Everyone else is in the living room making stories and laughing and out of nowhere I feel isolated came into the bedroom to hide how low am feeling ,I was doing okay this morning then the negativity started this afternoon,am tired of feeling like people don't like me however they didn't say that, In my head I feel. Like am boring to them, I know these thoughts are so dumb but right now they are huge for me, just wanted an outlet today
Tired of these feelings : Everyone else... - Anxiety and Depre...
Tired of these feelings

Am I awkward and weird thinking this way
It's completely understandable how you feel. Depression affects our self-esteem, confidence, how we feel in Social Circles. I'm currently experiencing this at work where I feel like people don't like me but I know it's in my head so I have to go out of my way to push through and be social even when I don't want to. Maybe you can do the same thing by just sitting with them for a little while. Keep working with the negative feelings by thinking positive thoughts and mantras throughout the day. The good thing about this way of thinking is that there is a solution, we can rewire our brains. You can look this up on the internet and start practicing ways to do it, I have and it's helping!
Great advice. I'l just add that a book I was reading mentioned that asking people questions is a good way of staying engaged with a person and that way you don't have to do the talking.
I feel socially awkward around certain people and I just want to get away so i get what you (Afaaf) are saying. If it just two of us talking and there is a pause in the conversation, that really makes me uncomfortable. I have the tendency to feel the need to say something and then will usually say something stupid. That is my life. 😊
Glad you decided to let out , much better than holding it all in and suffering in silence. I think when we feel low it's hard to have the confidence to know that people like you and you are important to them. It's ok not to feel the life and soul of the party , you are ok as you are. I really hope you feel more at ease soon xx
It sucks being mentally ill like It prevents me from living life and just doing basic things like just being me,it makes me think that it is not a good thing to be me, today is hard for me
It absolutely can suck, No Doubt, and some days are much harder than others. But please know that there are so many options for you to help yourself improve and feel better. It will take effort and time but sometimes knowing there is a way out can be encouraging. Hang tight my friend!
Thank u it can be better cuz the past week I was doing okay and finally fighting but I don't know what triggered me today, I want to be a surgeon and am like how can u be a sick doctor treating people, will I ever fight this?am trying but it isn't easy
One thing we need to accept is that there will be bad days but also that there will be good days. If you expect this to happen, it can make it easier when it does happen. Having a mental illness does not mean you cannot be successful in life. It only means that you need to manage that part of your life as best as you can and give special attention to it. You're right, it's not easy but it is very possible and you can fight this and win!
It must be very hard for you without the support of doctors etc and the stigma of how mental health problems can sometimes be viewed in your community.
I hope you're finding the forum useful as an outlet for your feelings. I find it very supportive.
Also there is a wealth of information online about anxiety and how it affects people so hopefully that will help you out and know that you are not crazy in having these feelings. Many of us are also having them. Let us know how you are getting on . Gemma x
Dear Afaaf,
In life we are our own worst critics.
I can relate to an extent. I struggle mingling in crowds. In other words I have social anxiety and depression. I’m on meds for my depression which greatly helps. As for my social anxiety, I just can’t cope in crowds. So instead of beating myself up with that, I just accept that’s the way I’m wired and avoid crowds. I know I’m not alone with this so I don’t beat myself up for the way I am. We are just who we are.
If possible, try taking a walk while listening to calming music, such as classical perhaps. While you walk and look at nature keep reminding yourself that you’re not alone.
The thoughts aren't dumb. They're how you're feeling and you need to get it out. I just want you to know I'm hearing you and I care - even though I don't know you, I really do care. It sucks to feel that way. Sometimes it's just good to know you're not alone.
Hang in there, Afaaf!