Did you have a favourite subject at s... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Did you have a favourite subject at school?

139 Replies

And which one did you really hate?

139 Replies

I was similar, not into math but good at it and liked English...Art was my fave along with PE.

Arymretep profile image

English for me , didn’t like Maths👎

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to Arymretep

Same here. Hated Maths. But loved English- especially literature. I also loved music.

bowJim profile image

Interesting you ask this in a post - my wife and I were talking about this question recently.

Sadly my school days were a bit of a wash out, in so much I was trying to cope with the horendous atmosphere at home, the trauma.

Never understood the implications on my childhood life back then, my concentration was appauling, I was even sent for extra remidial studies as 'they' the school, I think back now did not know what to do with me, I am sure.

I enjoyed all the lessons where the teachers were nice, gave me the attention, support and guidance, I so desired - all a bit foggy in reality now, fighting in my head to survive the Fear, the constant Fear in my childhood home.

So, to your answer, liked woodwork, used to go sailing with the teacher too, liked French, teacher was quite sexy and kind, liked geography interesting, maths the teacher was einstein, so quick, intelligent and not the best to interact, liked some sport, Rugby, crosscounty.

After I left school, a different matter all together, started an apprenticeship, college one day a week as an electrical engineer, now I began to love it all, the maths now did not seem a problem, and finished with a couple of credits and a pass.

I have trained and changed careers a few times since, so anyone who is thinking early learning is tough and you are not achieving, don't dispair, if you want to do something, just keep trying you will make it, keep your focus, I know I am not the quickest or brightest spark in the box but I know what I wanted and just kept trying. Best wishes.

in reply to bowJim

I did better after I left school too, also about 10 years ago I retrained as a fitness instructor, so you are right and it's never to late. It just takes effort and dedication for a while.

bowJim profile image
bowJim in reply to

so nice to share these stories, and the feeling of better days, you are so right, It is never too late - hope we can inspire others on their journey.🙂

in reply to bowJim

It is nice, it helps us all to remember the good old days.

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to bowJim

I suffered from severe depression since the age of about 7 so schooldays for me were a washout as I couldn't concentrate or take much in.

All my school reports said I daydreamed too much. I since realised it wasn't daydreaming but dissociating. It took my mind to a grey cloudy place where I felt nothing, no pain or anything. Sometimes I felt wrapped in cotton which stifled real life. I was aware of a big heavy black stone around my neck dragging me down.

When I did express anger or distress I was just shouted down. My moods would swing wildly sometimes and when I was exuberant would be quite high. This was quickly shouted down as well so it was best to try and feel nothing. Survival mode.

bowJim profile image
bowJim in reply to hypercat54

There is sadness reflecting back now, there were all lot of misunderstandings of mental health, shouting at children seemed mainstream then, we were all wishing things were easier as a child, to now visualise the struggles these little people had, trying to make sense of of it all, our behaviour unknown to us why, the anger and distress the negative cycle, I agree with you, we survived, but as we know now the mind does not forget.

Not sure if you have the same thoughts, I kind of feel you become more resiliant to life, not meaning you feel necessary less vulnerable but more aware of how to handle yourself, how to deal with situations, learning coping strategies, - for me it took years to understand and learn how to handle the triggers, - much better thankfully these days, I have learnt how to take control of myself, small methods with big impact. best wishes.

bowJim profile image
bowJim in reply to hypercat54

Just read you post again, gosh you make me feel normal.🙂

101315 profile image
101315 in reply to hypercat54

A chapter in my biography

Roxylox profile image

I loved English. I thoroughly hated maths. Could never solve those complicated equations and theorems.

in reply to Roxylox

Did you enjoy writing and where you good at it?

Roxylox profile image
Roxylox in reply to

I got good marks in essay writing. Would have been good at vocab and structure, but l lacked imagination. Was and still am better on the factual, how about you. Do you write?

in reply to Roxylox

No, no imagination either, but i occasionally read a book.

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to Roxylox

To be honest I never saw the point of what they then called Modern Maths. Arithmetic yes, as I could understand the practical application.

Roxylox profile image
Roxylox in reply to MadBunny

I could understand the more practical stuff too

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to Roxylox

I was never any good at it though 🤗

Blueruth profile image

I like learning so hard to choose. I loved art classes. Silver smithing was my favorite. Spent all day in the darkroom. Physics was engaging.

Chemistry was the one I absolutely hated.

in reply to Blueruth

Silver Smithing sounds good.I did a lot of photography in high school, dark room was great fun and interesting.

Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to

Photography was my major. I didn’t know it but my grandfather was a portrait photographer.

in reply to Blueruth

Thats great... did you do it for a living?

Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to

Never. I took a corporate admin job which led to engineering which I learned uses similar skills as film photography and pays a lot more plus paid travel. I’ve done almost all kinds in the years since though.

in reply to Blueruth

Paid travel?

Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to

Travel for work.

in reply to Blueruth

Oh right, a nice perk.

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to Blueruth

Wow. Sounds like you had some fantastic art classes. All we had was painting and drawing. Which I was no good at. I loved needlework though , and it's still one of my big hobbies.

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Blueruth

Silver Smithing? As in working with silver to create?

Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to Isinatra


Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Blueruth

And it was taught in your school. That was wonderful. I can see the connection with your enjoyment of art history.

Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to Isinatra

I was very lucky. Kind of a tease because I certainly couldn’t afford it after high school.

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Blueruth

I can understand that. That’s a downside of doing something you’re passionate about. Historically, unless a person was wealthy, they had to get sponsors to create their art. That can be ok, but when you have to crank your art out to make a living, inspiration can wane.

Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to Isinatra

“Can wane” totally right. The best thing about my art degree is it made me a more creative and critical thinker in my work. That’s actually a really good skill to have in any job. I’m kind of a fan of the liberal arts degree.

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Blueruth

I agree…definitely a good skill.

Isinatra profile image

Ancient History was my favorite. It was only offered for one year and nowhere enough time needed to absorb all that information. Luckily, schools aren’t the only places to get it. Phys Ed was the bummer for me. In junior high and college we had to run through sand in 95 degree heat. Abuse. In high school, the teacher thought she was a professional football coach. Abuse. Lol

in reply to Isinatra

Some teachers where crazy lolI like history now, really enjoy it actually.

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to

Oh, yes…there are a lot of subjects I took in school that I considered boring, but for sometime now, I’ve had a completely different view toward them.

in reply to Isinatra

Same here, maybe being a bit more mature has helped. 😀

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to

😂 yes, maturity had everything to do with it. I was too concerned if my hair was straight enough.

in reply to Isinatra


Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Isinatra

Lol.... love it! I needed to be focus on panty lines.


Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Dolphin14

🚫 they don’t have a place in my world.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Isinatra

100% agree. Out with the lines!

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Dolphin14

I think the Kardashians have a fix for that. I love the Kardashians. 😇

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Isinatra

They have a fix for everything don't they?

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Dolphin14

Yes, Dahling….Mary Kay was close, but the Kardashians were 31-lengths ahead. I love the Kardashians 😇

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Isinatra

You do seem to love these Kardashians. Do tell.... lip fillers? Cheek fillers of any kind??

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Dolphin14

I can’t talk right now. My face is too swollen.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Isinatra

Hahaha.., ya I have duck lips. Drinking my coffee with a straw this am.

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Dolphin14

That’s probably taught in school these days….how to use a straw after the fact.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Isinatra

They give you a goody bag when you leave. Straws and lip gloss

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Dolphin14

Sweet. You probably paid through the straw for it, anyway.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Isinatra

Hahaha..... certainly. If you want the ducks it's multiple syringes. So here we can go back to the topic of the original post.

Math...... $600.00 x 's the size 👄 = how many straws?

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Dolphin14

I didn’t do well with Math. Can’t get an answer cuz we need to know the size of the mouth and the circumference of the straw. We could go with the average sizes, but it wouldn’t be accurate and we all know, mathematics is all about accuracy. But since this is a hypothetical question, I’d say the answer is “a truckload”.

Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to Isinatra

I liked art history. I hated PE in middle school. I was always picked last. but in high school we went skiing from 1-4, hiking/camping so that was much better.

I tried softball for the company team and hated that too. Golf was cool though. If you can afford it!

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Blueruth

Atleast you were picked. 🤭 You were in the north…skiing, hiking, I like that. Half my time was spent in the south. They could have offered us surfing….

Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to Isinatra

Or outdoor volleyball. That would be useful for finding a date. So many alternatives.

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Blueruth

You mean watching guys play volleyball or watching guys who watched volleyball to get a date? The guys at my school in the south weren’t interesting to watch. But the guys in the north……mama mia. Italian stallions.

Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to Isinatra

Play on the same team! So my opportunity to flirt 😂

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Blueruth

Oh, clever girl!

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to Isinatra

I'd forgotten about PE😱😱😱 Days of playing hockey in the cold and wet wearing just a little shirt and skirt . And the teachers always seemed so horrible.

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to MadBunny

I guess they thought it would toughen us up,not scar us for life.lol

I loved art and and hated IT because always something was bugging my computer to bully me and the teacher was terrible and the IT room was in the basement. As younger i liked art, as older english and literature. When i got older art class was turning into a chaos. When i was little my english wasn't good and we didn't have literature in English, only in bulgarian but then i still didn't have opportunities to write outside the line

in reply to Against_the_current

Do you do any art now?

Against_the_current profile image
Against_the_current in reply to

Unfortunately i don't study it anymore but it calms me so much. Some coloring and painting but don't have matherials

in reply to Against_the_current

I watch people drawing on YouTube and it's very relaxing, give it a try.

Against_the_current profile image
Against_the_current in reply to


Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to Against_the_current

Now that you know English and aren’t relying on teachers which interests you more?

Against_the_current profile image
Against_the_current in reply to Blueruth

I love both. I love writing espessially in English, just somethimes the two languages get messed up in my head and it get... Funny. Yesterday i couldn't remember a Word in bulgarian so i said it in English but my prouncination is worse than my writing and ppl heard something that was really uncomfortable

Hb2003 profile image

I liked art and theater production class but hated math with a passion 😖

in reply to Hb2003

Can you draw/paint?

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to

I am learning how to on youtube or trying to at least 😊 . I can trace things but painting maybe like a 5 year old ?’🤣🤣 i love painting flowers they are so fun to paint

in reply to Hb2003

Youtube is good for learning and i bet you paint better than you think 😀

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to

your right about that ☺️

I loved science and hated music - now although I don't have musical ear enjoy radio and mtv etc I didn't mind cookery classes either Victoria sponge cake

in reply to

Do you enjoy cooking now?

in reply to

Yes but working so it is usually something quick and easy these days

in reply to

Pot noodle? 😉

hypercat54 profile image

l hated all school but liked English and History. I hated maths the most as I never could grasp it.

in reply to hypercat54

I hated junior high, worst days of my life...Teachers where nutters.

metalminded profile image
metalminded in reply to hypercat54

Same here. History was my favorite and still is. I was terrible at math like you, it just didn’t make sense. Still doesn’t. 😢

Celtic274 profile image

I hated languages

in reply to Celtic274


MadBunny profile image

Loved English literature, Music and needlework. Hated Maths, physics and PE with a vengeance.

in reply to MadBunny

Do they even teach needlework in school these days?

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to

They did 10 yrs ago when I retired from teaching. It was called Textiles and part of 'Design and Technology' I don't know if they still do.

in reply to MadBunny

OK, I hope they do.

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to

I would think they probably do

Gillyflower18 profile image

Loved history hated math!

EndUser13 profile image

I loved art classes and Jr. ROTC in high school. Typically speaking I hated school though, I still feel the occasional need to boo at school buses 😁

in reply to EndUser13

School was awful! 😀

My favorite subjects were Music and Acting, English literature and History. I did all right at Math and Science, but it wasn’t very interesting to me. They keep trying to push math and science in the schools because those are well paying careers, but not everyone finds all of that so interesting!!! I did like Biology. Taking Chemistry I just felt like I was learning how to make bombs. Not my thing. I want to learn more about computers. Everything is so computerized now.

in reply to

And could you make a bomb? 😉

in reply to

Hahaha. I bet if I really wanted to I could, but no thank you!!! What really turned me off with Chemistry is the teacher I had did this crazy thing where she exploded a bunch of carbon. Plus in the Chemistry class you also had to know all of this advanced math to do the experiments and it wasn’t my thing and it gave me headaches. I didn’t do so well. Guess being a mad scientist isn’t my cup of tea.

in reply to

Best stick to being just mad then 😅😉

I found the sciences to be a bit boring....

in reply to

Biology was interesting. I might eventually go back to college and maybe I’ll take another course of that. Just dissecting the frog was rather creepy but I got through it.

in reply to

Biology was OK compared to the others, I didn't do the frog thing though, not sure I'd want either.

I might go back to school and do something in art.

jackiesj profile image

love the border collie.Ive seen one in action. spelling bee person..anxiety stopped me when my dad showed up....dot know why. froze. but love it. life is school...i love kids.

in reply to jackiesj

You where good at spelling then, cool!

WoollyOne profile image

I loved English and Chemistry. My English teacher was an inspiration to me. I hated Maths.

in reply to WoollyOne

In what way did they inspire you?

WoollyOne profile image

I had a tough childhood, poverty, neglect, alcohol dependant parents etc. I kept it all to myself and hid away but she saw ‘me’ she encouraged my love of English and to see some good in things. Many years later I saw her and she asked what I was doing, when I told her my job she said right away it wasn’t for me, I hadn’t even realised myself, she was the only person who saw the best in me and encouraged me to do the same. Absolutely amazing woman.

in reply to WoollyOne

That's brilliant to have someone like that.. 😊

Dolphin14 profile image

I loved English class. I love to read. Senior year I took a free reading class. Anything you wanted to read as many as you wanted to read. My favorite class of all.

Math, chemistry, etc 👎👎👎👎


in reply to Dolphin14

You still read a lot?

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to

Constantly :) :) I don't watch TV at all.

I still try and work with math.... I like 50% off or buy one get one free. Clearance with an extra 20% off is a little harder but I manage to work through it :)


in reply to Dolphin14

So what do you like to read?

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to

I will read anything I can get my hands on. I do like psychological thrillers... forensic stuff and profiling. I read quite a bit of non fiction.

A few books ago I read Steven King Billy Simmons... talk about a book I could not put down.

Right now I'm reading a true story about a serial killer in the 80's.

I like a book with substance that gets my brain going. I'm not a fan of " fluff " haha

in reply to Dolphin14

Do you prefer a proper paper book or have you converted to kindle?

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to

I said I would never put down the paper book. I love the smell of a book. Over the last year I have converted to the kindle. I have many things I dislike about it. But I was becoming a hoarder of books. I would load up on reading material. So my " to read" pile was out of control. I always donated the books after so on that end it wasn't a problem.

I'm now connected to a couple libraries with my kindle.

in reply to Dolphin14

I was the same with records and cds, was buying to much so now I stream most things instead.

PNIAuthor60 profile image

I loved English and hated Math

in reply to PNIAuthor60

What did you love about English?

PNIAuthor60 profile image
PNIAuthor60 in reply to

Well, first of all I like my English Teacher, Mrs. Burkholder, she encouraged me in my writing and I have never forgotten her encouragement. I like learning new words and spelling - I liked it when we had spelling contests. She told me good writers are good readers and so I came to love books and authors who wrote so well as to draw me into their books

I must also say that my math skills are improving due to an app on my phone called ELEVATE

in reply to PNIAuthor60

So you are improving your math, excellent.. My math used to be really good, could work everything out in my head within seconds, can't do it anymore.

Do you still write?

Qr83k_-Jd profile image

I loved English and I hated maths because I was useless at it scoring only 13% in the prelims resulting in my exclusion from the O level exam, which I was really relieved about. Now I regret that and wish I had paid more attention to the lectures. Strange how we tend to do that. 🤣🤣

in reply to Qr83k_-Jd

Isnt it, i did the same 😅

Qr83k_-Jd profile image

Yeh I think it's a bit weird to think back but it is good as well. Do you know, I still have a note that I sent to a friend in class in school and I still have my very last years timetable which tells which subject and the room in which I go too. Wierd or strange. Don't you think? Well I think it is kind of nice to have things to look back on.

in reply to Qr83k_-Jd

I still have some books I used in junior high.. Not sure if that's strange, maybe it is..

Qr83k_-Jd profile image
Qr83k_-Jd in reply to

No it is not strange at all. I think it's great you kept them so that you will always look at them and they are great to look back on. They bring back some lovely memories for you.

in reply to Qr83k_-Jd

Well maybe there are worth keeping for that reason.

Qr83k_-Jd profile image
Qr83k_-Jd in reply to

yeh I think so.

in reply to Qr83k_-Jd

They are indeed.

designguy profile image

I loved silversmithing and lapidary class in high school even ended up being the teachers assistant. Didn't do well in math and hated gym class. Also did well in drafting and was planning on going to college to be an architect. Through a series of adventures I wound up apprenticing to be an architectural illustrator and did that for awhile and then got interested in graphic design and even had my own firm for over twenty years. Also found i was actually good at math when it came to the practical applications of it - LOL. I've also been fortunate to design two of the houses we've lived in so I got to be an architect after all. Also got interested in doing ceramics and ended up doing a number of fine art/craft shows and was in a number of galleries at one time. Covid interrupted it but i'm getting started again.

in reply to designguy

You seem to have had a very busy life..

designguy profile image
designguy in reply to

Thanks, still having fun.

Daddysgirl1982 profile image

I loved English. I found science really really boring. I found it that boring in fact I fell asleep during in either a single or double science lesson and I didn't even know I had until I felt my best friend nudging me. Thankfully, we had our backs to the rest of the room (it was the only desk left in class room, which was right at the back and facing the window) so our tutor (that's what high school teachers are called in in Warrington. We also called college lecturers tutors too as it's easier for people to say when they're talking about a certain tutor.

in reply to Daddysgirl1982

We called then tutors in tech.

Sleeping in class, if you had of been caught would you have got detention?

Daddysgirl1982 profile image
Daddysgirl1982 in reply to

I honestly couldn't tell you as I don't think anyone ever did.I only think I did as I didn't get much sleep the night before as at the time I think that myself, my 2 sisters and our brother were still living with both our mum and late dad (our dad passed away aged just 63 years old due to terminal lung cancer due to smoking just over 3 and a half years ago.

I started high school a few days before the second anniversary of our late nanna (our late dad's late mum) passing away.

in reply to Daddysgirl1982

My mother died of cancer in 1980 when I was 10, my father died 12 years ago because of smoking. Hopefully ciggies will be banned some day.

I hated school but there where some good friends at it.

Daddysgirl1982 profile image
Daddysgirl1982 in reply to

I'm still best friends with my best friend from primary school.

Me, my 2 sisters, our brother, 2 of our cousins and my best friend were bullied right through primary school and high school.

I was in my 1st year in college and I was talking to two of my male friends, who are both taller than me, in a corridor and some silly lil school girl thought she (she was in the same year as my middle sis and our female cousin) could bully me (I have no idea still to this day how she didn't see my two male friends who I was talking to), but unfortunately for her, my 2 males friends walked around me on both sides (one walked to left the other to my right) and stood in front of me (I'd turned around when the silly lil school girl had spoken to me). When the girl and her friend saw my 2 friends stood in front of me, they took 1 look at my friends and walked off in the opposite direction to where me n my 2 friends were stood.

in reply to Daddysgirl1982

Its great when bullies get sorted, we had them in our school, i always stood up to them, the teachers could be just as bad.

Daddysgirl1982 profile image
Daddysgirl1982 in reply to

one bully in my fiancé's old special school (he has dyslexia) learned the hard way not to rile my fiance.

in reply to Daddysgirl1982

Thats how they should learn .....

Daddysgirl1982 profile image
Daddysgirl1982 in reply to


I’m the odd one here but I LOVED math 😂. My whole family is good at math, even my brother who spells like a 6 year old 😆. My worst was art… Only subject I ever failed, I can barely draw a stick man.

in reply to AnxiousCanadianChic

There is always one 😂

Daddysgirl1982 profile image
Daddysgirl1982 in reply to AnxiousCanadianChic

I loved maths until I was in year 9 as that's s when it got too difficult for me and my best friend as we had help in maths, along with a few others who were struggling with maths too.The only thing I liked about my last 2 years in high school was the fact that we were allowed to pick either 2 or 3 lessons that we wanted to do as part of our GCSEs. I did home economics and IT (computers in English). My best friend did Geography (another lesson I hated) and home economics. On the day I did IT my best friend did geography. We came up with funny names for the lessons as well as geography was "jogging" and IT was "it". It was the only way to cheer ourselves up as I think they were the only two lessons we did differently.

I couldn't stand English class, high school or college. I absolutely refused to read any of the assignments, year after year. It was the "discussions" that drove me crazy. Picking stories apart, the correct answer for the correct grade. Drove me crazy. 👿

Gotta admit though, the required reading did lead me to a few terrific books. I read those on my own dime, and let the academic chatter leave my mind. The best of the lot:

"August Heat"; "They Grind Exceedingly Small", "A Rose for Emily"

The Lord of the Flies; To Kill a Mockingbird

So what did I like? I went absolutely crazy for high school Plane Geometry. Thought I'd died and gone to heaven. Sigh. So this is the way things should work. 😇

That teacher deserved sainthood: "The symbols I am going to teach you are arbitrary. They exist as a means to facilitate communication." WOW!

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