Was checking my email and saw an email for planet tickets reservation for Slovakia. It was with my name and the name of some dude with my surname. I paniced. I thought maybe some coisin wants to drag me somewhere, maybe my dad wanted him to drag me there to get out of my comfort zone or work, maybe my stepmother who just got my surname had some terrible idea of me. And the other name was same as the name of a stalker i had at school and i was like "he went insane, got my surname and reserved tickets". I paniced and called dad, no response, then texted dad and he said he doesn't know a person with such name. So i was relieved dad wasn't sending me anywhere and i won't go anywhere. I told him i'm anxious and checked my credit card. Then he said it's a scam and i should get all my credit card net in real money. Which is even more insane. I can get robbed, lose them, spend them. Also everything is digital so i better have my card. I feel anxious that he might think i have enough and won't give me for living and those are my saving in case mom goes insane and i have to adopt sis or in case he stops giving me or in the best scenario for opening my bussiness when i graduate. It's few but been saving every cent of my schoolarships since i was 15 in case something happens. He didn't even understand i was anxious and he just made me worse cause i can't just cancel my card and carry a vault and a gun. Espessially that i have an horde of roommates i can't keep cash. Something about us bulgarians - we're paranoid about our funds while they're litterary 4 times less American. For an American my savings are cents and nothing to worry about but since i'm disabled from anxiety (and not getting it official nor any credit cz bulgarian politics on mental health) i can't work and therefore i can die like a dog under a bridge If i just insult dad which i'm always close to. Litterary feels like my life hanging on a tread.
An email freaked me out. Can be mista... - Anxiety and Depre...
An email freaked me out. Can be mistake, can be scam, thought worse - someone i don't know surprising me or something

I confess I am lost. But an email that is promising or asking for something is a scam. They send billions a minute. It isn’t worth more than a click on delete thought.
Yeah, I just reported it for scam
Even that is too much effort. Just delete. They are pretty helpless to do anything. Or laugh…. I got one yesterday telling me my service for something I didn’t even have would be cut off on the 21st if I didn’t pay. 🤷🏻♀️ You should see some of the texts I get too. “Walmart” wanted to give me $50 if I click their link.
Yes I agree with Blueruth, they are just fishing [there is some technical phrase for it now?] to try to get ANY sort of personal details out of you! Sometimes a basic spelling error spills the beans? Just delete, long intake of air, and forget about them WHEW!
That's the one, even officially technologically recognised name for those so and so's! That's progress for you🥴👍
I would try not to worry as the world is filled with spam, scam, fraud, trolling, and so on. I....probably once every two months....get a weird e-mail at work saying a company I've used for loans is suing me for some dumb sum of money (like $678.99). The problem is, I know for a fact I have either satisfied the loan (which is never for the amount they ask for) or never taken it. Here's a key place to look....the domain of where the email is sent from. No kidding, in the "being sued or else" e-mails, it had something johnsmithlawyer@google.com. John Smith the Lawyer....no lawyer would have such an e-mail to conduct those business messages. Even their process of proceeding to collecting from me was all wrong.
If you have credit cards, most should have a feature to protect you from fraud and scams. Look into those....some are aware as to whether your information is on the dark web. If someone got a hold of your credit card and legit bought plane tickets....you will be able to recover that as you are a victim of identity theft. These can be very provoking moments and hard on anxiety. But you've checked out the story. There are people involved who shouldn't be involved in any sort of trip with you....who shouldn't have your credit information. I would maybe save the message as necessary, check out where the emails are from, and just keep an eye on your cards for fraudulent charges. If nothing comes of it, which I hope and believe will be the case, it's just another scam where someone has a little information to try to solicit you for money and further information (phishing). Report their message as phishing/spam and allow yourself a little space to relax.
Best of luck and I hope this falls to the wayside.
Thanks. I reported it for phishing and looked If i have any info somewhere, i couldn't find to have so i can calm down. And lol John Smith the lawyer. Like let's get the most common name and write lawyer. In this logic someone can write "the president" on their email. It's like writing yourself a sick note and writing "John is sick and won't come to school. Sincerely, mom".
I agree with everyone else. It's a scam. If you don't click any links they don't get any information. Hope your anxiety is better.