if only I could wake up and feel okay I would give anything for that. Still have that damn ima die or something bad’s about to happen feeling and other weird sensations. Went to the cardiologist today once again BP was high 180/82 ugh how can my bp fluctuate so much like it’s usually like 140s even sometimes 130s And I was tachycardia so had to do another ekg. They’re trying me on a calcium channel blocker I’m so nervous to try it he did mention a beta blocker but said could make depression worse I’m like no I don’t think I want that. I was all sweaty and such at the cardiologist felt like I couldn’t breath weird feeling all over nauseous ugh.
if only: if only I could wake up and... - Anxiety and Depre...
if only

The good thing is you made it there. Be proud of that.
I know you are nervous to take the meds. Think about how good you will feel when you see positive results in that blood pressure decreasing. I think this would be a big step to healing some of your worries
true knowing my brain though having a normal bp I’ll instantly think something’s wrong
Glad you finally got the appt. Try the channel blocker but if u can do a dual and beta blocker as well that will help. Cause the beta will nip the techacardia and the other for BP u might start to get some relief. I think any relief will start decreasing some of the depression. Prayers up Adam.
I am glad that you made it to your appointment!!! Meds always scare me too. Sometimes though you just have to do it with fear, so take the meds. If you try them and they don’t work, at least you know you tried and are trying. ❤️
thank you I guess I just get freaked out cuz idk how I’m going to react
I completely understand I am the same. I always wind up with more anxiety over the meds than the actual situation. It helps me if I don’t even look at the leaflet they give you. If I look at any of the side effects I will drive myself nuts overthinking it. BUT sometimes you have to decide which is worse. The anxiety or the issue.
that is true i guess I’m afraid it’s going to make me lightheaded and such