cough and stuffy nose: has anyone been... - Anxiety and Depre...

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cough and stuffy nose

nana2327 profile image
55 Replies

has anyone been sick a couple days with a cough and stuffy nose not Covid but omg I can’t sleep

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nana2327 profile image
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55 Replies
Krn210 profile image

We just had something go through our entire household that wasn’t COVID or the Flu. It was a runny/congested nose. Itchy throat and cough and fatigue. The kids had a fever for a day. My oldest and I never got the fever part though.

nana2327 profile image
nana2327 in reply to Krn210

thank you so much for answering me, it’s crazy my head feels so stuffy wake up at night and have to blow my nose and the cough hurts my throat, did you take anything that helped any of you

Krn210 profile image
Krn210 in reply to nana2327

I was giving them multi-symptom cough syrup. Which seemed to help them with the congestion. Otherwise we just pushed fluids and rested.

nana2327 profile image
nana2327 in reply to Krn210

thank you 🙏 sending prayers for a speedy recovery

Lve2dance profile image
Lve2dance in reply to nana2327

I hope you feel better. Afriend of mine recently had a really bad cold as well. But not covid

MadBunny profile image

Yes I started with a stuffy runny nose on Monday which got worse, now have a cough from all the congestion in my throat/ chest . No fever or anything else. I get colds easily.

nana2327 profile image
nana2327 in reply to MadBunny

yes that’s what I’m feeling it’s just so bad I can’t sleep, are you taking anything for it

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to nana2327

No, as many of the cold remedies interact with my meds so I have to be careful. I'm having warm drinks of ginger, lemon and honey. Or mint tea.

nana2327 profile image
nana2327 in reply to MadBunny

oh thanks me also I take blood pressure meds so I been drinking tea and and boiling water to inhale the steam, praying you feel better soon 🙏

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to nana2327

Yes I've been inhaling steam.I'm on bp meds too. Wishing you better soon, too 🤗

Arymretep profile image

Yes we’ve both had it here too, taking lots of honey and lemon drinks and I swear by Olbas oil to clear the nose👍

nana2327 profile image
nana2327 in reply to Arymretep

where do you buy that at and how do I use it

EarthSitter1 profile image
EarthSitter1 in reply to nana2327

I’m with Arymretep We swear by it in our house it’s full name is Olbas Oil Inhalant Decongestant, if you’re in the Uk they sell it in most supermarkets and chemists if you’re elsewhere in the world you may be able to get it on Amazon and you can’t beat honey and lemon

Hb2003 profile image

I started to have loss of appetite and mild to severe nausea and a cough it started on Wednesday ended today. hope that your feeling better 😄

Arymretep profile image

I’m in the U.K. don’t know if you can get olbas oil in US, probably online? It’s an inhalent and decongestant , which you can also rub into muscles for pain, it’s got eucalyptus oil, clove, juniper berry, etc so it’s all natural, I always keep a bottle to hand , it’s amazing to clear the head.

Olbas oil
mareschultz profile image
mareschultz in reply to Arymretep

In the U.S. we have something called Mentholatum - you can get a lavender scented version but I prefer the original menthol. You can use it the same way, to inhale, to rub into your chest, in vaporizers, and I rub it around my nose to keep my skin from being irritated from blowing my nose and using tissues a lot. There is also one called Vicks but I find that it stings when I put it on my sensitive skin.

Arymretep profile image
Arymretep in reply to mareschultz

Yes we have Vick here too, that’s an old one, my Mum used to use it on us as kids

mareschultz profile image
mareschultz in reply to Arymretep

I checked and found out we can get Olbas Oil. I’m going to try it. Sounds like it smells wonderful 🙂

Arymretep profile image
Arymretep in reply to mareschultz

It does, but it’s quite strong so dont go mad lol . I sprinkle it on my pillow at night to help me breath, and in the day on a tissue.

mareschultz profile image
mareschultz in reply to Arymretep


Babe1213 profile image
Babe1213 in reply to Arymretep

I am in UK and have purchased Olbas Oil in the U S A. A good pharmacy - I think Walmart do it

Why don't you go to your doctor instead of asking people on this forum to diagnose you.If it's a cold, it's a cold, if it's Covid, it's COVID, if it's allergies, it's allergies.

pauluk60 profile image
pauluk60 in reply to

y have the forum then peeps like to mope on their health so be it i am the same and i have seen doc for minor infections and hes no better with a/bs steroids still keep coming back at the drop of a hat need a good course of looking at

nana2327 profile image
nana2327 in reply to pauluk60

thank you And yes I like the forum it helps with my anxiety, some people just don’t understand or belong on this forum

pauluk60 profile image
pauluk60 in reply to nana2327

ok nanna LET RIP AND NO HOLDING BACK IF YOU NEEDS DESIRE trouble with some peeps at the back of most illnesses some need just more than doc with just take this and that and everything ok not so sometimes docs do great job but CANT SEE ALL

Arymretep profile image
Arymretep in reply to

if you are lucky enough to get a Drs appointment 😳

in reply to Arymretep

Try going to an Urgent Care. They are wonderful! When I had Covid recently, I went to Urgent Care. They gave me the test, picked up the prescription and I am better now.

Arymretep profile image
Arymretep in reply to

glad you are better, we are told in the U.K. to test ourselves for covid and to isolate if it’s positive , so not allowed to go out

in reply to Arymretep

I am so sorry. Good luck!

Arymretep profile image
Arymretep in reply to

you too 👍

nana2327 profile image
nana2327 in reply to

no need to be smart, I was asking a question, it is a health group, people like you shouldn’t be on here

in reply to nana2327

It's not really a health group. It's a mental health group. Anyway, from the last few emails I sent you, I wasn't trying to be smart, I was trying to help you, by telling you to go to urgent care for an answer to your health problem. Asking people that are not doctors won't help you.

nana2327 profile image
nana2327 in reply to

I know it’s a mental health group, maybe I was asking so I know it’s not all in my mind, most times doctors don’t even know they just give you meds and call it a day, I’m not dumb I know I can go to urgent care but maybe you can also be kind to people, and I did get answers on here from people who have the same thing, you have a blessed day

in reply to nana2327

Sorry I offended you. Have a good day.

nana2327 profile image
nana2327 in reply to

thank you, you also have a good day 🙏

OtOFrance profile image

Hello nana2327

I can say "welcome to november gang", I have been like that for 3 or 4 weeks. It is not a covid neither a flu, just a "I don't know why" that makes you feel sick and exhausted.

They say summer will arrive soon ... Let's wait !

Take care

Love from France


nana2327 profile image
nana2327 in reply to OtOFrance

thank you hope all is getting better for you, one day if like it’s going away then next day I’m coughing and stuffy again 🙏

Iwillbedelivered profile image

wishing you a fast recovery

nana2327 profile image
nana2327 in reply to Iwillbedelivered

thank you

SayNOtoPanic profile image

feel better soon.

Babe1213 profile image

There are so many 'unusual' symptoms seem to be affecting lots of people worldwide. It's not testing as COVID, and certainly not flu, but I am of the opinion that it is COVID related - by that I mean there have been many changes in our attitudes to the way we are having to accustom ourselves to live. I am in UK, I've had COVID one time - in May this year, tested positive for 5 days. I didn't have any symptoms, at age almost 75, I am thankful about that - but this past week I have felt that familiar brain fog, nausea, fatigue. My nose began 'running' in January 2020 at the onset of COVID here, and hasn't stopped, this was joined by cough at the same time, and a sore tongue. Try some 'lemon barley water '- hot, with a good quality honey. Gargle with some salt water - warm - This is a new learning curve for all of us - and a new way of living. But we are all in it together worldwide.

nana2327 profile image
nana2327 in reply to Babe1213

thank you so much , praying that you get through this 🙏

Samson1953 profile image

Hi Nana, My husband got a bad runny nose, sore throat, a little fever, and a bad cough. We thought for sure we thought covid n it wasn't. Then I got sick 3 days later. My cough wasn't too bad but my nose wouldn't stop running. I asked a pharmacist n he recommended Robitussion cough syrup n an antihistamine, which really helps. But I don't take B/P meds. He said that kind of cold/flu is going around really bad. And cough lingers. We also take vitamin C n zinc. Cough lozenges sooth the throat n tea n honey. These are just items that helped us. But always ck with yr dr. Or pharmacists. I hope you feel better soon. Rose

nana2327 profile image
nana2327 in reply to Samson1953

thank you so much for answering, sending prayers your way🙏

designguy profile image

I found taking major doses of vitamin C helped. I took 4 - 6000mg at a time two or three times a day and drank lots of herbal teas. I also found a powdered form of vitamin c and used that. Also do what you can to keep your digestion/elimination system working, it's important to eliminate all the crap of it from your body and keep your system flowing. I also used sugarless cough lozenges and syrup since the added sugar can provoke our immune system.

nana2327 profile image
nana2327 in reply to designguy

thank you so much. Praying you feel better soon 🙏

maxinedunn127 profile image

Yes I've had the cough and cold for weeks ,can't shake it. Change in weather lots of bugs, flues going around. Am dealing with anxiety /depression which not feeling well makes it worse.

nana2327 profile image
nana2327 in reply to maxinedunn127

thank you so much for responding. praying that you feel better soon 🙏

Oshunlvr profile image

I have been, but have a fever and headache. I compared the symptoms of the big 3right now, flu, vivid and rsv. Mine falls in with the flu. I checked the CDC for that info. Mine Stu Wed but I'll wait a few days before calling my doctor.

nana2327 profile image
nana2327 in reply to Oshunlvr

thank you for responding, praying that you feel better soon 🙏

Been absolutely miserable. I suffer from very bad seasonal allergies and this weather has not been helpful. One day it's 40 degrees (F Dry) and the next could be 75 (F Humid). My body doesn't know what to do. It's the end of November and we still have Summer temps.... ughhhh!!!

nana2327 profile image
nana2327 in reply to

thank you for responding, praying you feel better soon 🙏

Same here. It's really rough so take care of yourself x

nana2327 profile image
nana2327 in reply to Against_the_current

thank you hope you feel better soon 🙏

Against_the_current profile image
Against_the_current in reply to nana2327

You too 🙏

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