree that anxiety/depression can be genetic, but what has helped make it more manageable was learning what anxiety really is and how to constructively deal with it. Learning that anxiety is a paradox, the more we resist and fight it the more it persists so the solution is to surrender and desensitize our self to the sensations. The other really helpful thing is knowing that our anxious thoughts are all lies and to never believe them, no matter how scary or weird they are. Anxiety is just our body's builtin warning system malfunctioning and we have to desensitize our self to it and not fear it. I found the DARE Anxiety book and youtube videos helpful and also the youtube and website of Paige Pradko.

secrets22 profile image

recently i have a kind of knawing in my stomach when i'm in bed, and terrible feelings of dread and being terrified of everything.

DropOfSunshine profile image

I feel a huge weight in my chest, knots in my stomach, cant eat, feel like curling up in a ball and like i desperately need reassurance. I have a general feeling of unease and discomfort in my body. I also get an initial adrenaline rush when the first intrusive anxious thoughts appear, or when Im confronted with the situation that causes the anxiety. I ruminate and catastrophize. Happens in all kind of life scenarios, as soon as something concerns me, it can be a trigger. I usually reach for facebook scrolling or youtube shorts, an unhealthy coping mechanism, because it numbs the pain somehow, it deadens the mind at a time when my intrusive thoughts are suffocating and overwhelming. However, my severe phone addiction has in my opinion worsened the problem, affecting my social and concentration skills even more (both used to be good, but years of anxiety plus phone addiction have affected me, unfortunately). Compulsive socialmedia stalking or scrolling + youtube perpetuate the anxiety cycle, because its an escape rather than a solution. Now I try to do other things when I have anxiety which might not be as detrimental to my mental health: taking a warm bath, listening to music, I joined this anxiety support group, listen to spotify rather than watch 10 second videos for hours... the intrusive thoughts suffocate everything else and I feel like I cant concentrate on anything else except the problem that Im thinking about. When its a problem I can get solved it s okay and the anxiety goes away usually when things are solved, but sometimes my anxiety blocks me from solving the problem and leads me to procrastinate, which worsens and complicates things in real life. And sometimes there s nothing I can do about it or maybe its not even a real problem, just fears I created in my head, so I sit there in dread, in my bed usually on my phone, or in the bathtub.

Kelkel00 profile image
Kelkel00 in reply to DropOfSunshine

Can 100% relate to almost all of what you typed. It can really be exhausting. :(

DropOfSunshine profile image
DropOfSunshine in reply to Kelkel00

But there is relief. It will get better, it doesnt last forever. I read a book called Stop Worrying about everything and nothing by Robert Ladouceur, a manual for people with anxiety. Its great

Smudger0122 profile image

Morning All,

Just wondering those of you with Anxiety, have you also suffered with intrusive thoughts?

June 2022 last year after contending with a year of life changing diagnosis, I hit a wall.

I had suffered with brain tumour and blood cancer diagnosis in 2021.

Tumour removed via craniatomy, blood cancer I am on chemotherapy tablets for life. Being monitored every 4 months by blood tests.

I had an intrusive thought of ending my life, which scared and frightened me. Also thoughts I was going to hurt my son.

I hit a low, a point of life I could not understand and accept.

From that anxiety and possibly depression hit me.

I became worried and then anxious of everything.

Been an absolute struggle since.

Hardest thing Ive suffered with is getting anxious at home and around my son. Its like a trigger.

As my thought last year hit me in bed, at home.

Obviously no fault of him, no fault of myself.

Your mind can be a wicked thing.

It is getting slowly better, im learning to accept things. Not get to entangled. This is a slow process, mental health has no timescale in getting better. That then causes a worry.

Worry fuels Anxiety, such a tough cycle.

Anyone else have tips on how to not be triggered?

Or Accepting a trigger as nothing to worry about?

I've had counselling. They believe i now suffer with GAD.

I have been reading a book "The monkey mind" which is helpful.

I do acknowledge any worries or thoughts by " Thanking the monkey"

May sound strange, but seems to be assisting.

As to resist, means it will persist.

For me Anxiety affects the pit of my stomach.

Sometimes I get snappy as well.

Also have highs and lows still

I take CBD oil without HTC and 5 htp tablets. To lift my mood.

I.m staying clear of anti depressants, as I was on these when I had my thought last year only on them for 3 days. So I stopped them.

Been a life changing way of living since hitting the wall last year. Which I thought I had coped with everything to the point.

I still get emotional when talking about my diagnosis, been a difficult time.

This hasn’t been easy to type, but any help be great.



WilliamG profile image

Hi Kelkel100, I also suffer from anxiety and intrusive thoughts. My thoughts can be terrible and they tend to crop us around what I value the most. In my case, it’s mostly about religion and family, though the thoughts can really be about anything. I used to fight the thoughts and felt like if I allowed myself to think them, then that would make them true. But fighting them meant they would always return even stronger. I was left feeling like a bad, broken person. All of this fed into my generalized anxiety and social phobia, and vice versa. My original diagnosis was GAD with social phobia, but over the years it came to also include OCD of the Pure-O type (with mental compulsions). SSRIs never worked and actually made the situation worse at times, and I’ve tried all of them over the years along with every other medication you can think of. In the past several months though, I’ve been working with a therapist on Acceptance Commitment Therapy; it’s been very helpful in learning how to avoid fusing with thoughts. In short, ACT is about “learning to be at peace with [intrusive thoughts] and distancing their nature from your identity.” There are plenty of books, articles, and videos on the subject that give all sorts of tools to help with diffusion. Now instead of having all bad days, I have good ones too. I still struggle, but it’s slowly getting better. I’ve also been practicing mindfulness and meditation which is training me to allow intrusive thoughts to come and go like “leaves on a stream.” Wishing you all the best, and know that you’re not alone in the struggle.

Kelkel00 profile image
Kelkel00 in reply to WilliamG

Thank you so much for your thoughtful reply. I am reading a book that describes something similar. It says that the anxious feeling is separate from the anxious thought and we should work to control the feeling, which will then not allow the thought to remain. I’m just starting this book so we’ll see how it goes.

WilliamG profile image
WilliamG in reply to Kelkel00

I like that idea of the anxious feeling being separate from the anxious thought. If I understand it correctly, it reminds me of what my therapist said about my chronic nightmares: the nightmares are just a the kind visualizing some deeper emotion. What’s the name of the book you’re reading, if you don’t mind my asking? It sounds interesting.

Kelkel00 profile image
Kelkel00 in reply to WilliamG

here it is

Zhangliqun profile image

It varies a lot. Face grimace and scrunched shoulders (which if I force these to stop, makes a big difference). Tension headache, tense neck and jaw, indigestion, tooth grinding.

No health anxiety because there have been many times where I had mild palpitations or dizziness where I thought it might be the start of a heart attack or stroke and the sensation is relief because I'm thinking I finally get to go Home and not merely be relieved of all this but be in an unimaginable paradise for all eternity.

But it looks like I'm stuck here for a little while longer. Oh well...

Kelkel00 profile image
Kelkel00 in reply to Zhangliqun

In a way, your words were oddly beautiful!

Zhangliqun profile image
Zhangliqun in reply to Kelkel00

Because they ultimately weren't mine...

Beholy profile image

I struggle with a GAD daily it wakes me up every morning, it's an awful feeling it's a feeling of being nervous very strong and my legs are weak and it feels like it shaking, tried so many meds and nothing seems to be working anymore. So I feel for you and you're definitely not alone.

Kelkel00 profile image
Kelkel00 in reply to Beholy

Thank you. Yeah, this is a tough mountain to climb.

Michael8072 profile image

Hi I’ve been noticing when my anxiety at it’s worse I get a dizzy off balance type of feeling, feel at times like I might pass out, some shakiness my fingers kinda tingle and everything goes to my guts cause of my ibs. I try to keep reminding myself that everything is okay and that’s it’s just my mind, that I’m not gonna pass out especially when I’m driving( I’ve been having a tougher time driving recently) and sometimes when I’m at the food store food shopping.

Definitely a feeling I wouldn’t want anyone going through.

It’s definitely an interesting topic and how everyone has different experiences with their anxiety.

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