Can any of you play an instrument? - Anxiety and Depre...

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Can any of you play an instrument?

65 Replies

Or would you like to learn how to play one?

65 Replies
101315 profile image

not even close .. i am a one week old guitar learner

in reply to 101315

Keep at it!

Blueruth profile image

Drums on my thighs when I'm not dancing around the room lol. I grew up around a lot of music and realized fairly early I am a lover of music. I am happy to be a patron.

101315 profile image
101315 in reply to Blueruth

we are going to need a drummer .. are you in ?

Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to 101315

Ha! I am only good in my head and the shower :)

101315 profile image
101315 in reply to Blueruth

The shower has the best acoustics

Hb2003 profile image

i would like to learn the violin piano and electric guitar 😄

101315 profile image
101315 in reply to Hb2003

piano would be nice .. and if we find a saxophone player we can start a jazz band

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to 101315

that would be so fun ☺️

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to 101315

i want to learn this song 😅 its too hard though 😭

101315 profile image
101315 in reply to Hb2003

i can not see the video. Seems to be unavailable in my region

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to 101315

oh no search up your lie in april opening

101315 profile image
101315 in reply to Hb2003

i looked it up .. i did not understand a single word .. the thumbnail hinted at a violin but i did not hear one

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to 101315

Me either thats what i thought too its from an anime 😅

in reply to Hb2003

I suppose that language is Japanese??? Is that song from some kind of anime movie you were watching? A lot of people are into this anime stuff. I knew a girl who liked to draw cartoons in the anime style. And I knew a guy who liked some kind of anime cartoon movie. When he was younger my nephew was into watching Pokémon.

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply to Hb2003

One at a time, Hiba! Learning an instrument demands a good investment of time and money.

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to MaggieSylvie

true maybe i should start Piano ☺️

Gillyflower18 profile image

I played the violin when I was younger. I’ve always wanted to play a lite tho.

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to Gillyflower18

I had violin lessons at school in my early teens.I stopped after about a year for 2 reasons, because I wouldnt cut my fingernails short and had arguments with the teacher about it ( yes, vain I know lol) and my parents wouldn't let me practice at home as it sounded so bad 🤣

Gillyflower18 profile image
Gillyflower18 in reply to MadBunny

My parents didn’t mind the practice but I didn’t want to do it! I see spell check changed my entry again! I’ve always wanted to play a lute!

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to Gillyflower18

Sounds wonderful . I love lute music

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply to Gillyflower18

Ah! A great instrument.

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply to MadBunny

Short nails are needed for a lot of instruments. After decades of keeping mine very short, I now hate it when they grow.

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to MaggieSylvie

At the time of course, my appearance was more important to me than learning the violin 🤣

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply to MadBunny

I went through that for a short period but had to weigh up which was more valuable, long nails or the vioin.

Dolphin14 profile image

I played the clarinet in elementary school. Two years of lessons.

Guitar would be nice. I find the strings fascinating. Someone where I go over the summer plays the ukulele . He has shown me the strings and the different piks he uses for different sounds on the strings. Not sure why I'm talking about him? This is about me haha


MadBunny profile image

I did the obligatory recorder at school , and when I studied music for a year at college, I did a module on music history and I discovered there was more to it .A few of us formed a recorder group to play early music. I played the large bass recorder which I never knew existed.

I can play a few chords on the guitar, and a bit of piano , but I'd love to learn bass guitar and cello.

in reply to MadBunny

Wow, thats very interesting.

I can play the piano and the acoustic guitar, but not anything very difficult. My Mom can play the piano better than me, she’s better at sight reading the music. However I like to pick out tunes on the piano and try to make up my own songs, she doesn’t do that. I also played the clarinet in band in junior high for 3 years. Then I switched from band the choir in high school and I loved it. I like to sing. I’m the annoying person in the car singing along to the radio. So I have a basic knowledge of music. Playing the guitar can be rather difficult . Trying to know the finger positions and playing chords and switching them, that isn’t easy. The piano comes more natural to me because that’s what I learned first. I have to credit my Mom for giving me my love for music. However, she does NOT like Madonna and I am Madonna’s biggest fan!!! I also like The Goo Goo Dolls a lot too as you can tell by my nickname on here. My Mom’s generation was more about the Beatles and Elvis Presley. And both of us love live theater and we both think Barbra Streisand is amazing.

in reply to

You prefer singing to playing?

I wasnt allowed to be in the choir, was never told why not.

I played some guitar when i was very young, plaed drums in a band in my teens and a bit if bass. I started guitar again a few weeks ago but my amp packed in 😞so ill get a new one soon.

Sorry ive not replied sooner, im having problems with android and HU, i can only reply when on my laptop.

Have a great day.

in reply to

Thank you. I like both playing and singing. I’ve never had an electric guitar, just my acoustic one. I’d love to get an electric guitar and take some more lessons, however I don’t have my own apartment anymore. A few years ago I was forced to move back to living in my parents house again and they are not going to be too thrilled to have to listen to me practice on an electric guitar. It’s cool you played the drums. My uncle was in a band when he was younger and he had a drum set. I remember when I was only 7 or 8 coming over to visit him and he let me play on the drums and it was so much fun!!! Actually very recently I’ve started taking voice lessons. I’ve always enjoyed singing and I’m trying to improve my singing voice and my range. In high school for a spring concert I was the only one picked from my choir to sing a solo by the choir teacher. Everyone had to audition. I sang the song People which was sung by Barbra Streisand. It was a big moment for me and I was thrilled. Have a great day!!!🙂

in reply to

Would you have the nerve to sing in public now?

If you did get an electric guitar and an amp you could get some headphones to go with them.

in reply to

Sometimes I go to a bar that’s nearby where they have karaoke on Saturday nights. I’m not that afraid to sing in public, depends on what I’m singing. I’m not that good at trying to rap.

in reply to

You just need to practice more rap then 😅

in reply to

No, I don’t think so!!! It really isn’t that easy to rap, I tend to jumble up the words. I live in Michigan, USA so Eminem is kind of big around here. I like some of Eminem’s songs but a lot of it is very toxic. I like some of the old school rap by people like Queen Latifah. But a lot of it is too much swearing and slang talk. I don’t like Nicki Minaj at all, I just think she has no class and she’s always angry. Currently in my voice lessons I am trying to learn a song by Carrie Underwood. It’s called Undo It and she really belts the words out and there’s part of it that is difficult to sing. I’m trying but I am not her!!! Country music is really more like pop rock music these days. I like some country music but I don’t like these country drinking songs. I generally stay away from becoming an alcoholic. But once in awhile I will have a beer. Just so I’m less anxious. When I do karaoke most of the time I don’t drink, I just have a Pepsi or something. And I get out of there around midnight before it gets too rowdy.

in reply to

Rapping does look tricky actually, the fast rappers especially. I like some of it but im not really a fan of it.

Nicki Minaj etc i dont know much about, i deejayed for years but i normally played older stuff and my partner would have played the modern stuff, so im not clued up on it.

I dont drink much either but i do enjoy it, ill not become an alcoholic though i dont think...Its just a bit of occasional fun.

Im imoressed that you sing karaoke without any alcohol, id be a bag of nerves if i tried it... Im getting the impression that you are a really good singer.

in reply to

I think I’m okay. It’s just fun. And at karaoke I like to see what other people do too, it’s a great icebreaker and some people are really good. The last time I was there more people showed up. With the pandemic going on a lot of people weren’t coming, but now that more people are vaccinated I think it will get back to more or less normal. I’m getting vaccinated soon to prevent the Omnicron strain. I haven’t caught Covid so far but you never know.

in reply to

The vaccine only makes it easier if you catch it, it doesnt prevent it. I had it and it wasnt that bad for me.

I dont think karaoke is really popular here anymore, live music is and has always been the thing here. Some of the pub bands here are as good as any very famous bands.

People drink a lot here, its a culture thing.

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to

I did a lot of choral singing over the years - amateur though , not professional. I took singing lessons for a while . Never had the confidence to sing solo .I loved singing but sadly my voice isn't good these days.

bethelbee profile image

I play guitar and piano

in reply to bethelbee

At the same time? 😉

bethelbee profile image
bethelbee in reply to

Of course ‼😁

in reply to bethelbee

What a talent! 😅

I plonk on the piano. In the words of a late well known comic - I get all the notes right but not necessarily in the right order. Morecombe of M & W

in reply to

Does that mean you are a plonker? 😜

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to


designguy profile image

As a kid I played the trumpet and could even play all of the brass instruments except the trombone. My band mates and I would switch instruments when we had a substitute teacher - LOL. Now I can't even remember how to read the music. Quit playing the trumpet and started playing guitar in jr. high school and still play it some.

in reply to designguy

My Dad played the trumpet in his high school band. He still has it in our basement. He gets it out every once in awhile. He will play short stuff like Taps, which is what they play at soldier’s funerals. He was also in the Army for four years before he married my Mom and I was born.

Adlon57 profile image

I remember when about 11 my mother had high hopes for me, decided I must learn how to play a violin, Mr. Turtle after three months informed me "You have absolutely no musical talent whatsoever!"🎻I had a younger sister try to play the recorder? Thank you Mr. Turtle👍

in reply to Adlon57


You where happy not to play music?

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to

Listen and appreciate music yes! Play I've always known 🥴😆

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to Adlon57

Mr Turtle - what a wonderful name !

Zhangliqun profile image

Guitar and bass for 45 years. You'll never regret it.....

...if you have...the love.

Do you have....

....the love...?

Blue quilt LP
in reply to Zhangliqun

You must be really good at it then, have you made any music of your own?

Zhangliqun profile image
Zhangliqun in reply to

Some but nothing online.

kenster1 profile image

quite good at banging on tables in frustration that`s about it.

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to kenster1


MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to kenster1


Wish i could. Espessially acoustic guitar. I tried to and it's so calming

Keep trying.

OtOFrance profile image

Hey There,

I dream playing any percussion (like drum), just because they make me feel happy and alive !

in reply to OtOFrance

Stop dreaming and make it real!

OtOFrance profile image
OtOFrance in reply to

The problem I face is the noise I am afraid I will do and the fact that I may disturb other peoples :-/

in reply to OtOFrance

They might enjoy it 😅

CindyKatherine profile image

Yes, I play the violin. My sight reading is okay but not yet at the classical pace. I have also started rehearsing the piano. I do not think I would want to go further than these two instruments.

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