hey I haven’t posted in a while because I was trying some of your suggestions out. I’ve had some success with doing weekly yoga, cbt therapy weekly, and an adult dance class once per week. I’ve tried to deep breathe when I feel dizzy/neausea/panicked.—it helps sometimes. BUT not always. It’s a learning process, I’m trying to remain calmer and give the breathing a chance to work. I am still dealing with the how to let go of control. Any ideas? Also, when I feel stress the next day it feels like I have a stress hangover. Any ideas how to combat that hangover feeling? I don’t take medication but am taking b complex vitamin, vitamin d. Both help me alittle I think. I hope you all are finding a bit of relief 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️
check in with you all-: hey I haven’t... - Anxiety and Depre...
check in with you all-

That’s really fantastic! You have discovered it is a journey and you know what you want to do next. I don’t have advice on letting go because it is so dependent on your situation. It might be helpful to talk it through with a professional. Maybe there is some baggage. But you are on the right track!
Hello .I am glad things are improving for you . I hope you feel proud of what you have achieved . I am not sure I understand , what do you mean by trying to let go of control ?
I am not sure what you have tried so far in regards to stress hangover . But I find doing things that I find calming helps , going outside for walks or listing to music . I try to remember to plan time out for myself . So If I have something I know it's going to be stressful or a busy schedule I make sure I give myself time to recover . .🐼
Hey There! Thank you. Trying to let go of the things that are outside of my control like other people reactions. my desire to extreme plan…. trying to take day by day and not think too far into the future to things that are outside my control.
So I also have this issue and recently spoke to my therapist about it. Not having control gives me a lot of anxiety. What has helped me is writing down everything that I think in my head very fast without second guessing it. I don’t give myself time to edit my answers. Then I start asking myself questions and answer them. The point is to let there be flow and to release your deep inner thoughts. I have done it for years and I love it. I need to start doing it again.
Breathing is a good first step. To calm yourself down after a rough day, listen to some music ( like Jewel) or take a hot bath, it really helps. It also might help you sleep, which would lessen those anxiety rebounds. You should go through all the bad people/ bad experiences in your past and let them go ( at least emotionally), like they say forgive and forget. About control, at least for me, anxiety is about having no control, so I'd say the most important thing is don't let others and their thoughts drive for you. What you want is to be in control but not to have to worry/think about it. To be in control you have to feel good enough and confident enough and free enough that you and only you are the one in charge of your life. I think you're on the right path though, because it sounds like you have activities, and that can help you find confidence and strength in yourself.
Thanks for sharing. So glad you are trying the things that are going to make you healthier. Letting go of the stress is a tough one. What has really helped me is a variety of forms of visualization as I watch the stress float out of my brain. One is putting whatever is stressing me on a imaginary bubble or cloud and watch it float away. Another is writing my concerns on a piece of paper - taking it out of my brain. Then I have thrown the paper away which is a great way to let go of those concerns. I also have a journal called Let it Go and Let God. The final way, is I put those stresses on paper and then on an imaginary alter to God and I hand those concerns to God. By putting them on the alter, it is an example of releases those stresses to God. It brings me such peace, so does listening to praise music as I do this. One of my favorite songs is God Will Make a Way. I will be praying for you and if you ever need someone to chat with please feel free to pm me. I have been through those anxiety/stress hangovers but have recently felt like doing the above mental exercises truly has helped me. Hugs and God Bless
How are you doing this week? I have been praying for you. Hugs
Thanks for thinking of me. I’m doing ok. Kids start back to school next week so all the jitters are arriving!
Will be praying for you as the kids start school. Try to distract the unhealthy thoughts about them going back to school, with ones that bring you comfort and peace. Also, this is the time to take care of you. I will continue to be praying for you and if you ever want to chat feel free to pm me. Hugs
Try progressive muscle relaxation. There are videos on YouTube (I do the nhs female voice one), I find it helps to relax me. I do it before bed especially after a hard day or before one.