what happens when you have a panic at... - Anxiety and Depre...

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what happens when you have a panic attack?

Iammesues profile image
37 Replies

if you don’t mind sharing, could you tell me what happens to you when you’re having a panic attack?

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Iammesues profile image
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37 Replies
AXXES2 profile image

personally when i get a panick attack i cant breath and my vision gets very blurry and i get very dizzy to the point where i have to lay down or fall down is that what you were wanting to know ?

Iammesues profile image
Iammesues in reply to AXXES2

thank you for sharing

AXXES2 profile image
AXXES2 in reply to Iammesues

no problem

Iammesues profile image

it’s a big deal to share personal information with strangers. I feel gifted when people share with me

Bciaap profile image

Hei. For me it's a chest pain (not very serious) like a sting that comes in and out. I feel like I am having an heart attack and I get scared of dying. I am very agitated, cannot find my place, I feel dizzy, shaking, have stomach ache and I feel like everything is faded and foggy around me (images, sounds), like I am in a dream. After that I am exhausted and I want to sleep but I am scared that I will not wake up. I turn on the TV or put a video on YouTube, I start to focus on my breathing and I fall asleep. I don't mind sharing anything about that. I feel like helping others and myself when I share. It's important to know you are not alone

Iammesues profile image
Iammesues in reply to Bciaap

how long can it last?

Bciaap profile image
Bciaap in reply to Iammesues

The first one was very long (30-40 minutes), after that the feeling came and went away for about another hour. The others were shorter and less intens (around 10-15 minutes, but the first 5 minutes are the worst)

012703060610 profile image

For me, my hear my heart beat getting faster and faster. You can see it in my neck and it feels like my brain will explode. I often then break into a cold sweat if I can get calm. I also tend to talk fast and in circles (per my family) when in an active attack.

Iammesues profile image
Iammesues in reply to 012703060610

thank you for sharing with me

My heart rate goes up, get extremely nervous, hands start shaking, feel like I’m going to lose my mind or completely loose touch with reality, my mouth gets so dry that I have to have water or chewing gum immediately, start hyperventilating and have to breathe in a paper bag. All this happens very quickly, within a minute or less. It’s usually over in 5 minutes, but it’s a terribly long 5 minutes. Exhausted when it’s over.

Iammesues profile image
Iammesues in reply to

my hands shake too. So badly

in reply to Iammesues

My hands shake only when I’m having an actual panic attack. I’ve been able to lessen these over the years with medication and exercise but still suffer from generalized anxiety disorder. Not as severe as an attack, but a constant feeling of uncomfortable anxiety and heightened sensitivity. Have you talked to a doctor about this?

Sillysausage234 profile image

hope this helps

CAGgmb profile image

For me, it's often a tingling sensation in my head, then chills, then I feel hot. Always, my breathing is fast and shallow, my heart races, and my stomach churns. I feel like I want to just ran away from myself. I can control my breathing, but not the racing heart and churning stomach. The anxiety is so high during these episodes.

Iammesues profile image
Iammesues in reply to CAGgmb

I also have the head tingling. To be honest, I have that daily. Completely makes me feel in no control

CAGgmb profile image
CAGgmb in reply to Iammesues

Are you on any medication? I am, but it's too soon to expect it to work. I keep hoping I'll get better. I hope you do too.

Iammesues profile image
Iammesues in reply to CAGgmb

yes I am, but I always question its helpfulness. You’re kind to share

CAGgmb profile image
CAGgmb in reply to Iammesues

Are you just starting your medication or have you been on it for years? Either scenario has potential issues.

Dell12345 profile image
Dell12345 in reply to CAGgmb

I get this tingling sensation in the front of my head too.

Dell12345 profile image

For me my chest feels really hot, I shake, and then I have an overwhelming fear, sadness, and desire to cry.

Iammesues profile image
Iammesues in reply to Dell12345

my whole head tingles. How long can these sensations last?

Dell12345 profile image
Dell12345 in reply to Iammesues

It generally lasts half an hour or so I think, or until I have calmed down

Doelioness profile image
Doelioness in reply to Dell12345

Hi may I ask how long that feeling of sadness lasts for you? because I get that sometimes as well and a complete and utter feeling of helplessness its sensory overload during a panic/anxiety attack

Dell12345 profile image
Dell12345 in reply to Doelioness

It seems to go once I've calmed down or had a cry. It varies. I don't get it very often now as medication has helped.

You're right, it is a complete sensory overload. I feel like a helpless child.

Chinaadventure profile image

Good morning, what a great way to share each other's experiences. I get a warm tingling sensation across the back of my neck and down my back. I also get the palpitations and the heavy breathing and feel like my chest is going to explode. Sometimes I get dizzy sometimes I get lightheaded and my lips tingle. Lately with my medication change I have this constant overheating feeling and sweating which I am being told should subside once my new medication balance is out. As somebody else has mentioned in this thread it's this just overarching feeling of doom and waiting for the panic attack to come. Lately I've been having heightened anxiety most of the day that sometimes do lead to a panic attack I need to go outside and cool off. Again, attesting this to the fact that I'm on new medication. I'm just taking it one day at a time through my medication change. But I really would just pray that I can balance out and continue to move forward with my life. Stay strong everyone keep sharing your experiences and supporting each other I have found this board to be very helpful for me to know that I am not alone. ❤️🙏💪

Iammesues profile image
Iammesues in reply to Chinaadventure

thank you for sharing. I also prey to move forward

mareschultz profile image

I feel a cold sweat coming on. I have trouble breathing, my heart beats really fast and I feel like I’m going to faint. (Fainting while being outside alone is one of my fears.) I’m scared I’m going to die. When I get this way, I start telling myself that a panic attack won’t kill me. Then I put my face inside my jacket, shirt or a bag, if one happens to be available. I take deep breaths. The faintness is caused by taking in too much oxygen. Breathing in carbon dioxide helps slow your heart down. I feel better after doing this.

BeatnikTony profile image

Panic attacks for me cause my heart to race, I feel like I can’t get enough air like I’m drowning, but my breathing is rapid. My stomach turns, my palms sweat profusely and I cannot concentrate. If it gets bad enough and I can’t handle it, I have to find a way to isolate myself and try to calm down. Doesn’t always work, but it helps get through the anxiety in the moment. Although sometimes it feels that the panic is just waiting on the other side of the door.

Iammesues profile image
Iammesues in reply to BeatnikTony

you calm down how? Breathing techniques?

BeatnikTony profile image
BeatnikTony in reply to Iammesues

Yes. But I also try to clear my head, almost meditate for a minute. I also talk myself through things. May sound odd, but it helps. Things like “just get through this and everything will be ok.” Or “You are safe, no one is here to harm me.”

I try to find somewhere to “retreat” even at home. At least long enough to reset my brain in a way.

Iammesues profile image
Iammesues in reply to BeatnikTony

most times it’s my narcissistic husband causing me the panic attack, so hard to find comfort in a spot at home. At times of an attack, sometimes the bathroom turns into a cave where I tell myself no one knows I’m there

designguy profile image

For me it felt like a mild jolt of electricity, I would get hot and start to sweat and become very self-conscious and start obsessing about why I had it and where did it come from and try to make it go away. I then learned what it really was and how to constructively deal with it and that it was just my mind/body malfunctioning thinking it had to protect me and it was a shot of adrenalin flowing through my body and it was pass if i let it and didn't fight or resist it and it did.

Iammesues profile image
Iammesues in reply to designguy

body malfunction. That’s a good term

Doelioness profile image

Thank you for this post reading through I have found that im not alone and this post has helped immensely the symptoms i experience are pretty much the same as everyone that replied

Iammesues profile image
Iammesues in reply to Doelioness

I agree with you. I’m so touched by people sharing their stories.

Pitalife profile image

Hi for me I get numb lips,shaky limbs and I have hard to breath and sweat like world's closing in on me,disorientation..it's horrible,I suffer since a child w this condition and severe social anxiety, my mom gets it too? Hereditary I'm not sure,but it's affected my life negatively feel like I'm gonna or I'm dying.

Iammesues profile image
Iammesues in reply to Pitalife

My hands and arms shake too. Feel like I’m dying

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