Technology can be bad for your health, upgrade it, and it gets even harder, out of date technology gets swallowed up, more temperature for climate change! Is there a way of saying NO or even regrade, go back, do we ALL have to be swallowed up in the technology stew, as we 'go' forward, normal mankind is left behind. Man's technological arrogance building and building, more obscure medical conditions are revealed, Nature does not like it! Is it too far to go back......
Am I stupid, push that, stream, this,... - Anxiety and Depre...
Am I stupid, push that, stream, this, email this, iphone this, ATM's closed, cards rule, why can't life be simple? CUT BACK TECHNOLOGY!

”can be” is the key phrase. It is too late to reverse climate change. Too late…boomers. Technology means we are getting self driving electric cars both of which improve driving efficiency. It means more people work at home instead of filling highways, occupying real estate that could be used for communities that can’t get housing. Technology is used to track and study climate change. It is so much easier to bring a laptop and smartphone to the arctic than a bunch of paper and big film cameras. Technology opens the world to people who can’t go across the planet which creates a much kinder empathetic world.
I can talk all day long about the problem with social media, things like crypto and toxic groups, AI. More good than bad has come from technology.
Plus gen z/millennials are adapting to it. They are making it work. No doubt they will come up with ideas we haven’t thought of. Already new ideas to replace toxic social media are being explored.
Though there are many good things, there are many negatives as well. While it may have improved health care with new and better equipment, there is too much dependency on them for diagnosis and not listening to the patient. Worse, in my experience, are the many mistakes made on computers in exams, reports, and histories. In almost all reports after a visit, I find mistakes in medications, histories, etc. These may be done by unqualified personnel or a doctor not listening with his eyes on a computer screen. They are only as good as the person using them. They are also very complicated, especially for older people and new users.
I’m the first to criticize the way it has been abused. Just like every new tech (which includes medicine) humans need to learn what works. Isn’t that about learning and adapting it? Technology should actually free up healthcare professionals to spend more time with patients not less. Insurance companies get in the middle. It actually does in my case when I’m working with my doctor without an insurance company. I track all sorts of stuff on my phone that I can share with her.
New stuff is always a challenge as you get older. Older people love going to the same restaurant eating the same thing because there is less decision involved. At the same time my mother can talk to her children on FaceTime across the world instead of managing a phone headset. She doesn’t need to know how to use it. That said the iPad is the last “computer “ she used until she couldn’t anymore.
When I criticize technology it is usually regarding the use of it not its existence. It has been my opinion for a long time that we use it to shorten our time in front of it. We could be using it to shorten the work week for example. Imagine how much sress would be wiped away? But what that means people have to be “paid” in a different way and the 1% don’t like that. They fear us with more time to think. Anyway I could go on for hours on the ways tech can make things better and worse.
Most '21st technology' should have been stopped, communication to a bare minimum, I agree Health technology should be an exception, security technology has gone too far, mainly due to it's own self, people using higher graded technology to break into supposedly tighter security [and it goes on] Who suffers? the ordinary everyday person! As you say too late it's here whether we like it or not! I DON'T!🥴
And widening the rift between the older and younger generation, the younger generation and the older generation who have to rely on the 'technology' of the younger generation, we HAVE to rely on the plastic 'technology' is it REALLY all that is promised of it? As you say it is too late for the world to change from this technological convenience reliance society, time will tell, what there is of it🥴🤔
“Technology “ is what humans do. The automobile usurped the horse and pedestrian. I’m pretty sure you have ancestors that hated the automobile. What exactly did technology promise that makes it “all9 anyway?
There’s upsides, there’s downsides to technology, but it’s here to stay. We have to adapt or be left behind. It certainly hasn’t been a gradual change and that makes it harder to adapt. Eventually, there won’t be anyone born without a device in their hands. It’s the way of the world. Will the upsides of technology ever outweigh the bad in the future? Look around and see who controls technology. Humans do and we all know what humans are capable of doing. And they love to control. $$$$
I’m adapting because I have to and do benefit from technology, but I’m kicking and screaming all the way. Yes, Adlon, it goes much further than a rectangular screen.
i didn’t read it but I saw a curious headline that landlords are using wireless entry and the question is about whether it is constitutional. You wave your phone while unlocked and it opens the door. It requires a recent-ish smartphone with the right technology. It additionally usually requires downloading an app that may or may not have adequate privacy controls, especially on android. (I don’t use a wireless lock for this very reason.). Without reading I know all keyless locks have a key as backup. Wireless locks can also support a card and a phone. Hotels use them. So all I can imagine (yes I should read it) is the landlord is abusing the technology by not providing a key option. The tech isn’t the problem…once again.
It’s in the hands of humans. Somebody creates something good and then somebody comes along and turns it into something not so good. Sorry about all the somebodies and something’s, but I’ve left them up to peoples imaginations.
I don’t own a cellphone by choice. So I’m SOL for anything strictly wireless. As you said, we need back up. That crap always malfunctions anyway eventually. I can use my imagination on that one. That landlord story would be interesting to read as to why his motivation would be to strictly have a wireless entry. I guess he never sleeps. 🙄
I have a simple text phone, as private as possible, so far only the local health centre, and bank have their claws into it, friends and relatives, yes, ANYBODY ELSE, NO!😤😤
I get you, Adlon. I give my ipad just enough information to get by. Even that’s too much for me. That information is “out there” to some extent whether we like it or not.
I'm getting Tescos, Paypal, Amazon, Plusnet, [non USA ] all wanting my Mobile number, "for greater security", on a Simple text phone😝😝😝😝😝
I make choices every time I buy or sign up for anything weighing the benefits/risk against privacy. I just have different needs and keep up with it than you do. Congress is way behind with regulation on privacy… shamefully so… behind the EU. I was using a phone service that is a tiny company with no interest in collecting and selling consumer data like all the big companies do. Paid more for it too. I had to sadly give it up because the consequence is they didn’t keep up with technology. I won’t get an android because iPhone is better with privacy but I do believe they are capturing information based on the type of ads that magically appear after a conversation.
Given the technology you have chosen a text is indeed the safest option. You would be surprised what a teenager hacker can access given the information in just your Amazon account. It doesn’t matter if you don’t store a credit card. It doesn’t matter if you lock the phone in a box under your bed when you aren’t using it. Passwords are a mess. With smart phones they are able to move away from that too.
I disagree smart phones cut a person's privacy, I have private views which I believe should be kept private to myself, not having 'Big brother' looking over your shoulder, I know Amazon, google etc, are probably 'looking' over my shoulder right now! I am a historical researcher and have proved the likes of Google are NEVER faultless! Technology is ALWAYS looking for 'perfection' and is ALWAYS dragging man/woman to their target of finding that, I want to get off at the next stop!
So did I say they are faultless? (I assume you didn’t mean what you wrote.) “iPhone is better with privacy but I do believe they are capturing information based on the type of ads that magically appear after a conversation.” — me
The reason apple has traditionally been a little better is that their business has been hardware not advertising like Google. In fact FB hates them for their privacy policy. Like really hates them. That apple is moving into advertising and that is a potential conflict of interest. But if the choice is no tech vs giving up some privacy then I choose the latter. You do you.
Please reassess the all or nothing attitude. “Always looking for perfection…” is a ridiculous statement. Data security is required knowledge in my career. I live it. You have made it clear this is not something you want to learn and that is totally okay. Given that you are probably making the right choices about being analog. You should know though that HU doesn’t exist for the benefit of humankind. It collects data for research which it sells. trust me, you don’t know what you don’t know. We all do but some are better at recognizing it.
I meant as far as everything that Google says in an historical context, as Wikipedia likewise take it with 'a pinch of salt' not to be relied on! When using technology, I automatically lose my right for complete privacy, I take that for granted, sad but true! There is no thing as perfection, in upgrading technology always strives for that, humankind always looking for the very best that is possible, that's mans/woman's way! HU does exist for the benefit of humankind, collecting data experiences on the way, which hopefully can be collected or learned from for Medical research, benefitting everyone, hopefully on the way!
also the whole point of ATMs is they don’t close?
They do over here in Northern Ireland, regularly broken into, with the likes of tractors, bulldozers etc, the banks lose patience, the more out of the way people losing access, so have to use those infamous plastic cards, with their added debits added on to every transactions🥴🙄
Interesting. Here every police department has an ATM in a well lit area available 24 hours so if you are out late or something you can use that to get cash in a pinch. That seems like an obvious solution. I would consider a different bank if you are paying debit fees. Or can you use a credit card and not carry a balance? I do that for cash back. I get 1-3% back on every transaction and I never pay interest because i keep a zero balance. I still use my debit for some things but I’m not even sure why now that I think about it. 🤔
Not over here they don't, central town/city area, outside central bank, building society's yes, otherwise no! The likes of taxi fares, if you swipe your card for fare, you ALWAYS pay that bit extra on the transaction! I always straight cash, even the taxi drivers prefer straight cash, less hassle! Credit cards I myself find a pain in the posterior, I used to find using them about twice a year, then my bank collapsed🥴 The amount of banks have halved in the last five years, and bank branches across Northern Ireland probably about two thirds! Old established bank buildings across Northern Ireland do have such architectural potential!🤔
”even the taxi drivers prefer straight cash” I know they do but that is how Uber and Lyft got so big. There was a disconnect between what consumers want and what taxi drivers want. Market demand.
I can come up with other examples. Here is one example of evolution. You would be unusual is you aren’t used to using a debit care where you swiped and enter a code. It is popular because it is so much safer and easier than maintaining cash. It is abused but they learn through algorithms how to stem it. Now the US is finally catching up with europe and Asia buy adopting touchless cards. There are two ways. The version you may have already adopted is waving the card over the scanner. You do not have to touch the scanner at all. The card number is never passed to the retailer so any theft regarding stolen numbers will be eradicated.
Now going backwards before a banking system there were hundreds of currencies used in this country and everywhere. There were books at retailers to identify and establish the value of one currency against another. Is that what you want to return to?
On the other hand crypto… we don’t know what this will evolve into in 6 months let alone 5 years. It will never produce millionaires again because that was abuse. It will evolve into something useful because the tech behind it is much more secure and useful. *people* abused it.
So you see you have benefited from technology of money just as we all have…well before you were born.
Bring back the planet to just using £'s [and pence] or $'s [and cents] not technological 'methods', even if they are half plastic 'notes', at least they are simple, no extra charges plumped on top!
I see a day when somebody in re-cycling plastic, makes plastic reduce itself down to its basic element, plastic 'dust', then ALL plastic [all forms of it🥴] reduced to dust, ALL technology becoming worthless?🤔 [very unlikely but feasible🤔....
That plastic dust has to go somewhere to be stored along with the other garbage and by products we create. It’s always sumthin’. 😉
true unless you use Apple Pay on an iPhone which is completely recovered for materials if it is turned into apple for recycle. Before that it can pass several hands before it can’t be updated. You can still buy a 2018 used.
I know that some plastic is used for recycling and the cell phone for payment, but I was addressing Adlon’s idea of plastic dust. All plastic is not being recycled and that’s a problem.
Totally agree. Even plastic that can be isn’t because they can’t keep up. There are times when plastic is useful and sometimes lifesaving but if we all gave up just single use waterbottles we would be reducing trash by an astounding amount and also saving money. That is just a single item.
Trash is a problem in every facet of life though. I’m more bothered by styrofoam. I went to the mall last week and wanted to get a bite to eat but of the 15 or so restaurants two or three didn’t use styrofoam and of those only one used paper and served food I can eat but the line was too long. I don’t get why it is still legal to use it. I just won’t support a store that uses styrofoam. I can wait.
Maybe form an Island in the centre the Atlantic/Pacific made out of unrecyclable plastic probably floating?🥴🙄🤔😆
What I don't like from technology is that there's no more independence.
We don't get to chose what we like
Ready or not, human has to follow the latest technology.Doesn't matter if it comes in low quality,it just has got to be the latest upgrade 😓
I love my phone from 2 years back,but I have to change it since GPlay doesn't have the upgrades anymore.
What is the clean non plastic non technological alternative, that's what I want?🤔👍
I meant as far as technology is concerned, what could be the clean non plastic alternative? if there was one.... [rhetorically 🤔]