Hope it's not True. I can't throw up untill i get used to it and find a way to take my anger out. I'm so sleepy. I litterary sleep 1 hour and wake up throwing up. I said I can't take my agression out and it stays in me. And i can't digest my feelings and experiences. And i can't sleep because my uncounscious goes wild. And having a new accomodation, living alone, starting a new chapter, got me to phase baby where i was always throwing up. Phsychoanalysis goes wild
My therapist said im throwing up beca... - Anxiety and Depre...
My therapist said im throwing up because of my supressed emotions(like i explained in my last posts) and moving out to a new place

What did your therapist suggest you do to cope with the situation so you can stop throwing up? It's a good insight, but you need a solution.
She didn't suggest nothing. This insight is just scaring me
Well, that's useless. Can you call her and ask what you should do? Should you call a doctor for anti-nausea meds? Take anti-anxiety meds? Try some sleeping pills? Would it help for your therapist to talk with your mom? I know lots of people find meditation or mindfulness helpful (though I am not one of them). I wish I could help.
Thanks. I feel so bad she didn't told me what to do, i don't know If she knows what to do and If she would tell me. Now at home got meds and insane anxiety
I'm here for you kiddo you're in my prayers sending you healing vibes💕💕💕
hi I’m so sorry for all you are going through.
my heart goes out to you ♥️
You’ll get through it but until then what can you do to take care of yourself? I do think going in to a doctor would help. Maybe there will be solutions there.
Are you on any medication for anxiety?
Are you feeling any better this morning?
Did you get any sleep last night?
Sorry if it’s too many questions. I just really want to help you.
I appreciate it. I'm on anxiety medication. I got 1-2 hours of sleep. I felt better the morning, i feel terrible when i sleep
I wonder if it’s possible to make an urgent request with your doctor since maybe she/he can up your dose or try some thing else. I know you feel bad when you sleep but I think all sorts of uncomfortable feelings can happen if we don’t get enough sleep it affects all our functionings.
Agree. Once i get back to university city i will have to see my psychiatrist. The irony, i needed to go home city to see doc. I really want to sleep but i wake up throwing up. Rn having a long anxiety attack, scared of mom
From things you’ve said like your mom’s drinking being a big problem it makes sense that you would be panicking around her. I’m so sorry you are going through trouble with the sleep and throwing up when you get up. Have you seen the doctor yet?
I haven't. Mom and dad don't let me go, they think they know better and that my doctor is lazy. She really is lazy but i would benefit from talking with a nice doctor but alas
Hi. I'm so sorry things are hard. You say 3 things that stick out: your aggression stays with you and you can't get it out, you can't process your feelings and experiences, and you're having a hard time sleeping because of all this. This makes for a volatile situation. Somehow you need to find a way to do all these things. The sleep will come when the first 2 are sorted. I think your therapist is right. It's no secret that suppressing our emotions is unhealthy for us. We need a way to get them out (in a healthy way). My therapist has told me that most of the patients her and her colleagues see need help with this. It's in no way a criticism of us. Neither is it saying that it's our fault. It's just saying that we need help in those areas. I mean, everyone needs help with something, right? Has your therapist given you any healthy ways to cope with these suppressed emotions? Exercising, journaling, talking, and using CBT techniques are strategies that come to mind.
A pattern I've noticed in your latest posts is that you blame others for your problems (I'm thinking of the one when you got sick because of your "dumb friend"). I'm sorry, but that's ridiculous. Your friend didn't get you sick. You didn't get yourself sick. You just got sick. It happens. The same with allergies. No one is responsible for giving you allergies. You just have them. The same with not being able to sleep. You cannot blame others for issues in your life. That's not the way the world works. What you can do is work on and learn about yourself. Let your therapist help you help yourself by giving you the tools needed. It's said that people blame others because they are scared to look at themselves. It IS scary to look at yourself. I've been learning about myself this year and it's been close to the hardest year of my life because of it. Doing so is OK, though. It's actually good to look at yourself because it makes you a stronger person.🙂 It's going to be OK.

She never gives me tools
You should ask her, then. For your own wellbeing.🙂