I’ve been extremely suicidal these past few days and I can’t really tell anyone because I don’t want to seem like that girl that’s always sad ya know. I have nowhere to live im basically homeless and I’ve been living off other people which sucks im financially struggling really bad my emotional support cat has liver disease and I can’t afford to put her down so I feel very guilty. I just feel like everything is piling so fast and I just want it to stop. I started self harming again. I don’t wanna do this anymore. Im so sick of feeling this way. I put on a brave face because I don’t want people getting upset with me or giving me sad puppy dog eyes. Idk what I want. I just wanna be ok
Hopeless: I’ve been extremely suicidal... - Anxiety and Depre...

Hi tbaxleey, sorry for what you're going through right now. I understand how hard it is to talk about this as I have been struggling lately too with feeling deeply suicidal and don't always know how to talk about it. I will be thinking of you as I know you don't deserve to feel this way. It helps me to know I'm not alone in my struggle. It makes me want to fight so thank you for sharing. So, there you go, sharing how you feel does have its benefits. It gives strength to others who also need to feel understood and less alone. Please don't give up tbaxleey. I know life is hard but you are a special person just because you are you. I really really mean that. I don't know you but I know there is more to learn about you and there is goodness in you. Its just hard to see in ourselves when we are in a bad place. Its there though. I really promise you. And I really believe that. 🌻.
P.s. I wish I could give you a real flower
Hi TB02.
I'm so so sorry U feel U have no way forward & that ur pet is ill too.
My daughter bought home a chihuahua the day before lockdown started here in the UK.
She , Foxxy is the best ever & listens to me & my issues & she just listens to me & makes thing cool & she don't say a thing just wants to listen & cuddles . She has some great mannerisms too.
Does ur cat know just what u need when U need it ?
May I ask how things became so bad but only if U wish to say , also where U are is there any pet rescues that can help ur cat or anywhere near u that can assist U both ?
I feel a lot like you. But know that suicidal acts aren’t the way to go. Im not completely sure what all is bringing you down, but it’s gotta let up at some point, so hang on & don’t do anything permanent. I’m pretty sure Animal Rescue League might be able to help you with your cat if it’s suffering. It’s worth a try. Please hold on. I will pray for you & me both……
I'm so sorry you are having a tough time. I hope things get better for you soon.
You will be okay xo please hold on and have you been able to take the cat to the dr's? There are cheap home remedies you can use to help her just realised you are needed more than you know and wanted more than you know every time you want to self harm please look at your cat or take a deep breath and find a quick good memory or something near you (blanket/toy/ something soft)you can touch that makes you feel good you are loved believe that (I know at times it may not feel that way, I feel like that at times too) you are loved 🙂😊💖💜👍
Don’t try to be brave. You are doing yourself no favors. If you need help you deserve to get it. You are worth something even if you don’t believe it right now. We often feel badly and unworthy when terribly depressed. I am very sorry about your cat. It must be even harder to imagine life without her. Please get yourself some help and perhaps check with a veterinarian or shelter to see if they can help you out with your cat. You really don’t want your cat to suffer. You are both in my thoughts and prayers. ❤️
Hello tbaxley 02. I have been in the same place many times during the pandemic. Covid gave me extreme anxiety and I felt like I didn't want to have to live with the anxiety the rest of my life. You are 20 years old, and you have many years of your life ahead of you (I am 62). If there's anything I've learned in my 62 years its that nothing ever stays the same. You will not be in this position for the rest of your life. Things will change, and probably will change for the best. I assume you have sought help from a therapist. If not, please do. There are free services out there that are available to you. Please be open minded to taking medication to help you through this rough patch. If you are in a crisis, please call the suicide hotline. Once you are in a better state of mind it would be helpful to make a plan for your life-i.e. going to school, pursuing a career path through a trade school, decide what relationships you want to cultivate, etc. Please don't give up!
I'm so sorry. I hope you can talk to someone soon and get some help. I'm also very sorry about your cat - that's really hard. Sending lots of hugs.
Hey hero. Heeyhero hey hero. Older bro. Here. U dealing with tin stuff and I mean ton hard hard times all alone. No one believes a word as they have loving families and support. U have to do everything itself and battle not feeling wanted needed useful no family the emptiness the aloneness. Etc
Urdadness is same a an u watered plant. Ud never judge. Ud rush to go give it water and love
So thereu gohuve heart uovedmizundrstood soul. Lotsoforohan plants and animals need u. Like someonei knewuears ago
Everyone misjudged her. But I knew she'd never hurt my horses. She was everyone's bottom of list. But. The top. The top of my next grad student and turned her over to an older unlovedhorse. Sure enough. She spent hours. With him grooming and spending time with him reading stories was beautiful to let happen and give her room
Ur destiny is another road uryoung don't try to change asallkinds of unloved animals plants whatever's. Need u
Urdifferentasuknowpain and suffering. Others don't
They don't relate butguesswhat. They aren't. Going nearmyhorses. ThTsfor sure
Caring real family not false family here. U let them.adopt u. Bring uinto their fold. Grow through them. Masses of hugs not from me as I'm a guy but the group
Masses and masses of their hugs. Stay safe keep writing. Ur not alone alone anymore they all can relate take care
You are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope somehow things get better for you. Don’t be afraid to seek out some help.
hang in. I am 59 and took a crapfull of pills Xmas night realized that is not what I want so off to the hospital a couple days later home again. And back to aloneness even though I have my adult kid living at home, I know Covid as mentally screwed up more people in the world than anything. Heck I still work from home 3/4 of that is cool but last 1/4 is the fact that people need other people but no one wants to take that chance and get out I am one rejection sucks but I am probably not the one to say it gets better but I want it to.