what if thoughts: I can’t get them out... - Anxiety and Depre...

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what if thoughts

Adamj profile image
19 Replies

I can’t get them out of my head no matter what I try. It now keeps playing in my head what if it’s a tumor somewhere that keeps releasing chemicals to make me feel bad because I seen an article somewhere about someone having that issue. I try and tell myself that they didn’t find anything in my brain or spine.

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Adamj profile image
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19 Replies
Agora1 profile image

Adam, I've been there like you. The "what ifs" can end up controlling your life withAnticipational Anxiety. Once the physical findings are found as negative, we have to

let go or we keep spinning in a cycle of doubt.

Remember when you read about someone who experiences symptoms like you do,

it is not you. Your doctors have assured you. Remember we have choices in life...

to continue to believe our negative thoughts or to embrace the good news that the

doctors found nothing.

As difficult as this may be, please don't allow anxiety to do this to you. You owe yourself

more than that. I wasted so many years thinking that something was missed by my doctors.

Years that I can never get back. You are young and have a life ahead of you, one moment

at a time. Live in the Present and Embrace each day with Gratitude... I care :) xx

Adamj profile image
Adamj in reply to Agora1

I just wish I could figure out how to do it right I’m so overwhelmed my body is so sensitive to everything I can’t seem to get myself down and off edge no matter what it’s stuck

Hi Adam,Since you say "no matter what I try", can I ask what you've tried?

Adamj profile image
Adamj in reply to

Tried changing my thoughts tried distracting myself tried changing the what ifs around

in reply to Adamj

Thanks for telling us what you've tried, Adam. I do know what you mean by not being able to get out of your head no matter what. It is a hellish prison, isn't it? It's good to hear what you've tried. Now that we know, maybe we can put our heads together and come up with things you haven't tried.I really like the others' suggestions.

I wrote a post awhile back on how to control our ruminating thoughts. I don't remember how to copy and paste it into here (meaning that I did know at one point), so go to my profile and, under posts, scroll down to the one about tips on controlling ruminating thoughts/overthinking.

b1b1b1 profile image

Adam -As Agora and Snowdayze say, it is most unlikely that you have a tumor. First, it would be very unlikely because of your age, and second the physical feelings you have are not tumor symptoms. I am not a doctor, but to go from your physical feelings to a tumor at your age is just very very remote. I don't know where you heard things about a tumor, but force yourself to keep away from Google and from medical news in general.

If you can, go and take a walk. It might help you to walk a tiny bit farther each day and to keep track of how far you are walking. Watching the distance slowly lengthen will give you a feeling of accomplishment. x

Adamj profile image
Adamj in reply to b1b1b1

Thank you, I’m working on walking further and riding the bike longer I just don’t get that good endorphin rush anymore after doing activity anymore it’s frustrating.

b1b1b1 profile image
b1b1b1 in reply to Adamj

It will come. Give it time.

Celtic274 profile image

Hi Adam life can be difficult the way you live it will shape your life ! You have what sounds like health anxiety which with help you can manage with help ! I've had health anxiety as well as depression but with help both professional help and the help of a circle of friends both on here and otherwise just take the time and things will improve for you too ! Take care Adam all the best david

Adamj profile image
Adamj in reply to Celtic274

Thank you. Yeah I guess thinking back on it when I had covid back in February I was doing fine up until I found out it was covid then my body freaked out and it’s been a spiral since with stressors and life and depression then was told I could have this bad brain thing went to the neurosurgeon and they were like you are okay your brain and spine look great. It’s just frustrating having symptoms that keep coming and going

Balloffur2468 profile image

I agree. I always think I have a new illness. You are okay.

Adamj profile image

Yes it is a bully a big bully at that. And on top of the anxiety there’s also depression and I can’t think straight at all anymore I try and flip the thoughts but my brain just always seems to be stuck

Dardiz1 profile image

Adam u r young just got similar problem about all the What If’s? Been finding out that is the definition of anxiety wanting to know and control the future . Learn and use coping skills as exercise, tapping , mindfulness meditation , bible if so inclined . Even a adult coloring book .Some or all have tried and been successful until it comes back again . I am still looking for the permanent cure . Also the outside activities walking biking etc Good Luck to you and reaching out is a great idea

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply to Dardiz1

You can expect it to come back again, Dardiz1. These therapies are not quick fixes; they're more a way of life.

Dardiz1 profile image
Dardiz1 in reply to MaggieSylvie

Agreed 100% tried to be optimistic !

Meplus-3 profile image

The “What if’s” were so bad and extreme for me when I was in my early 20’s. Turns out that it was OCD…escitalopram worked for me to make the ruminations stop.

in reply to Meplus-3

Same; I took the lexapro until my doc switched me to cymbalta to address both the thoughts and the new migraines. It's a world of positive difference with the right med.

MaggieSylvie profile image

Glass half full, Adam. It seems that your self-talk includes lots of negatives, particularly the word "can't", which are affecting your state of mind. Words are actually very powerful things (think advertising). You might think How can anything change just by changing words, without the feelings also being changed?" Well, it's just changing a habit - the first step. Change your words; change your thoughts - change your feelings.

You can think straight, even though you say you can't (where's the evidence?) because you manage to think straight when you write on here. Let's get positive - so what can you do? I could tell you what you can do but it needs to come from you. Start by considering how you can think straight and take it from there. What else can you do?

One other thing - you use the word try quite a lot. What does Yoda say about this? "Do or do not; there is no try". There's a lot in that.

Also, really take note of what your friends here say - Snowdayz on switching, for instance, gives another take on it.

Don't be frustrated; follow your instincts. I shall be watching you.

🧿🧿 👍

Sounds like classic OCD to me. The doubting disease. I was in this place in 2018, even having been through therapy for 8 years. That's when I realized I had to add medication. I'm not saying that you also should, but it's something you and your doctor might consider. One other suggestion is to answer the intrusive thoughts with "So?", or find some way to interject humor into the situation. Like, "If you're OCD and know it, wash your hands." For me, personally, I find that when you challenge the thoughts and recognize that it's the disease, not the reality, the thoughts lose power. That doesn't happen overnight, but with practice, you can at least recognize the thoughts and try to let them go. It's easier said than done, but you can do it. I hope this helps.

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