So how many people are spending the holidays alone. Whether it's Thanksgiving, Christmas or New Year's Eve. Just doing a survey for my own curiosity...... Be honest
Out of curiosity : So how many people... - Anxiety and Depre...
Out of curiosity
🙋🙋me and hubby spend every holiday alone...and it's been that way for 25 years now. We live in NV and work in the casino. Every holiday is a work day...😁takes away all the excuses for declining our attendance at awkward functions we don't feel like going to.
All our family members are out of state...the last Thanksgiving 🦃 with my dad was 2008 when we moved into our first home 🏡 but that was preplanned far in advance and was a triple combo housewarming/thxgvg/my🎂bday (it was on Thanksgiving that yr) 🥳 🎉 party.
Yep, working during the holidays is definitely a great excuse not to attend
”morbid “? That doesn’t make me feel good at all
I am joining a meetup of other solo foodies for dinner at a nice restaurant on Thursday.
My holidays are always a mix but I find something. A few years ago I had the funnest time. I went to Tulum solo. On a kayak trip I met another solo traveler. We ended up spending thanksgiving together. We rented bikes, had margs, swam in the ocean and got a seafood dinner.
Other years I have made my own small Turkey and watched my favorite crime movies. Turkey is too expensive this year but I am really in the mood for citizen Kane this year. Elon Musk reminds me of mr kane in a bizarre way.
Just Me and my pets. It will be OK. They are the only "family" I have left.
I love morbid curiosity questions.😂 But I don’t think it’s a morbid question. I may or not be alone for the holidays, don’t know yet, but I prefer being alone. Social gatherings take a lot out of me. I’m being pressured to show my face at a gathering at Christmas because a person attending the gathering has never met me and thinks I don’t exist. Lol I could do a zoom call? I won’t have to dress up, put makeup on, brush my hair or drive for 45 minutes one way on unfamiliar roadways. I was thinking of just putting a brown bag over my head. The person would just have to take my word that it’s me and not a female impersonator. Maybe RUPAUL is free.
I would rather not attend family gatherings, I always feel worse afterwards. It’s just my parents & brother’s family but I’m left feeling more lonely, empty, insignificant, judged. Of course no one would ever know this since I present a permanent smile.🙂
Yeah I've been there my friend. And the house full of friends of family during the holidays and somehow still feel alone
I’ve got plans this Thanksgiving and Christmas. Not sure what I’m doing New Years Eve. I’m not sure how Christmas is going to be. Right now my two sisters aren’t talking to each other. Too much family drama going on there!
That's horrible, when family members aren't speaking to one another. I went through that with my son and it just tears you apart
Well my Mom has been trying to deal with one of my sisters who is the middle child. She’s telling my Mom that she feels like no one cares about her and that my Mom pays more attention to me and my other sister but not her. My Mom has been telling her that we do care about her and that she tries to treat all of us equally. I tried calling her three times this week, leaving her messages. I told her we all do care about her and we’re worried about her. She hasn’t responded to any of my calls, my Mom has tried to call her and she’s ignoring my Mom too. So we don’t know what to do. I can’t keep calling her, I’m not going to keep trying to reach out if she just wants to ignore me. She is invited to Thanksgiving, we don’t know if she’s going to show up. She has a steady boyfriend she’s been dating, we don’t know if she might do something with him and his family. I don’t know what her deal is. Her birthday is coming up in December. I was planning on trying to do something nice for her, but the way she’s been and with the attitude she has, I don’t know if I want to do much of anything for her.
I work in retail! A day when I don’t have to slave and deal with people is a welcome relief! I’ll probably have my small family over for Christmas dinner. Hopefully everyone will be civil to each other for a few hours.
Can't go wrong with a little civility, for sure
I remember my retail days! One year I did the jewelry counter Xmas eve…oh the husbands hustling to find a gift!
You need this!
Are U truly alone when U have urself with U ? Yeah know that little shit in the back of ur head questioning u for everything U decide on. I just ignore mine & give no Fuuurkx.My eldest daughter is at her boyfriends parents home for Xmas day but my Youngest works as a carer & Sunday is her main shift day so she will be working but that's a good thing as there is no need to cook too much & waste.
Also I enjoy time with me, myself & I too & at the same time.
😁😁.... Me, myself and I.... Right!

Now imagine the fun the 4 of U can have , ur all on the same wavelength & u laugh at each others jokes & U can't get urself in trouble ..... no forget the last one
Can't argue with that.... I rather disagree with myself

Nah , for the simple fact that they know the answer before U ask the question. What really blows ur mind is when the new person answers & that new person is the young U who needs protecting & nurturing & helping with everything he faces & the 4 of U can do that job BUT everyone else is waiting on U brother...... Go do what U must & protect the young U .
😁😁😁.... Great point
Me. I have no family left and no close friends
😔..... I know how you feel my friend
I'll be All Alone for the first time this Thanksgiving. I don't want to bring everyone down, but my Significant Other passed away three weeks ago, and my family are in Arizona, and So. Calif. And, friends are with their families, and didn't invite me as they don't want to drive to where I live which isn't that far, but they don't like crossing bridges, and one can't drive alone. I was invited to the Arizona gathering, but I can barely walk a half a block now as I am SO grief stricken & physically, mentally, and emotionally worn out. It's not only the holidays that I am alone, now, but -- I am sorry that you have no family left, and no close friends. Hope things will improve for both of us.
I'll be cliche and say that I'm sorry for the situation you're in. Far more importantly I want you to know that I personally know how gut wrenching those first holidays can be without your loved ones by your side. For that my friend I am truly, truly sorry and would never wish it on anyone
hey so sorry for your loss and that you are having such a hard time. I have a suggestion. Can you do a zoom call with the people in AZ? Ordering some nice food is a good idea…no cooking.
Good idea if I can figure out how to do the Zoom. Family will be calling me on Thanksgiving & some friends will call.
well you are on a browser. go to the link below. Download it. Create an account. Follow the instructions to start a meeting and try it. Practice ahead of time. Ask them to schedule it assuming they are more familiar with it. When the time comes you will click a link and wallah!
Things didn't turn out as bad as I thought they would, but am far from Ok as all that I am dealing with now. But, my Sister-in-law was able to get me a video visit on my cell phone. She walked me through it & I talked to everyone that was there --family in Arizona (17 people), and could see everyone, took a tour of their five bdr. home (could Never afford a home like that in California), so that helped me feel as little less lonely. They all hope I can spend the next family dinner with them in Arizona, or at my Brother's & Sister-in-law's home in Orange County, CA.
No way will I ever be tired of your comments. Your comments, and others, is why I'm here. Thank you from the bottom of my heart
Hummm. No harm answering the question. I will be alone, though I got two dogs and a cat to be my company.